Chapter 56

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A/n: This is an updated hero costume for the reader from @Ithinal so big shout out to them for updating the hero costume that they made before.

Y/n's POV

Four days passed and we were back in the Gamma Gym training on ultimate moves again. Ectoplasm had me studying to stay caught up with papa and the others, before I heard some break. I looked up to see a piece of debris falling from where Kacchan was training. "Look out!" Kacchan shouted. I got up and rushed towards where All Might was standing with mr Aizawa, hoping to get there before it hit All Might. Papa rushed in kicking the rock with his new shoes completely destroying the piece of cement. I sighed knowing that All Might was safe before Kirishima and Denki talked with papa about the adjustments that they made to their hero costumes.

I looked down at my hero costume looking at the adjustments that I made to its design. Denki offered to show papa what adjustment he made to his costume, but we were interrupted by Vlad King who came in saying that the Gamma Gym was reserved for Class B in the afternoon. Monoma brought up the fact that only 50 percent of the students who take the provisional license exam will pass and how our whole class could fail. Monoma started laughing while Denki asked Kendo if what Monoma was wearing was his hero costume. She explained that since his quirk was copy he didn't need anything else other then what he had. "Unfortunately his observations are correct. If we're taking the same exam then we'll crush each other. That's the hand fate dealt us." Tokoyami said. 

"And why we won't be in the same location. Our classes applied to different spots." Mr Aizawa said.

"There's two exam days one in June and one in September. The tests are held in three different places. We don't want students from the same places fighting. We split you up, each school has at most one class at the same location. "How sad we won't be able to face each other directly." Monoma said, beforeing laughing again. Everyone started talking about it before Ectoplasm stepped in front of me. "Before you leave let's finish the lesson we were on." He said. I nodded and headed back to the desk that Cementoss made for me. I continued working on the lesson before we finished and everyone in Class 1-A headed back to the dorms. Once the sun set me, mama and the other girls were sitting on the couches on the first floor. "Does it have to be this hard?" Mina complained.

"Well it's not called intensive training for nothing." Hagakure said. 

"That's true, but it's strange to think that there's only a week left before the exam." Momo said.

"Yeah, Momo how's your ultimate move coming?" Hagakure asked.

"There's something I really want to do, but my body just isn't ready for it yet. I need time to develope my quirk and improve my general endurance." Momo said. 

"How about you Tsu?" Hagakure asked, turning to Tsu. 

"I've prefected a move that makes me even more frog-like then before. I'm sure even you'd look surprised Toru." Tsu said.

"What's your story Ochaco?" Hagekure asked.

"Hey Ochaco." Tsu said, tapping mama's shoulder. Mama screamed before looking at Tsu with pink cheeks. "You seem a little tense." Tsu said.

"No it's nothing, everything's going awesome. I'm just getting started." Mama said. Everyone just stared at her. "Are you acting this way because of what happened to papa?" I asked. 

"Oh? What happened Y/n? Spill the beans." Mina said. I went to explain what happened, but mama rushed over and covered my mouth. "Nothing happened." Mama said. Everyone started asking about what was going on before mama ended up making herself float. Her face was bright red as she floated near the ceiling. "It's not good to force an investigation." Tsu said.

"Tsu's right, besides it's late. We should call it a night." Momo said.

"No! I want to hear everything. You can't just spring a hint of romance on us and expect us to go to sleep." Mina said. 

"What romance?" Mama asked, still floating. Mama looked out one of the windows before I walked over and saw papa training outside. "Does mama really like papa?" I asked, looking up at her. 

"No, that's not it." Mama said. I giggled knowing it was. A week finally passed and we made our way to the testing site. Mineta was freaking out wondering if he'd be able to get his license. "Mineta, don't ask if you can. Say that you will." Mr Aizawa said. 

"Right! Sure I've so got this." Mineta said. 

"If you can pass this test and get your lisences then you noice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros, I expect your best." Mr Aizawa said. Kirishima wanted us to call out Plus Ultra, but a different person stepped up behind him and joined in the call. Everyone started talking about what school he was from, but I just watched as the guy started bleeding. I opened my hero costume case and grabbed some bandages. "Here you go." I said, walking over to him. I held the bandages out waiting for him to take the bandages. "Thank you so much." He said taking the bandages. He tried to put them on by himself before I waved for him to crouch down. Once he crouched down I put the bandages on his head before he put his hat back on. "Thank you." He said again, walking off with the rest of his class.

"Um Y/n, why do you have bandages in your hero costume case?" Mama asked.

"They're for Midoriya right?" Mr Aizawa asked. I nodded and showed I had almost an entire first aid kit in it. "You really hurt yourself that much Deku?" Mama asked. Papa just rubbed the back of his head before nodding. Another pro hero walked up asking for Aizawa to marry her before I recognized her. "You're Miss Joke." I said. She nodded before papa started going on about her quirk. We eventually went inside and they explained how the first stage of the exam would work. Once we were prepared for the exam we walked into the field and papa explained how the exam was going to work. We stayed in a group, but Kacchan, Kirishima, and Shoto broke off doing their own thing. I used my small fox form to sneak away from the group holding a ball in my mouth and the buttons on my back. I watched as the group ran off after Kacchan and Kirishima. I found my way into the city area sneaking around. It almost seemed empty in the area, but I could hear someone talking near the front of one building. I peeked around the corner seeing a couple students standing there and strategizing. I rushed over and tapped two buttons on each of them as they tried attacking me. I managed to get one out before growing to my giant fox form and pinning the last one on the ground. The ball dropped from my mouth and landed on the other students last button. "The first student has passed Y/n Midoriya has passed." Mera said. (A/n: He's the guy in charge of the exam if you forgot.)

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