Chapter 96

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A/n: Thanks to @Rhyle_Steal for suggesting a new name for the ultimate move. The Flame armor will now be called Embers Protection as per their suggestion.

Y/n's POV

A few days later and what the media called a riot of twenty people rioted in Deika city and completely destroyed parts of it. The media said that there was more damage than Kamino while there were fewer casualties because it was less populated comparatively. Shoto and Kacchan were interviewed by some reporters after they managed to take down a few villains just after they got their provisional licenses. Nine days after the incident in Deika city and the interview with Kacchan and Shoto was published, we were back in school learning our normal classes. I was standing next to papa's desk watching the new report on the devastation in Deika city. "Did twenty people really cause that much destruction?" I asked, looking at the video.

"It's possible. Without knowing what the quirks that those people had, the destruction could've been much worse." Papa said. Ida came over and mentioned Kamino and the differences that the two situations had. People in the video were supporting the heroes and wanting them to work harder. Someone in the video commentated on the fact that people would normally condemn the heroes for not doing their job, but the people instead wanted to support the heroes. "Ever since that look boy was on TV, people have been seeing things differently," Mama said, coming over to us. She was talking about the boy who stood up for Endeavor while he fought that advanced Nomu. "He made everyone root for the new number one." Mina added. 

"Not so fast, kids. It may look like there's a renewed love of heroes, but think about why. The world's on fire and everyone's scared. Are people cheering for pros they have ample faith in? Or are they praying desperately we don't get our butts kicked?" Mt. Lady asked, walking into the classroom with Ms Midnight. Most of the guys seemed excited to see both of them in the room, which confused me a little. "Our job's been more about celebrity the past few years. Now the world wants to see actual heroes again." Mt. Lady continued.

"Woah, Mt. Lady?" Papa asked. Mineta was clinging to papa's tie and neck as he stared up at the front of the classroom. "Mt. Lady has dropped in as a guest instructor. She'll teach you how to deal with publicity and Midnight's here to assist her." Mr Aizawa said, showing up by the door with a sleeping bag on. 

"What publicity! I keep getting cut!" Kacchan complained.

"Maybe you'll do better after training." Kirishima said, supporting him.

"I'm excited to see her, but isn't she the most celebrity obsessed pro there is?" Mineta asked, as he pointed at Mt. Lady.

"Quiet shrimp." Mt. Lady said, smacking Mineta's hand. Mt. Lady pulled out a card that said Media on it, along with putting on a badge that looked like a reporter's badge. "Today's lesson is media 101 taught by an active pro and obscenely gorgeous commodity named me. The perfect person to show you how to behave as savvy heroes." Mt. Lady said.

"I have no idea what we're going to be doing, but let's do our best to go Plus Ultra!" Kirishima shouted, hyping everyone up. Everyone cheered excited to be doing whatever it was Mt. Lady had planned. Mt. Lady had us get into our hero costumes before heading outside for our lesson. "In today's class, you'll all be practicing Hero Interviews." Mt. Lady said, standing up on stage while a few people were taking pictures and Ms Midnight was getting some stairs set up for us. "Shoto my dear, you first." Mt. Lady said. Shoto said okay before walking up on stage. "My goodness you were amazing out there." Mt. Lady said, starting the fake interview.

"Wait. What are you talking about?" Shoto asked. 

"Pretend you just finished up a big mission, go." Mt. Lady whispered to SHoto.

"Right." Shoto answered.

"Tell us Shoto. What kind of hero would you like to be?" Mt. Lady asked, holding the mic out to Shoto.

"Well I guess, a hero who makes people feel safer." Shoto answered in a monotone voice. I could tell that he wasn't doing too well on stage and wasn't super great at acting. "Lovely. Problem is with a handsome boy like you showed up to save me, I'm afraid my heart would go into overdrive." Mt. Lady said.

"Oh? Do you have heart problems?" Shoto asked. I sighed and shook my head while looking at him. Mt. Lady seemed happy to see how Shoto was responding to her questions. "So what kind of ultimate moves are you working with?" Mt. Lady asked. Shoto hopped off stage before making a wall of ice on the field in front of him. "Heaven Piercing Ice Wall. I can use it in a wide area to stop villains plus it can be used as a platform. Additionally I'm working torefine a move called "Flash Freeze Heatwave." Shoto said. Jiro brought up that he used a different ultimate fire move in the Class Battles. Before he mentioned that that was his father's move. "The problem is I'm no where near his level." Shoto said. Papa looked up at him and smiled. Mt. Lady said that she wasn't there to discuss his family issues and recommending Shoto to smile more. She complimented him on if he smiled girls would drop dead. Once she finished saying that Shoto freaked out a little worried about why girls would die from his smile. Tokoyami asked if we should be showing off our moves when we're doing Hero Interviews. "Sweet baby first years. It's not everyone knows who you are. Your ultimate moves are like your personal calling cards. People won't forget you if you show off your assets, they're also great when you work with other heroes and as ways to frighten off villains too. Those moves help people learn to trust you with their lives. We don't yell out the names of our attacks just because it sounds cool." Mt. Lady said.

"I'm pretty sure until recently she didn't think about anything except how she looked on camera." Mineta said. We continued with the interviews making her way through the class as she commented on what she thought about everyone's interviews. Kacchan went up and he clearly wasn't ready to do an interview since he wouldn't say anything or introduce himself in a decent way for the interview. Shoto stepped up and apologized that he was in the interview with Kacchan about the group of villains they took down. After Kacchan was done being question which went by fast papa was up next. He got on stage before freezing up and clearly nervous. "Deku, yes? What a treat. I saw you in action." Mt Lady said.

"I'm so glad." Papa said, nervously. 

"I'm sure we'd all love to know what was going through your head." Mt Lady said. Papa was so nervous that Kirishima asked when papa learned to use Kirishima's quirk. "He's just so nervous. Now that I think about it he probably hasn't done anything like this before." Tsu said. 

"Many viewers noticed that your moves seem to be based on All Might's patented combat. Do you admire him?" Mt Lady asked. 

"Yes!" Papa shouted. Mama walked over and crouched down next to me. "Y/n I think Deku needs some help, would you mind?" Mama asked. I shook my head before changing into my small fox form and running on stage before jumping at him. "Trix!" Papa shouted, clearly shocked I was there.

"Oh my it seems someone has decided to join the interview. Now who might you be?" Mt Lady asked. I transformed back into my human form and looked at her with a bright smile. "I'm Trix, the kitsune hero." I said. 

"Oh we've heard about you. You're the youngest member of UA's Hero program. There's quite some controversy over letting someone so young into such a program. How are you dealing with the stress of the classes and being a hero?" Mt Lady asked. 

"Each of my classmates have helped me learn to deal with the stress in different ways." I said.

"Do you have any ultimate moves?" Mt Lady asked.

"Yeah, I have a couple, but the one that I use the most is called 'Embers Protection.'" I said.

"Oh can we see it?" Mt Lady asked. I nodded and used it as my body was wrapped in f/c flames. "Oh my, that's quite the ultimate move. I can even feel the heat from those flames." Mt Lady said. Papa finally stood back up and we finished out our little interview with papa finally not overly nervous and showing off the small amount of Black Whip that papa had mastered.

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