Chapter 69

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Y/n's POV

Irinaka was screaming about something as we slid down the walls of the hole he made with his quirk. "Wimps, like you always have the shortest tempers. You get all mad and show what losers you are." Toga said. After sliding for a second, we found some stable ground and landed there. "That yell. You two heard it, right?" Mr Aizawa asked. Papa started looking around before I looked up to see a strange-looking hole in the ceiling. "He's above us. Papa look there." I said, pointing out the hole for papa to see. Toga was still trash talking Irinaka who was using his quirk to its fullest. Papa looked up and saw where I was pointing before activating his quirk and launching himself towards the hole. He kicked the ceiling, blowing it apart before Irinaka's body was revealed. Mr Aizawa used his quirk to shut off Irinaka's quirk. I looked up, seeing Toga and Twice kneeling on a pillar that Irinaka knocked out of place before they just disappeared. Sir Nighteye threw one of his seal stamps at Irinaka and knocked him out. "Catch him!" He shouted. I transformed into my giant fox form, catching Irinaka and papa on my back. "Gotcha." I said, looking back and seeing papa on my back. 

"Thanks, sweetie." Papa said, walking up my back and patting my head. I smiled and enjoyed his head pats. Papa grabbed Irinaka and jumped off my back before I changed back to my human form. "The league betrayed them?" Mr Aizawa asked.

"It seems so. They even used us to aid in their little scheme. Though we're on solid ground now." Sir Nighteye said. After resting for a couple seconds and helping bandage up mr Aizawa's stab wound I noticed Eri's scent was stronger. "We're close to her." I said, looking around trying to find where the scent was coming from. 

"Are you sure? What about Mirio?" Sir Nighteye asked.

"I can smell him too, but there's something else." I said.

"What else?" Papa asked.

"I don't know it smells a little funny though." I said. After a few more seconds the smell of gunpowder reached my nose. "Someone's using a gun." I said.

"Let's get moving." Sir Nighteye said. I nodded and started following the scent leading the group towards Eri and Mirio. As we were running towards Mirio's and Eri's scent I heard something happening not too far away from us. We continued toward the scent before I heard fighting as we got closer to the scents. We made it to a wall before I smelled something all too familiar. "There's blood." I said. Papa, Sir Nighteye and mr Aizawa looked at me. "You're certain you can smell blood?" Sir Nighteye asked. I nodded and used my Kitsune's Cloak before punching through the wall while papa kicked through it. Once we got to the otherside I saw Chisaki touching the ground before looking to the side seeing Eri and Mirio. Mirio had a bunch of cuts and holes in his body. I looked confused at first before remembering that they were making a drug that could at elast deactivate quirks. "No..." I said. Papa went after Chisaki while I headed over to Mirio and Eri. "Hey, we're here." I said, kneeling next to him. He looked at me and smiled. "Good to see you finally got here. Promise me you'll save Eri." Mirio said.

"Promise, now let's get you patched up as best as we can." I said. He nodded as Sir Nighteye walked up next to me. "Let me help." He said. I nodded and handed him the last bit of medical supplies I had on me. We managed to bandage up most of Mirio's wounds except for a few smaller ones on his legs and arms. "I've got you!" Papa shouted. I looked over and saw mr Aizawa's hair falling down like it normally was before changing into my giant fox form and using my Kitsune's Cloak over my giant form. Chisaki sent a bunch of spikes from the ground he touched at papa and us. I used my tail wrapped in my flames to shatter the spikes that were aimed at us. "I've got this, make sure Mirio's wounds stay closed." I said. 

"Of course." Sir Nighteye said. 

"As if I'd let my plans be ruined by people like you. You're all sick in the head. I won't allow all my hard work to end here." Chisaki said. I could see over the spikes and saw Chisaki use his quirk on his one of his inner circle members. "Turning his own men into parts for him to use, how sickening." I thought. 

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