Chapter 13 A day with Mama and Papa

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Uraraka's POV

After I read the email, I headed to the kitchen and started cooking something simple for both of us. "Well, since the school is closed, I guess I could text Deku and see if we all should hang out today." I said to myself. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea. I pulled out my phone and texted Deku. After that, I continued making breakfast for the two of us. "Mama?" Y/n asked. I turned to see her looking up at me. "Morning, sweetie." I said with a smile. She smiled at me before hugging my leg. "Did you still want to sleep some more?" I asked. I felt her shake her head. "No, what are you making?" She asked. 

"Nothing much, just some rice and eggs." I said. She smiled and nodded before heading to one chair at the table. I set a bowl and some utensils on the table in front of her. "I'm almost done." I said, finishing the food. She nodded and grabbed her utensils, ready to eat. Once I finished cooking, I served some food for her and then for myself. We ate quietly, but Y/n always seemed to look up at me. "Is something wrong sweetie?" I asked. She quickly shook her head. "No, I was just wondering about school." She said. 

"After what happened yesterday, they closed the school for today." I said. After I said that, my phone went off, notifying me of a text message. I checked my phone to see a message from Deku. "Sure, I think that's a great idea. I'll let my mom know and make my way to the train." Deku said. 

"Sweetie, how do you feel about spending a day with me and your dad?" I asked. 

"Really?" She asked. She was excited about the idea of all three of us being together for the  day. "Of course. Your dad just texted me and said he wanted to, so how about we finish eating and get you dressed for the day." I said. She nodded and fast as she could. "Calm down I don't want you to hurt yourself." I said keeping her head from hitting the table. She finished eating and cleaned up her bowl and utensils setting them on the counter before trying to clean them. "Don't worry about cleaning up." I said. She looked at me before nodding. I finished eating and set my bowl next to Y/n's. "Alright let's go get ready for today." I said. Y/n nodded and rushed to my bedroom. I giggled and walked behind her. I opened the small closet that I had and pulled out an outfit for me. Y/n opened a drawer that had a few sets of clothes for her. I had just some pants and a nice t-shirt, Y/n was wearing F/o (A/n: Favorite Outfit). "You look absolutely adorable." I said. She smiled and hugged me. "Thanks mama." She said. I patted her head and gently scratched behind her ears. I watched as her tail started wagging. "How can you be so cute?" I asked. 

"I get it from you mama." She said with a smile to match All Might's. We gathered everything we'd need for the day and headed out to met up with Deku. We waited at the train station for Deku. Y/n was sitting on my lap playing a game on my phone. "Hey!" Deku called. Y/n looked up and practically jumped out of my lap running over to him. "Papa!" Y/n cheered. I stood up and followed her as she tackled Deku in a hug. "Hi, Y/n." Deku said patting her on the head. I came over and helped them up. "How are you doing?" Deku asked. 

"I'm fine, and as you can see Y/n is excited for today." I said. Deku nodded and grabbed onto Y/n's left hand. She smiled at him before grabbing my hand and smiling at me. We headed out of the train station and made our way around town finding little shops to check out the entire way. We stopped and had lunch at a small restuarant that seemed interesting to all of us. Y/n ordered F/f (A/n: Favorite food) while me and Deku ordered things that we both enjoy. Deku let me try some of his food so I shared mine with him as well. After that we found a small manga and game store to look through. Y/n found a manga that she wanted to read while Deku ended up looking through the hero stuff that they had out. "Papa look what I found." Y/n said. Deku looked at her and saw what she was holding. "Did you want that copoy of the manga?" He asked. She nodded. He looked at his wallet and sighed. "I'm not sure I can get that for you." He said. Y/n looked upset and went to put the book back. "Wait a second Y/n. Deku, I'll split the cost with you." I said. He looked at me concerned. "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and led Y/n up to the front counter I let her pay for it before we headed out. Y/n hugged Deku before looking at him. "Papa, I'm sorry." Y/n apologized. He kneeled down in front of her. "It's okay, besides I'm happy that you're happy." Deku said with a smile. He hugged her before we headed back to the train station. "Thank you for watching after her while I recovered." Deku said. 

"I loved it besides we had a good morning together." I said. They got on the train and I waved as it left the station.

Deku's POV

Y/n sat next to me on the way home, she had read the manga me and Uraraka had gotten her probably three or four times now. She was happy reading it  until I noticed that she was starting to doze off. After that I took her book from her and leaned her against my side. When we got to the station we needed to get off at I ended up lifting her onto my back and carried her home. Once we got home I laid her down on her bed and finished up the last little bit of work I needed to finish before school tomorrow.

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