Chapter 68

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Y/n's POV

We continued running, following Nighteye's directions through the tunnels and halls, as I heard a sighed from Kirishima. "Aw man Amajiki. I'm really worried about him." Kirishima said. It was quiet for a second before Fat Gum spoke up. "Listen! You've left a comrade to guard your back and if you're a real man. You'll trust him." Fat gum said.

"Yeah, you're right. He can handle it no problem." Kirishima said. 

"That didn't take long for you to change your mind." Papa said. 

"That's right! All we can do is have faith in him. We can't afford to waste a single second of the time that Suneater bought us." Kirishima said. After that he cheered for us to continue before I looked back and saw Rock Lock's expression, which made me laugh a little. "This is strange. The person controlling the building has backed off from attacking us for some reason." Mr Aizawa said. 

"Yeah, it's not twisting anymore." Papa said.

"Honestly, I'd expect him to throw as many obstacles at us as he could to trip us up. If he's not, maybe that means his control doesn't extend through the entire place. There's also the police squad above us. He might've focused his attention on them instead." Mr Aizawa said.

"That would make sense. Besides I'm sure he thought those three that Suneater dealt with were enough to hold all of us up." I said. 

"So you think there's a limit to how much of the building he can keep tabs on?" Rock Lock asked. 

"Well it's just a theory (hehe "a game theory"), but rather than being fully assimlated into the whole building he's just moving around inside the walls to monitor what's going on." Mr Aizawa said.

"So if he took control of an area his reala body might be nearby and you could disbale his quirk." I said.

"Exactly. I can tell you've been putting in a lot of effort into your studies, haven't you Y/n?" Mr Aizawa asked.

"Of course, can't let the others get ahead of me." I said. I saw a smiled as he kind of looked back at me. As we were running a part of the wall went for mr Aizawa pushing him towards a hole in the wall that was just made. As the wall was pushing mr Aizawa towards the other wall, papa, Kirishima and Fat Gum were racing towards him. Fat gum and Kirishima got to him first and managed to push him out of the way. "Be careful Fat." Mr Aizawa said. We started running again trying to move faster to catch up to Mirio. "Hurry we need to catch up to Mirio." Sir Nighteye said.

"No... It's moving again. The ceiling, the walls, everything." Papa said, as the walls stsarted moving. 

"They're closing in fast." The Detective said.

"He's trying to crush us." Mr Aizawa said.

"We'll be flattened like damn pancakes." Rock Lock said. The floor became more unstable the longer we stood on it. "Rock Lock do something." Sir Nighteye said. 

"Stop giving orders. This is all your fault, listening to you is what got us into this mess. Fine this oughta do it. Dead Bolt." Rock Lock said. He went on and explained what his quirk was doing to the building. "Come on let's get moving this stretch of hall won't be moving around anymore. It's narrow, but deal with it. My security max deadbolt is strong, but it can only hold so many spots." Rock Lock said. We started making our way through the now super narrow hallways trying to be careful. "Watch the spots I didn't lock down!" Rock Lock shouted. At the end of the hall a wave of concrete was headed towards us. Papa rushed over to it and used his shoot style to break apart the concrete saving us. "This is like fighting a rabid mole." The detective said.

Papa was out of breath as he stood blocking the way for attacks. "Shame we loss Fat team. This would've been a lot easier with them, don't ya think?" Rock Lock said. I looked over and saw mr Aizawa's grumpy look. "Obviously." Mr Aizawa said. 

"We're not making any progress here, he just keeps cornering us." Rock Lock said. Irinaka continued throwing the walls at us. I stepped up next to papa and started breaking the walls apart as they came flying towards us. I was using my new technique which I decided to call 'Kitsune's Cloak.' Papa was still getting upset that Eri was in trouble and how we haven't made any more progress to getting to her. "No way am I going to let you stop us now!" Papa shouted. He broke apart one final piece of the wall before the wall that Irinaka was controlling abck off opening up the room for us. "What are they planning this time?" A police officer asked.

I heard movement from underneath us before walls shot up around us. The walls divided our group up. I was with Rock Lock while papa was with mr Aizawa. "Great I got stuck with the kid." Rock Lock complained. 

"Sorry, but you'll just have to deal with it." I said. Rock Lock went over and checked on the police officers while I heard something moving around. "Stay alert. Prepare for anything." Sir Nighteye said. As I was trying to figure out where the sound was coming from I saw Toga sneaking up behind Rock Lock. "Look out!" I shouted. Rock Lock whipped around and looked at TOga catching her knife in his hand before he used his quirk on it. "You're with the league aren't ya?" Rock Lock asked. He punched Toga which turned into what seemed like mud. I saw the real Toga behind him again and rushed over to help him. "'Fraid not, today I'm a trust old school Yakuza. A nasty little gangster girl. One who's out for blood." Toga said. I rushed over and kicked her away from Rock Lock. "Aww... My darling's little girl has returned. I hope you're ready to get all cute with that blood of your's all over your body." Toga said. 

"You won't get a single drop." I said. Toga smirked before drinking some blood. I watched as she changed into Rock Lock before rushing towards me. Papa and mr Aizawa broke through the wall making Toga stop in her tracks. "This imposter just came out of nowhere and attacked us." Toga said. Mr Aizawa rushed over and checked on Rock Lock's wound while Toga got close to papa. "No you don't." I said, attacking Toga from behind. 

"Woah Y/n that's Rock Lock." Papa said. Mr Aizawa used his quirk on Toga as her transformation faded. "Got ya." I said, grabbing her arm and throwing her. She managed to land on her feet sliding back a little. "Aww... and I was so close to getting some more of Izuku's yummy blood." Toga said. Mr Aizawa used his scarf to catch her and pulled her towards him, but she bent the scarf amd swung behind mr Aizawa stabbing him in his shoulder. His gripped slipped on his scarf which let her escape before another wall blocked us from getting to her. "You okay?" I asked, walking to mr Aizawa.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Focus on helping Rock Lock and get the other knife. I've heard that Toga's quirk uses blood." Mr Aizawa said. I opened a pouch I had on my hero costume and handed some gauze and bandages to mr Aizawa before heading pver to Rock Lock to help him. Papa and I bandaged up Rock Lock and stopped the bleeding from the stab wound. After that I heard some more fighting before hearing Toga and Twice talking about something. Something happened and the floors started moving again, a hole appeared in the floor again and everyone was sliding down it. 

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