Chapter 32

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Y/n's POV

Papa, All Might and I were on a plane heading towards I-Island. Grandpa Might was sleeping while papa was looking through a book about the island and what was going on there. "Isn't it great that we get to do with All Might to see I-expo?" Papa asked. I shrugged and looked out the window. "Is something wrong, sweetie?" Papa asked, setting the expo book down.

"I'm just bored." I said. 

"I'm sorry. Oh! That reminds me, All Might bought something for you." Papa said, getting up and opening his bag. He pulled out a wrapped box before handing it to me. "What is it?" I asked. 

"Open it and find out." Papa said. I nodded and slowly started to unwrap it. When the wrapping was off the front of the box, I saw it was a brand new phone. "Why did All Might buy me a phone?" I asked. 

"I thought it would be a good idea for you to have a phone since you're a hero. Having a phone is needed to call for help." All Might said, waking up.

"Are you sure? This is a brand new phone." I said.

"Yes, Y/n. Take it. I'm sure young Midoriya can help you set it up later because it appears that we're arriving." All Might said, pointing out the window. I looked out the window and saw an island in the middle of the ocean. "Woah, this is so cool." I said.

"This is going to be exhausting." All Might said. I turned back and looked at him, a little confused. "I'm going to have to keep my muscle form up the entire time I'm here." All Might said. 

"That does sound tiring." I said. 

"Now you asked if you could borrow your hero outfits for the expo, correct?" All Might asked. Papa and I both nodded. "Then it's time for you two to get changed." All Might said. Papa motioned for me to go first which I took and quickly got changed into my hero outfit. Papa did the same before the plane landed and we got off. We walked onto a escalator floor and started heading towards another door. As we were riding it, it was scanning us and pulled up different information on us. "Let me test your knowledge young Midoriya. Why was this island created?" All Might asked.

"It was made for the world's brightest minds could come together, researching quirks, develope support items for heroes. They made the island moveable in order to protect the sciencetists and their research. This island also has a security system on par with Tartarus, so basically no one can commit a crime here without being caught." Papa said.

"Way too many details, but I expected nothing less." All Might said. As we left the room that was scanning us, papa and I ran out and looked at everything on the island. "This is awesome!" I said. 

"Yeah, this is just amazing." Papa said.

"I can't believe there are so many people here even before the expo opens up." All Might said. 

"The pictures of this place don't do the actual place justice." Papa said. 

"Unlike in Japan, people can use their quirks however they want on this island. Everything should be packed with shows and attractions, you two should make some time for them." All Might said. 

"We will!" I cheered. All Might looked at his to see where the hotel was before someone walked up to us, I turned to see a woman with brown hair in a white and ice blue dress. "Welcome to i-expo." She said before looking at All Might. 

"Is that really you All Might?" She shouted. Everyone that heard her turned and rushed towards us. I changed into my giant fox form and held papa on my back while people were crowding All Might. After a while of people wanting to talk with him the crowd dispersed and I changed back. "I didn't think I'd get held up that long, I'm afraid we'll be late." All Might said.

"Late for what?" I asked. 

"I wanted to drop in on a dear old pal of mine, do you two want to come along?" He asked.

"Of course we'll come." Papa said. 

"By the way, I haven't told him about one for all and how I passed it on to you." All Might whispered to me and papa. 

"Your close friend doesn't know about it?" Papa asked.

"Only because if he knew the truth he'd be in a world on danger." All Might said. Papa nodded as he realized what All Might meant. I heard something springing towards us before I saw a blonde haired girl bouncing on something. "There you are uncle!" She yelled, as she jumped up and hugged All Might.

"It's great to see you Melissa." All Might said.

"It's been forever, I can't believe you're here." Melissa said. 

"I'm grateful for the invite, I almost didn't recognize you. When did you get so tall?" All Might asked. 

"I'm 17 you know, much heavier than the last time you saw me." Melissa said.

"Are you? No!" All Might said, laughing with her. He set her down and started looking around. "And where's Dave?" All Might asked.

"He's in his lab, he made a break through on some research he's been doing for years." Melissa explained. I walked up and stood by All Might. "Oh hello there, are you here for the expo?" Melissa asked. 

"Yeah, All Might invited me to come with him. He also invited papa to come with us too." I said. 

"Right, I'm sorry, but I invited this young girl and man here with me. They're both heroes in training." All Might said, gesturing to me and papa. 

"What's your dave working on?" I asked. 

"That's a secret that he hasn't even told me." Melissa said. 

"Wow, crazy." I said.

"Sorry you two, this is Melissa. Dave's daughter." All Might said.

"Hey, I'm Melissa shield." Melissa said. Papa and Melissa shook hands while he introduced himself and me. Before Melissa started getting excited about papa's future and how we were in the hero course learning from All Might.

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