Chapter 50

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Y/n's POV

They turned the TV back on as they were asking about Kacchan and how he couldn't control his temper. "They're right. You do have trouble with that." I said, giggling. 

"Shut up, kid. Ha. Did you hear the teachers? They get me more than I thought. I'll never join your league of bastards!" Kacchan shouted. I watched as he clearly was thinking of a plan. He was getting ready to fight. "We may not be at camp, but I'm still allowed to fight!" Kacchan shouted. 

"He's figured out he's important to us. What a clever boy." The guy with sunglasses said. 

"No, he's a fool." Dabi said.

"Let me stab him." Toga said.

"An elaborate performer would let us think we were winning them over. Now that he's broken character, he's finished." The masked man said.

"I only do whatever I want to and won't pretend otherwise. I'm tired of being surrounded by a bunch of lame ass wannabes." Kacchan said. I noticed Shigaraki's hand twitch before he whispered father again. Kurogiri panicked about something before Shigaraki raised his hand stopping him. "Dont lay a finger on him  any of you." Shigaraki said, picking up the hand that was on the floor. I looked at what was binding my hands seeing metal cords wrapped around them. With Kacchan in front of me I used my flames to start heating up the metal. "This hero's still a valuable piece. I wish you had listened to what I had to say. I thought you and I could come to an understanding." Shigaraki said, putting the hand back on his face. 

"What you think we're the same? Not a chance." Kacchan said.

"Then I have no choice. The heroes said they'd continued the investigation of our group so we don't have time to stand here and talk. Master lend me your power." Shigaraki said, looking at the tv again.

"That is a wise decision Tomura Shigaraki." The person said. Once I heard the voice from the TV I panicked and looked at me. "No... How are you here?" I asked. 

"It's been a long time miss Akira. Hopefully you've gone some in the past year or two. I see that quirk of yours has given you a new tail." The man said. I panicked sitting behind the fallen chair. "You know him kid?" Kacchan asked. I had tucked my tails between my legs as I heard the voice.

"A master? I thought you were the boss around here, but your a sidekick." Kacchan said.

"Kurogiri, Compress it's time to put him back to sleep." Shigaraki said.

"I can't believe he was such a bad audience member." Compress said, walking over.

"If you wnat me to listen then get on your knees and beg!" Kacchan shouted. He was clearly thinking of something before a knock at the backdoor made me jump. I rushed over to Kacchan and grabbed his leg. "Hello I got a pizza delivery here." Someone said. Everyone was quiet for a second before the wall behind the lizard guy crashed in. "Smash!" All Might shouted as he entered the room through the wall.

"Kurogiri, gate!" Shigaraki said. Kurogiri went to use his gate, but Kamui woods came in and bound them all up with his quirk. Dabi started his flames before Gran Torino flew in and kicked Dabi in the head. He told him to listen and not to try anything.

"Just what I would expect from a competant new hero and a veteran pro faster then the eye can see. You can't run anymore league of villains understand? Because we are here now." All Might said. 

"Right after the press conference? They had this planned the whole time." Compress said. Twice complained about how tight the wood was before asking for him to make it tighter. "One tends to neglect defense when they're on the offense. But we didn't come alone." Someone said. Edgeshot came through the door before opening it revealing a bunch of swat police men. They talked about who was here and how we were surrounded. All Might looked at Kacchan and I before talking about how sacred we were before I rushed towards him. "All Might the bad man is here." I said. 

"The bad man? Are you talking about the one who killed your parents?" All Might asked. I nodded before Shigaraki shouted about warpping over something and as many as he could. "You mean the Nomu?" All Might asked.

"What are you waiting for?" Shigaraki asked.

"I'm sorry Shigaraki, the Nomu were supposed to be in a fixed location but they're gone." Kurogiri said.

"You've got a lot to learn Shigaraki, you're still green. You're little league underestimated all of us, the soul of these two heroes in training, the polices diligent investigations and out righteous fury." All Might said. All Might started going on about them giving up while Shigarki started talking about everything All Might stood for. Shigaraki wanted Kurogiri to deal with them, but was knocked out by Edgeshot. Gran Torino listed off everyone's names, except for Shigaraki's and Kurogiri's. "Now where's your boss?" Gran Torino asked. Something was going on with Shigaraki before he looked up. "It's not over, just you wait. The game is still mine." Shigaraki said.

"Tell us where he is right now." All Might demanded.

"Just go away. Disappear." Shigaraki said.

"Shigaraki!" All Might shouted.

"This is all your fault! I hate you!" Shigaraki shouted as two weird looking puddles formed on either side of him. He looked over for a second as Nomu started walking through them. "Nomu how'd they get here?" Kamui Wood asked. More puddles appeared around the room before I felt something pour from my mouth. Kacchan was dealing with the same thing as we looked at All Might for help. The weird fluid surrounded my body before we completely disappeared from the room. I looked around to see where we were goming but something I saw made any sense before I appeared in front of a destroyed building.

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