Chapter 26

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Deku's POV

It's been two days since Ida, Todoroki, and I fought Stain. Y/n was sleeping on my lap peacefully while I petted her on the head. I took a picture before sending it to Uraraka. "Two days of you trying to help me." I thought, smiling at Y/n. A nurse came in and smiled at me. "How's your pain?" The nurse asked.

"I'm doing a lot better. Thank you." I said.

"How's your daughter doing?" She asked.

"She's been a big help with my recovery, although I think she finally needed to sleep." I said.

"That's good. She'll need her sleep to be like her hero dad." The nurse joked. I silently laughed at her joke. "Is there anything that I could get for her from the cafeteria?" The nurse asked.

"If they have F/j (Favorite Jello) I know she'd like that." I said. The nurse nodded and left before I felt Y/n's head turn before she looked up at me. "Good morning, sweetie. How'd you sleep?" I asked. She rubbed her eyes before sitting up. "Good, do you need anything, papa?" She asked. I shook my head before the nurse opened and walked in. "Good morning. I have a small gift for you." The nurse said, walking over to us. She knelt down in front of the bed looking at Y/n while hiding the jello behind her back. Y/n sniffed the air before smiling. "You have F/j! I heard the cafeteria was out." Y/n said.

"I got one of the last ones they had in the back." The nurse said, handing the jello and a spoon to Y/n.

"Thank you." Y/n said before opening it and enjoying her jello. The nurse patted her on the head before leaving the room. "I think they might let me out of the hospital later today." I said. Y/n wasn't paying much attention quietly enjoying her jello before looking at me. I sighed and shook my head before smiling at Y/n. "The doctors might let me return to my internship later today." I repeated.

"Really?" She asked. I nodded. "What does that mean for me?" Y/n asked. I thought for a moment before thinking that it might help Y/n learn some more, but from Gran Torino instead of myself. "Maybe we'll see if Gran Torino can teach you something." I suggested.

Y/n's POV

"Do you think he'd be okay with that?" I asked. Papa nodded. After I finished my jello papa and I started playing some card games with me winning most of them. After a few hours a doctor came into the room with a clip board and papa put the cards away. After papa signed a few things before he got up. I hopped off the bed and walked over ready to help him if I could. "Alright it looks like we can head to Gran Torino's place." Papa said. I nodded before he grabbed his clothes and headed to the bathroom. I grabbed all my stuff and got ready to leave. Once papa came out of the bathroom he grabbed the rest of his stuff before leading me out of the hospital. We caught a ride on the bullet train to where Gran Torino's place was. When we got there papa knocked first before pushing the door open.

"I see they let you out of the hospital." Someone said.

"Yeah, and Gran Torino, I had a visitor come and she's here with me now." Papa said.

"Who is it?" Gran Torino asked walking over to us.

"Gran Torino, I'd like for you to meet Y/n. She's my adopted daughter." Papa said, stepping to the side. I looked at Gran Torino  who was wearing what looking like a hero costume and wearing a green mask. "So she's the little one that you've told me about." Gran Torino said.

"Hello, my name is Y/n Midoriya." I said, introducing myself.

"Hello, but who are you?" Gran Torino asked. I looked at him confused before looking up at papa. "Sorry, you'll have to get used to that." Papa said.

"He's funny like Toshinori." I said. I heard a chuckle from Gran Torino before she gained a serious look. "Now tell me who you are." Gran Torino said. 

"I'm the Hero in training, Kitsune hero: Trix!" I said loudly. Gran Torino smiled and nodded to me. "Good, someone knows who they are." Gran Torino said, patting me on the head. I smiled at him before papa looked at us confused. "Gran Torino, is it alright if Y/n stays here and trains with you for that last couple days of our internship?" Papa asked. 

"I don't see why not, besides since you're so badly injuried. You shouldn't be training, however I've lost my teaching license so I'm sorry to say. I can't train her." Gran Torino said. 

"I forgot about that, I'm sorry Y/n." Papa said. 

"I didn't say I couldn't offer my advise for her to get better." Gran Torino said. I smiled and set my stuff down before he quickly took the case with my hero costume in it. "It's a simple design, but looks like it prioritizes mobility over combat." Gran Torino said.

"Papa helped me design it since he's studied my quirk ever since he found me." I said. 

"Oh? How about you explain your quirk before I offer any advice." Gran Torino said. Papa and I both nodded and sat down on the chairs and broken couch that was on the floor. Papa and I explained everything we knew about my quirk before Gran Torino looked at me. "That's quite the quirk you have there." He said. I nodded. "Well the advice I can offer is more about your speed. I did watch your fights during the sports festival, but since I wasn't sure what your quirk was I wasn't sure where to begin." Gran Torino said. 

"I see, I guess you're right having such a unique quirk like her's would be hard to help train." Papa said. 

"Here's what I suggest though. When you're in your 'fox form' you should focus on using your size to your advantage. When you're small you can easily dodge most attack while using your flames to distract and attack. When you're giant, most if not all of your attack will have more force behind them allowing you to hit harder. That's a good way to knock something over before changing to your small form and attacking them with your flames." Gran Torino said.

"What about when she's human?" Papa asked.

"From what I heard she went to Gunhead's agency. How about you two spar really quickly to see the results of her training?" Gran Torino suggested. I nodded before looking at papa who was unsure. "I'll be okay, papa." I said. He sighed and before agreeing. "Now Y/n, take it easy on your father. He was hurt badly in a fight." Gran Torino said. I nodded and got ready to fight papa. "Oh and Mirdoriya, go ahead and use Full Cowl." Gran Torino said.

"Won't that be too much for her?" Papa asked.

"It'll help her learn how to deal with faster enemies." Gran Tornio said. Papa nodded and I watched as a new aura sorrounded papa. He dashed towards me while managed to dodge the attack. He tried to punch me, but I caught his arm before slamming him into the ground. He coughed before looking up at me. He got out of my grip before trying to kick me. I dodged the kick before mangaging to pin him to the floor. "Alright that's it." Gran Troino said. I hopped off of papa before helping him up. "Wow, I didn't know you were that good with Gunhead's martial arts.

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