Chapter 91

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Y/n's POV

We sat back and watched as the two teams started moving and getting into position for the fight. Vlad King was continuing his one sided commentary while Kirishima and Denki complained about it. Mr Aizawa told Denki and Kirishima to stop complaining about how Vlad was commentating on the fights so far. "What? Sir, this is a legitimate protest." Denki said. 

"Is this how you'll react if you're in a real fight?" Mr Aizawa asked. I giggled as I listened in on the brief argument that they were having before mr Aizawa admitted that Vlad was technically beating him as a teacher. Vlad King started laughing into the mic as he heard what mr Aizawa said. before Monoma walked over. "Not surprised these trouble makers can't hack it. Wanna know why? The real reason you get caught up in so many disasters is because you're immature." Monoma said, continuing to laugh. Kendo came over and knocked him out while Vlad looked back, confused as to what happened. Kacchan was acting like he normally would for class. He was flying ahead of the others while the others rushed to keep up with him. When Kacchan came to a stop, he had Jiro use her quirk to scout for Class B's team. I was confused since something seemed wrong with Jiro. She moved where her earphone jacks were still searching. "That's odd. Jiro's one of the better ones at scouting." I said.

"You're right. Even for her, it isn't hard to find people. So why'd she move her earphone jacks?" Mama asked.

"They probably overwhelmed Jiro's quirk with Tokage's quirk." Papa said. I thought about it before nodding in agreement with him. A mouth appeared next to Kacchan while he was sitting on the pipe he landed on when stopping before a bunch of pieces of Tokage's body started attacking Kacchan. It forced Kacchan to dodge while Sero set up a spider's web with his quirk on the ground, protecting him and the others. "That's not a good idea." I said.

"What do you mean? If class B wants to get close to them, they'll have to try to get through that web." Mama said.

"Keep watching mama." I said. The fight continued as Bondo used his quirk to cover all of Sero's tape in glue, turning the web on Sero and the others. Kacchan was still avoiding the attacks from Tokage's quirk as Kamakiri came flying towards them. He cut through the pipes and buildings, sending rubble down towards Sero, Jiro and Sato.

"This looks bad. They can't escape either." Mina said. Sato stepped up to protect everyone, but an explosion went off, blocking the rubble. Everyone looked stunned to see Kacchan protecting his teammates. Kamakiri went flying towards Jiro ready to take her down as Kacchan kicked her back, protecting her and counter attacking against Kamakiri. Kamakiri was sent flying back as Kacchan chased him. Jiro started searching for the Class B's team again while talking to them about something. "What? Something must be in my eyes. It looked like Bakugo protected Jiro just now." Monoma said. 

"Heck yeah he did, by kicking her." Denki said.

"You're getting to see what our Bakugo is really like, cool huh? Don't worry your eyes are fine." Kirishima said. Monoma let out a scream as he complained about Bakugo's personality changed. Kacchan took off racing towards where Bondo was running, as Kacchan chased Bondo Awase stepped out from hiding around the corner and welded Kacchan to the pipes where he was flying. Sero tried to capture Awase, but Awase dodged Sero's tape and dashed off getting around from them. Sato broke Kacchan free from the weld and chased Awase distracting him from Sero and Jiro who were right behind him. Kacchan left leaving Jiro and Sero to deal with Awase while he chased down Bondo. Bondotried to atack, but Kacchan just used his explosions to kncoking the glue away before lighting him up with explosions. Sato took down Bondo while Kacchan took off again heading towards Sero and Kamakiri. Kacchan used his X-catapult on Kamakiri before throwing him and knocking him out. "Wow, Bakugo is really trusting his teammates. Now he doesn't have to do everything alone." Mama said. Kacchan continued flying towards Tokage while Sero used his tape to hold down some of Tokage's body before using his grenade that he got from Kacchan to attack her as she returned a piece to herself. Kacchan was up in the air ready to take her down with a massive explosion. The match ended in less than five minutes with a score of 4 to 0 for class A. Mr Aizawa praised them for the fight and how they acted. 

Class B's team ended up disappointed before cheering each other up with some small praise. All Might even praised Kacchan for the fight that he put on. Papa wanted to tell Kacchan how amazing he was, but when papa stepped up to talk with him Kacchan yelled at him like normal. They were acting like rivals again each pushing the other forward. After that it was our team's turn to fight. I could hear Monoma and his team talking about the plan they had before I heard Yanagi mention that papa was spooky. I giggled as mama and Mina looked at me. "What's so funny?" Mama asked.

"Yanagi described papa as spooky." I said, trying to contain my laughter. They weren't talking about me yet, but something seemed off about their plan. We walked onto the field heading towards the jail we had. Mama, Mina, and Mineta were talking about our team compared to Class B's team before getting bummed out by what they said. "Not great." Mama said. 

"Now I'm bummed." Mina said.

"it's okay, I'm sure we'll be able to do what we need to win this fight." I said. Papa came over the jail cell we had using One for All. "I can act as the bait for a trap." Papa said.

"Hold on a second, didn't you say your quirk was acting weird?" Mina asked.

"Yeah, but I think it's good now. After watching that fourth match I think the other team will be on guard around me. They don't want a repeat Bakugo. I need to move more than usual." Papa said.

"You sure you'll be okay? We're all counting on you." Mineta asked. I was stunned that Mineta seemed to case about papa a lot. "Don't you worry. We can win this for sure." Papa said.

"Yeah!" The three of us girl's cheered.

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