Chapter 101

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Y/n's POV

After winter break, Endeavor dropped the four of us off at UA and we quickly went to bed. The next day, we were in homeroom class with Ida standing at the podium in the classroom's front. "My classmates, a happy to you all." Ida said, doing one of his many poses. Momo was standing next to him and bowed before wishing us a happy new year as well. "Today's class will comprise a practical briefing. We'll each share our accomplishments, challenges, etc. from over the winter break. So, comrades, it's time to suit up and head over to Ground Alpha!" Ida exclaimed. The classroom door slid open as Mr Aizawa looked at us. "Quiet! It's time to get started." Mr Aizawa said. Everyone was already up from their seats with their hero costume cases in hands as we were walking out of the room heading towards the locker rooms. "Happy new year Mr Aizawa." Mina said happily as she walked past him. Tsu bowed to him as he looked into the classroom, looking at Ida, who was still standing at the front of the classroom. "An auspicious new year, sir. I advised them of our schedule as you instructed." Ida said, smiling at mr Aizawa.

"Good." Mr Aizawa said. I quickly grabbed my case and was waiting for mama to head to the locker room before I heard the intercom ring before principal Nezu called for Mr Aizawa to meet him in the staff room. Mama and I walked to the locker room together before I set my case down and pulled out my costume and started getting it on. I looked up at mama and saw that she had her costume redesigned. "Mama, you look great in that new costume." I said, smiling at her. The other girls joined in on agreement as we all looked at her. "You think so? Aww... Thanks guys." Mama asked. Jiro walked over to mama's case and lifted one of mama's wrist cover and mentioned that it was really heavy. 

"Yeah, there's wire stuffed inside. Thanks to my quirk, the weight doesn't isn't there." Mama said.

"Hey, what's in here?" Mina asked, pulling mama's gadget belt out. Something fell out of the belt before I looked over and saw papa's gift to her from the last Christmas. "Is that the..." Jiro started. Mama rushed over, grabbing the little All Might figure off the ground, showing off some of her new moves while she dashed. Mama made sure to hide it from everyone at first before Mina gasped. "I knew it!" Mina quietly cheered.

"it's not what you think, Ashido." Mama said. Mina was jumping with joy and giggling about mama carrying around the little figure that papa gave her. "It's really not, I promise." Mama said. Mina stopped jumping before looking at mama. "I'm just, uh, keeping it close for now. Keeping it safe." Mama said, holding the figure in her hands. After that, we headed out to Ground Alpha where I started smelling something sweet as we walked out there. "I am here! The symbol of sweets!" All Might shouted. I saw he had a cotton candy maker in his hands as he was stirring it around to give to people. I let go of mama's hand and walked over to All Might who handed me a stick filled with Cotton Candy. Everyone else kind of ignored him while I started eating the cotton candy. "Uh guys, I put all my might into this gag and you're ignoring it." All Might said.

"Are you okay, All Might?" Mineta asked. All Might made his joke again before I saw mama looking at me. "Y/n... what have we talked about?" Mama asked. I turned around before I heard her walking over to me. I took off running while I continued to eat the cotton candy that All Might had given me. "Y/n! Get back here this instint!" Mama shouted as I managed to avoid her while eating the cotton candy. Papa eventually joined in on chasing me down and managed to capture me with Black Whip as I took the last bite of cotton candy I had on the stick. Mama and papa both scolded me for running from them while everyone else was watching as they showed off some of their new moves. I had to sit there and listen to mama and papa before mama's and papa's turn came. I took my turn after them showing that I'd improved my reaction time when fighting or predicting attacks. When I finished my turn All Might snuck over to me and handed me a small stick of cotton candy. "Young Y/n, keep this hidden from your parents, but you did an amazing job out there." All Might said.

Everyone was impressed with how the four of us have improved after working with Endeavor. "Uraraka. I was able to gain control of Black Whip. You helped me so much, thank you." Papa said, bowing to mama.

"That's ancient history, kay? Plus look, seeing you inspired me to have these wires put in my costume. They're nothing compared to something like Sero and his tape, still I made that experience something useful and I think both of us are better because of it." Mama said, holding her fist up for a fist bump. Papa agreed with her before bumping her fist with his before they noticed anotehr stick from the cotton candy that All Might gave me. They looked at All Might while I was going on a sugar rush. Papa and mama were having troubles trying to contain me as I ran around having fun shifting between my small and big fox forms and my human form. Mr Aizawa eventually came and found me asking me to visit Eri with him which I happily agreed to before following him to the room where Eri played and learned while I was doing dangerous class work. Eri was complaining about how her horn itched so I decided to scratch it gently hoping to relieve the itch for her while everyone else stayed a few steps back in case her quirk went off which it didn't. After that Eri and I headed back to the dorms where everyone was preparing for dinner. Eri and I were given easy jobs even though Kacchan had taught me a bit about cooking and I wanted to show everyone. Ida announced the beginning of the Hot Pot party for the new term of school and work studies. Everyone was having a blast talking about everything going on with everything.

Eri and I happily ate next to mama since Eri was feeling a bit better about her powers. Mr Aizawa had told me that he was going to start her training and wanted me to know since I wouldn't be around to help contain her quirk since he was doing it outside of class. 

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