Chapter 88

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Y/n's POV

After our emergency drill, papa went to train with All Might while I stayed back and helped mama train in Gunhead Martial Arts. We headed back to the dorms after training and ate some dinner before I headed to papa's room and waited for him. I got bored with waiting and started playing games on my phone which grandpa Might bought me a while ago. Once the sun had set, I laid down on papa's bed and ended up falling asleep waiting for him to come back to his room. I was almost asleep when I heard the door open as I sleepily looked up to see papa who was clearly exhausted. "Y/n? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your room with Eri?" Papa asked.  

"I told Eri I wanted to sleep in papa's room tonight and she wanted to try sleeping in a room alone." I explained, sitting up. Papa sighed and looked at me. "Alright, just for tonight, though. I doubt mr Aizawa would approve of this normally." Papa said. I smiled before laying back down on papa's bed. "At least change into your pajamas." Papa sighed. I groaned a little, getting up and grabbing the spare pajamas I had in papa's room. He thanked me before changing himself and flopping onto his bed. I snuggled up close to him as he brought me into a hug. "You're the best, papa." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Good night, sweetie. Sleep tight." Papa said. I closed my eyes before falling asleep in his hug. I woke up to the sound of something shattering before I looked up and saw papa panicking and his arm was covered in one for all energy. "Papa? What's going on?" I asked. He looked at me, clearly concerned about something, before patting my head. "Don't worry, just go back to sleep." Papa said. I nodded and tried snuggling close to him before someone knocked on the door. Papa covered me with his blanket before getting up and answering the door. I could hear that it was Aoyama, and he was talking to papa about something before I fell asleep again, barely able to make out what they were saying in the hallway. The next morning when I woke up again, papa was gone, and papa left a note on his desk for me. The note said that he was going to meet All Might about what happened last night. 

I got up and stretched some before changing to my small fox form and made my way up to my room. Once I was in my room, I found Eri sleeping on my bed with a plushie of mine, which she absolutely loved. She told me that it reminded her of me and she wanted to keep it close incase I wasn't around when she felt alone. I grabbed my school uniform and got dressed for the day before waking her up gently. Eri complained about how I woke her up from a nice dream, but wouldn't tell me anything about the dream. After she changed we headed over to the school so we could find papa and go to class. We headed towards the school enjoying our small walk together. Once we got there we stopped by the classroom and dropped our stuff off before walking around the school looking for papa. When we did find papa he was with All Might as they were coming out of the room where they were talking. "Young Y/n? Eri? What are you two doing here?" Grandpa Might asked.

"We were looking for papa since he left before waking me up." I said.

"Sorry, just after what happened I didn't want to wake you up and I thought it'd be best to talk with All Might alone." Papa explained. I smiled and nodded. "Since it's early enough how about a quick breakfast?" Papa suggested. 

"Yeah!" Eri and I cheered. Papa excused himself from grandpa Might before leading us towards the cafeteria. Lunchrush made us some breakfast which we enjoyed while papa just watched us eat. "Did you get food before meeting with grandpa Might?" I asked. Papa was stunned by what I called All Might before nodding. "Yeah, it was easier to eat while at the dorms. Although Lunchrush always makes good food." Papa said. I nodded as I finished my food before hopping off my chair and grabbing my tray taking it to get cleaned. 

Eri's POV

"Mister Deku, when is Y/n's birthday?" I asked.

"I'm not exactly sure. All Might and I normaly just call the day we found her, her birthday." Deku explained. I nodded and started thinking about what Y/n likes that I'd be able to get her for her birthday. "What does she like?" I asked.

"Well she always loves sweets and most things heroes. I think F/h (favorite hero) is her favorite. Another good person to ask about Y/n's likes and dislikes is her or Uraraka." Deku said. I nodded again as Y/n came back to the table. "Papa, Eri should we get to class?" She asked. Deku nodded and stood up while I took my tray to get cleaned. Once I put my tray on the counter to get cleaned I jogged over to Y/n and Deku. "Let's go, we can work on your homework while we're waiting for class to start." Y/n said, holding her hand out for me. I took her hand as we started walking towards our homeroom. I started thinking about what I could get for Y/n for her birthday whenever that came up. When we got to our homeroom miss Momo and mister Ida were there waiting for class to start before Y/n and I sat down to work on our homework. Y/n was so far ahead of me which made it easy for me to get help. Eventually miss Uraraka showed up to class and I excused myself to go talk with her about what Y/n might like for her birthday and a small thank you for saving me so long ago.

U.A. High's Little Kitsuneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें