Chapter 60

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Y/n's POV

I saw my name next to papa's and smiled. "I did it!" I cheered. Someone picked me up, and I looked to see papa holding me in the air. "We did it!" Papa cheered. Everyone started talking about how they passed the test. Everyone was glad before I looked at Shoto and Kacchan, who hadn't passed the exam. Papa looked at Shoto while setting me back on the ground. "Todoroki!" Yoarashi shouted. He walked over to Shoto before slamming his head into the ground, apologizing to Shoto for his part in not letting him pass the exam. "You're fine. I was the one who got us off to a bad start." Shoto said.

"But still." Yoarashi said.

"And thanks to the things you said to me, I have a lot to think about." Shoto said. It shocked Mina and Sero to hear that Shoto didn't pass the exam. Denki tried talking some sense into Kacchan, but that just made him angry. "Shut your mouth before I murder you." Kacchan said. Mineta started talking about how the class' power structure was coming apart while resting a hand on Shoto's shoulder. Ida grabbed Mineta before pulling him off Shoto. "I can't believe this." Papa said. 

"So next we'll give you the printouts of your results. They include the breakdown of your scores so you know exactly where you need to improve." Mera said. When I got mine I looked at it and got a perfect 100. "Papa! I got 100!" I shouted. Everyone turned and looked at me. "Ah yes, that was Y/n Midoriya shouting correct?" Mera asked. I looked at him nervous about shouting. "The members of our staff and the H.U.C members you saved would like to thank you for showing us that even the youngest hero amongst us is capable of a perfect score." Mera said. I heard a growl from Kacchan as he stared at me. Mera explained what was going on and how passing gave us the same authority of pro heroes. He even went on to explain that the people who failed could still get their license by taking a special course. Papa, Ida and I all said that we'd support Shoto while he took the special course.

After everything was finished we grabbed our backpacks and headed to the buses. Papa was stopped in the middle of the walkway looking at his provisional license and tears in his eyes. "Deku are you crying?" Mama asked, stopping near us. 

"Yeah, well you know this is a lot. So many people helped me get to this point and some of them went through a lot of trouble to do so. Meaning... How do I put this? It's like this if proof I've matured and gotten stronger and it makes me so happy." Papa said. He pulled out his phone and took pictures of his and mine sending them to grandma and All Might. I ended up dozy off a little and leaned against him while he stood there. "Come on sweetie, let's get you on the bus then you can sleep." Mama said. She stood me up and led me to the bus before sitting me down next to the window. She sat down next to me before I leaned against her and fell asleep.

Uraraka's POV

Y/n quickly fell asleep against me while I just sat there and gently pet her head. "I'm sorry you had to led her to the bus, I should've done that." Deku said. 

"It's okay. She's exhausted after pushing herself through that exam." I said. He nodded and sat on the seat in front of us. On the way back to UA everyone was talking about the exam and how Y/n managed to get a perfect score even though she's less than half our age. When we got to UA I carried her inside while Deku managed to carry our bags inside. I took Y/n to her room and laid her down before covering her with her blanket. I went to get up from her bed before feeling her hand grip mine. I looked at her and saw that her eyes were open. "I'm just going downstairs to talk with everyone, but I'll come back and sleep here or you can come to my room with me." I said. She nodded and closed her eyes before I left her room. I went downstairs and talked with everyone before we had to go to bed. Before I went to my room I stopped by Y/n's room and invited her to mine which she wanted. I carried her there and laid her down next to me before I fell asleep. 

The next morning when I woke up Y/n was snuggled as close as possible to me. I hugged her before gently waking her up. Once she was awake we got ready for school and headed down to the common room. When we got there Deku and Bakugo were doing chores before we found out that they fought and were under house arrest. "So did you guys make up after?" I asked, walking up to Deku. We went to the ceremony that UA was holding while.

Y/n's POV

Once we left for the ceremony I snuck away and headed back to the dorms. "Papa!" I shouted, running towards him. He looked at me before I tackled him and hugged him. "Y/n? What are you doing back here? You should be at the ceremony with the others." Papa said.

"But I wanna stay with you." I complained. Papa sighed and lifted me up. "Sweetie you need to be there. You can't be here with us." Papa said. 

"Why not?" I asked.

"Me and Kacchan are paying the price for the fight we had last night. Now I want you to promise that you'll be a good girl for mama." Papa said. I sighed and just nodded. "Promise?" Papa asked.

"I promise to be a good girl for mama." I said. Papa smiled at me and patted my head before leading me to the door. He opened the door for me before hugging me, kissing my forehead and giving me one last headpat before sending me off.

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