Chapter 80

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Y/n's POV

"A villain? Where?" Papa asked. I looked at Katsuma, concerned, before Kacchan shoved papa aside. "Alright brat, start talking." Kacchan demanded. Kacchan picked Katsuma up and started using his explosions to propel himself through the air. Papa and I were running behind him, doing our best to stay with them. "What are you tagging along for, Deku?" Kacchan asked. I looked at Kacchan, a little surprised he wasn't yelling at me. "Cause if there really is a villain, you might need backup." Papa said.

"I'll take Y/n's help over yours any day!" Kacchan shouted. He used his explosion to get higher into the air before I changed into my giant fox form and threw papa onto my back. "Hold on papa." I said, before taking off at my top speed. Once Kacchan was out of sight, I started tracking him by his scent, so we could easily find him and Katsuma. We eventually made it to a part of Nabu island that had a ruined castle on it before Kacchan landed and we saw a giant praying mantis looking monster look at us. "Go hide." Kacchan ordered. Katsuma hid as papa and I showed up. "I'll take care of Katsuma. You help Kacchan." I said to papa. He nodded before hopping off my back and running towards the monster. "Stun grenade!" Kacchan shouted. I sniffed the air, trying to figure out if the creature really was a giant praying mantis, but the air was filled with other scents. Kacchan landed on the ground before the Mantis struck where he was standing. I blocked Katsuma's view of what happened, making sure to protect him from anything that came from the attack. I waited to hear some sort of response before there was a giant explosion.

I looked back over and watched as the dust settled and Mahoro came out from her hiding place. "Hey that hurt. No fair, that thing was way scary, and you just stood there." She complained. I heard a small gasp from papa as I changed back to my human form. "Her again." Papa said. 

"Guess so. We better not let Kacchan kill her, though." I said. Papa nodded in agreement before Kacchan walked up to Mahoro. "I'm guessing you're the idiot that made that illusion?" Kacchan asked. I heard Mahoro panic a little before asking Kacchan how he knew it was an illusion. "Cause I'm not stupid. It didn't have a shadow. So you little brat is taunting heroes a hobby of yours? Well?" Kacchan started. I sighed and walked over stepping between him and Mahoro. "Let it go Kacchan. She just wants to make sure that we're doing our jobs as heroes while we're here." I explained. Kacchan just started going on and on about how he'd be the best and everything before introducing himself. "Please don't yell at my big sister, sir." Katsuma asked.

Kacchan looked at him and was still clearly upset about what just happened. Papa had to hold Kacchan back as he tried to get the kids. "Why don't you two head home while papa and I deal with Kacchan." I said, pushing them gently towards town. They nodded and took off while papa and I held Kacchan back from chasing the kids. The next day it was business as usual in the agency, everyone was dealing with different calls before papa stood up and said he was going to help with some fields. I decided to join him since I could easily haul most things. "See you later." Papa and I said, as we left. We rounded the corner of the agency building and spotted Katsuma before he ducked back behind the corner. "Hey what's up?" Papa asked as we looked at Katsuma. 

"Something wrong?" I asked. 

"It's just, I uh I wanted to say sorry about yesterday." Katsuma said.

"That's so sweet and really thoughtful of you Katsuma." Papa said.

"Yeah, we're not mad about it. Besides your sister just wants to help everyone here I bet." I said.

"And the other hero that was there will you tell him I'm sorry too?" Katsuma asked.

"Sure, we'll let him know, but I am a little curious why did you pretend a villain would show up?" Papa said.

"My sister hates heroes. She said that even if I said there was a villain the heroes would be too chicken to do anything about it. So that's why I had to." Katsuma said. I smiled and walked up to Katsuma before patting his head. "You believed in us." I said. Katsuma looked up at me before turning to papa who was smiling at him. "Even after what your sister said, you still believed we'd help you. And that's why you came to get us, isn't it?" Papa said. Katsuma nodded before papa and I looked at his pin. "I like your pin, that's the ninja hero Edgeshot, right?" Papa asked. Katsuma smiled and ndoded before gently grabbing his pin. "Do you want to be a hero like he is?" I asked.

"Not with my quirk, it's not good for hero stuff. Besides Mahoro says it's too dangerous." Katsuma said. Papa realized something as he thought about something. "Hey, can I ask you something? If you could choose, what kind of hero would you want to be?" Papa asked, leaning against the wall.

"I'd want to be a super strong one who could beat up villains." Katsuma answered.

"Oh yeah? You know what I want more than anything is to keep people safe." Papa said.

"But don't you have to beat up villains to do that?" Katsuma asked.

"Sometimes, but defeating an enemy can help people." I said.

"Y/n's right, but I'm more worried about just helping people out. If that means beating up a bad guy to do that, so be it. We might be looking at it differently, but we both want the same thing." Papa said.

"All three of us just want to be the best hero we can be." I said.

"That means we'll have to do our best and give it our all." Papa said, holding out his hand. Katsuma took it and shook his hand a little. "Oh but we should try not to worry our families too much." Papa said. Katsuma took off heading back home to his sister before mrs Suzumura came by and handed papa andthing of veggies. She started talking about Katsuma and his life and everything that's been going on with him. After talking with her for a bit we headed of to the Nijimas fields and started working there. After we were done with the work we headed back to the agency building to report and rest. As we walked into the agency Kacchan was talking to someone on the phone before papa took the phone and asked what was going on. "What did she tell you Kacchan?" Papa asked, looking at Kacchan. Kacchan explained what happened during the phone call before papa and I rushed out of the agency building. "I know this could be nothing, but..." Papa started.

"That's the best case right now." I finished. He nodded and we continued running at top speed. 

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