Chapter 7

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A/n: This design for a hero costume for the reader was made by @19dkline. They took inspiration from Dragon Ball Z when Gohan becomes Great Saiyaman. I've got a couple other people designing costumes as well and I will post them with the next few chapters when I get them. Thank you artists.

Y/n's POV

Mama and I were sneaking into the room where I smelled Ida. We heard Ida talking to himself about being a villain. Mama touched my back, letting me float to the roof. I quietly made my way to the weapon. Once Ida finished talking to himself, mama laughed about what he was saying. "So there you are, Uraraka, you've come to stop me from carrying out my villainous plan." Ida said. Mama stepped out from behind a pillar to face Ida. The building shook because of the explosions that were happening because of papa and Kacchan's fight. "What is Bakugo doing?" Ida asked. Mama looked at me nodding before papa said something over the radio. "Get to the corner of the building, Uraraka." Papa said. I stayed where I was before seeing a hole appear in the floor near mama. She used a pillar to hit the rocks that flew up from the hole at Ida, who blocked them with his arms. She released me from her quirk, letting me drop onto the weapon. "The hero team wins!" All Might cheered. I jumped off the weapon and to the floor, changing back to myself, running over to mama to give her a hug.

We walked down the stairs, heading to the ground floor. We walked past some robots who were carrying papa on a board. "Papa?" I asked, reaching for him. All Might stepped between me and papa. "I'm sorry, young Y/n, but you can't go with him for now." All Might said. I pulled my hand away before nodding. He led us to a room where everyone was. "That was amazing Y/n!" Momo said. I smiled and nodded at her. "Good, now I want to congratulate Y/n and Ida. Both of you played your roles of villain and hero brilliantly." All Might said. I looked around for papa wanting to see what he'd say about it. "Mama where's papa?" I asked.

"I think he's with recovery girl." Mama said.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Recovery Girl is the school nurse. She healed Izuku the last time he got hurt." Mama said.

"Can I go see papa?" I asked. I looked at All Might who shook his head. "I'm sorry, young Y/n, but you need to stay until the end of class." All Might said. I nodded and found somewhere to sit down. I watched the rest of the class do the same thing that we did, mama came over and sat next to me. "Are you okay?" Mama asked.

"I want to go see papa, but All Might won't let me go." I said.

"I have an idea. Give me a minute." Mama said. She got up and walked over to All Might talking to him about something. After a second she walked back over to me and lifted me to my feet. "Come on let's get you to the bathroom." Mama said. She led me out of the classroom and back to the main building taking me to Recovery Girl's office. "Excuse me." Mama said knocking gently on the door. An older lady opened the door and I saw papa on a bed. "Hello have you two come from class 1-A as well?" The lady asked.

"We are, but we came to see Izuku." Mama said.

"Good, no more injuries like his. Come on in." The lady said. I ran in and stood by the bed papa was laying on. "Papa, are you okay?" I asked.

Ochaco's POV

"You're Uraraka from class 1-A correct?" Recover girl asked.

"I am. Thank you for letting her see him, do you know when he'll be up?" I asked.

"I don't think until about the end of the day. Is it true that this young girl is his daughter?" She asked.

"Well adoptive daughter yes, she also sees me as a mom which I find adorable." I said. Recovery girl looked at me. "Be sure to keep a good eye on her and Izuku." She said. I nodded with a smile. "I will, I promise." I said.

"Now get back to class you two, I'll let you know when he's woken up so you can head home." Recovery girl said. I walked over to Y/n taking her hand and leading her out of the nurse's office. We walked back to the training ground to see the final match, as it was going All Might came back to see us. "You were gone quite a long time young Uraraka. Did you happen to do something else instead of going to the bathroom?" All Might asked.

"I'm sorry All Might, but I wanted to cheer Y/n up a bit so I took her to recovery girl's office to check on Izuku." I said.

"I see, well next time don't do that." All Might said. Y/n walked up and hugged him. "Thank you." She said. All Might seemed to have a tough time trying to stay mad at her. Once the final match was over we went back to the class room and finished discussing the lesson. Once that was done we gathered our stuff and went back to Recovery girl's office. "Recovery girl we're back to get Izuku." I said opening the door. I saw Izuku sitting up in bed with Recovery girl putting bandages on his arms. "Don't go over using that quirk of yours otherwise you're going to hurt yourself far beyond what I can fix." She scolded. Izuku nodded before looking at us. "Hey you two, are you ready to head home?" He asked. We nodded and headed out of the school with Y/n riding on Izuku's shoulders. We ran into Ida along the way to the train station, we traveled together until I felt a tug on my hand. I looked down to see Y/n looking at me. "What's up sweetie?" I asked.

"Can I spend a night with you?" She asked. I looked at Izuku who looked at her in shock before looking at me. "Do you mind?" He asked.

"Not at all, I'll just have to explain it to my parents. I'm sure they'll understand though." I said.

"Alright, Y/n you be good for Uraraka." Izuku said. She nodded happily as the train came to a stop. We got off the train and waved to Izuku as it started to leave the station. "Alright let's head home and get you to bed I'm sure you're tired." I said.

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