Chapter 79 Nabu Island

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A/n: Hey readers, so I thought this was a good point for the second movie before getting into season 5 which will be a smaller set of chapter since MVA (My Villian Academia) happens in the second half. Which means that the second half of season 5 will be the third movie for this story.

Y/n's POV

After the Wild Wild Pussycats came and visited us in the dorms mr Aizawa came and told us about a new assignment that we'd have as a class. We were going to Nabu island and filling in for the hero after they were retiring. I said goodbye to Eri since she was a little upset that she couldn't go with us, but Mirio promised that he'd get her to smile more. We headed to the island and started working almost immediately. Everyone had a different role on the island but we each took turns answering calls which came in form all over the island. After a month of being there everyone was having fun and enjoying doing hero work. I normally would be answering calls, but I was finally allowed to go out with papa to help serach for a missing kid. 

Papa and I headed up to a small playground looking around for the kid. When we reached the top a young boy was calling for someone. "Hey there, is your name Katsuma Shimano?" Papa asked, jogging up to him. I walked up behind papa smiling at the boy. "You got seperated from your big sister right? Why don't you come with me." Papa said, holding his hand out for Katsuma to take.  I heard some noise above us and looked up seeing a girl before she slid down to us using the slide. "There you are! It's about time." She complained. 

"Sis." Katsuma said.

"What are your names, slowpokes?" the girl asked, steeping close to papa who sstepped back.

"This is Deku and I'm Trix. Who are you?" I said, introducing papa and I.

"I'm Mahoro. Katsuma's older sister." Mahoro said.

"Oh then I guess you found him before we even got here. Lucky." Papa said, laughing nervously.

"You explain yourselves. You were looking for him for over an hour. What took you so long? UA high is so famous and this all they have to offer? If they're going to send us losers like you then we'd be better off with that old geezer we had before." Mahoro complained, getting papa to go to his knees from falling back.

"Mahoro, it takes time to locate someone in a shopping district." I explained. 

"So?" Mahoro asked.

"So, we have to talk to other people to see if they have seen your brother or saw where he went. An hour is really good time to actually find someone." I explained. Mahoro looked at me stunned while papa apologized to her. "There's Deku and Trix." Mama said, coming up to the playground.

"Well hopfully it won't take you an hour the next time something like that happens." Mahoro said, walking off. She called for Katsuma to follow her as papa just sat on the ground. "Um mister, miss. Thanks for your help." Katsuma said. 

"You don't need to thank them for anything." Mahoro said, grabbing Katsuma's hand and walking off. Mama and Jiro asked what happened and why papa was apologizing. I explained what happened and how papa apologized for taking too long to find him. We we spent the rest of the day working on small jobs around the island before meeting back and the agency building. Everyone there was exhausted and complaining a little about the workload. "Hey, how about fewer small jobs?" Sero asked. 

"No can do, all jobs are of equal importance." Ida said.

"It may be true that we came here as heroes, but remember we're still just students. We have to work hard and prove ourselves to earn the islanders trust." Momo said.

"Does that go for all of us cause I know someone that hasn't done anything since we got here." Mineta said, pointing at Kacchan.

"Well somebody's got to stay behind and watch the office moron. What are you going to do if a villian shows up and all of you geniuses are all out doing stupid crap, huh?" Kacchan said. 

"Oh come on there aren't any villians on this island." Kirishima said. As we were talking I sniffed the air smelling someone coming towards the room we were in. "Someone's coming." I said. After a few seconds the door slid open and a bunch of people were standing there holding food. "Sorry for barging in." The mayor said, waving at us.

"Mr Mayor." Ida said, walking up to them. Everyone came in dropping off some food for us to enjoy while also thanking us for all the hard work we were doing to help the island out. Everyone was happy to start eating, but Ida wanted us to show some restraint. Momo and Ida followed the islanders out and thanked them before coming back in and eating with the rest of us. Papa, Shoji, Tsu, mama and I enjoyed the food the islanders made for us on some couches that were open. Once we had eaten our fill everyone headed to the bath before heading to bed. I stayed up later watching papa train since he'd want to spar everyone now and then to make sure he was improving his skills with his shootstyle. Papa stopped for a second catching his breath before looking at his hands. I walked up and put my hands on top of his. "I know you can do this papa." I said, smiling at him. He smiled at me before patting me on the head. Kacchan came around the corner and walked up to papa.

"Kacchan, hey. How's the patrol going?" Papa asked.

"Looks like you're getting better with One for All." Kacchan said.

"We can't talk about that here, what if someone's listening." Papa said, trying to shush Kacchan.

"I'm not a big fan of waiting though." Kacchan said, walking past us.

"Oh trust me, I know that better than anyone. You haven't changed much since we were kids." Papa said.

"So hurry up and make that quirk your own instead of his, then we can finally have a real fight." Kacchan said. Papa looked at Kacchan a little confused. "I'l prove it to you once and for all. I'm going to be the number one hero and you're going to be in my dust. That goes for you to kid." Kacchan said, looking at me. I giggled and nodded. Papa and Kacchan started arguing over who was going to be the greatest before I sniffed the air smelling Katsuma. I turned and saw him standing there looking at the ground. "Hi Katsuma, what are you doing here so late?" I asked. 

"Um to tell you that there's a villian." Katsuma said.

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