Chapter 110

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Y/n's POV

Toga slid into a different room of the house while I rushed over and stood by mama. "Sorry, but I'm way stronger than I was last time." Mama said. I could see mama working on a plan in her head as we looked towards the room Toga was in. "Ochaco, when I think about someone I love, it makes me want to become that person. To live inside their skin, I wanna drain their blood so badly it makes my chest hurt. That's just who I am. I can't help it, but not everyone is like that." Toga said. Mama and I rushed towards the room, ready to face her. Mama grabbed a can and threw it at Toga, hoping to distract her. Toga dodged the can jumping behind mama before I tried to take Toga down with my martial arts, but Toga just grabbed my wrist and flung me towards mama. Mama had jumped back and into another room in the house, making her lose her balance while I changed to my small fox form and landed at mama's feet. "The other day, there was this meanie reporter who called me a poor lost child and tried to kill me because she said my cravings weren't normal. That's when I used your blood and your quirk to drop her and her friends from way, way up high." Toga said. Mama gasped as I looked up at her, seeing that she was shocked to hear that. "it turns out if I love a person I can become them and use their power. You have no idea how happy that makes me." Toga said.

"Stop it!" Mama said, firing her cables towards Toga. Toga managed to dodge the cables before launching her own blood syringes at us. I dodged, but mama was hit by them knocking her back again. Mama hit the wall, and I rushed back, standing between her and Toga. "You're happy? I would never feel good about hurting another person. What are you even trying to get at?" Mama asked. Toga just looked at us before leaning down and picking something up. I saw that it was the present that papa gave mama during christmas. "What's this?" Toga asked. I looked back at mama's belt, seeing that the compartment that she normally kept it in was open. I growled, turning back to Toga. "You must've dropped it, friend." Toga said.

"That's mine." Mama said, rushing towards Toga. Toga dodged and starting moving away from mama as I chased after her to get the gift back. "Something precious?" Toga asked.

"Give it back!" Mama demanded.

"Jin was precious to me, too. Like a brother. You know we're the same, you and me. Because I'm pretty sure you have a massive crush on Izuku, too." Toga said, biting the head of the doll. Mama gasped, looking at her, shocked that she figured it out. "I figured it out a long time ago. Hold on, does this thingy belong to him? Aw see, we really are twinies." Toga said. Toga looked at me before gasping. "You've got one thing else that's going for you and Izuku. You already have her, too." Toga said, pointing at me. Mama used the cables from her gauntlets and attached them to the items on the floor that she had touched earlier. Toga gasped and dropped the present before launching the attack at her. "Focus, I have to shut out every other feeling!" Mama shouted.

"Great. Neither of us has to hold back anymore. When I was little, everyone said to change, but that didn't help at all. Ignoring the urges makes them worse!" Toga said, dodging all of mama's attacks.

"Enough! Threaten people til you can do what you want and you deserve whatever's coming to you." Mama shouted. I looked at Toga seeing tears fill her eyes before she nodded looking at mama. "There's my answer. Thanks for the chat. Goodbye." Toga said, throwing a couple knives at us. The knives were knocked off course as Tsu came into the house using her tongue to block the knives. "Froppy!" Mama cheered.

"Why is Himiko Toga here?" Tsu asked.

"Tsu." Toga said. 

"I told you, you can't call me that." Tsu said. Tsu came inside and landed in front of us ready to help us fight before the house began shaking. We braced ourselves in case anything was to fall on us before looking up and finding that Toga was gone. "It's a sneak attack. Back to back we'll cover each other." Tsu said. I sniffed the air trying to find her, but her scent was disappearing. "Don't worry. She ran away." Mama said. Mama walked over to the present that papa gave her and picked it up before putting it away again. "Those were tears." Mama said, realizing what happened. The three of us quickly returned to the evacuation and started supporting everyone that needed assistance. We started our search and rescue with the police doing our best to  save anyone we could. We eventually split off from Tsu after we rescued a couple kids before hearing more cries for him. Mama relied on me to find anyone I could since we were low on hero support in the field. We continued getting called back and forth and people were asking. We were helping a civilian out from under some rubble when I heard someone talking. "I give up. I can't do this, this is too much. I quit. I don't wanna be a hero anymore." A hero said. I saw mama's look as she heard what the hero was saying seeing the dread in her eyes. We continued our search and rescue for hours on end doing the best we could to save everyone we could. After completing the mission we headed to the hospital to get checked out, but when we got there I could small papa's scent in the hospital before smelling blood coming from the same direction as papa's scent. I rushed towards the scent only to be stopped by some doctors not letting me through. Eventually mama had to stop me from trying to get past the doctors. I ended up staying at the hospital waiting for papa to get checked out. After a couple days All Might came by and woke me up after I had fallen asleep leaning on papa's bed.

"Y/n... you should head back to the dorms. You haven't even changed out of your hero costume yet." All Might said, gently shaking me awake. 

"I wanna be here when papa wakes up." I said, rubbing my eyes. I sat up in my chair before there was a knock on the door. "Y/n? Are you awake?" Mama asked, before opening the door. She came in, seeing All Might and me. "Oh All Might, I'm sorry if I interrupted anything." Mama apologized.

"No, you didn't interrupt anything. Although I think it would be best if you take Y/n home or to at least a shower and if you have a spare set of clothes for her." All Might said.

"I brought her some clothes and I figured we'd be able to use the shower here." Mama said.

"But what if papa wakes up? I don't want to leave him, if I hadn't before I could've helped save him." I said. Mama just looked at me before shaking her head and pointing to the bathroom. "You're taking a shower now, young lady." Mama ordered. I could tell she was sorta upset with me before All Might looked at me. "Y/n, it's best you listen to your mother." All Might warned. I pouted as I got up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

U.A. High's Little Kitsuneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें