Chapter 106

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Y/n's POV

The next day I woke up before feeling my ears flick towards a sound that was getting closer. I tried to get up, but couldn't since I was still healing from the arrow I got hit with. Papa quickly woke up and stood up. "A villain?" Papa asked. He headed to the cave entrance before peeking out. "We're good, it's just Rody." Papa said. I nodded before he came over and helped me up before we walked out of the cave. "Sorry, did I wake you two?" Rody asked, getting out of a truck. 

"Where did you get a truck?" Papa asked.

"I kind of borrowed it. Just figured we were done walking. I wrote an I.O.U in the name of the world hero association. They'll understand. Wish they had a Cessna, we could've flown into Klayd, no problem." Rody said.

"Like an airplane? You can really fly something like that?" Papa asked.

"Only in my dreams, friends. Get in." Rody answered. We climbed into the truck with me sitting between papa and Rody. "Question." Rody said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Once we figure out the case's secret, I can go home, right?" Rody asked.

"That should be fine. Oh, I bet your younger brother is waiting at home for you, huh?" Papa said. 

"Yeah, with my sister. Y/n here reminds me of her a bit without all the hero stuff, though." Rody joked. I smiled and giggled before papa asked about Rody's parents. "My mom died right after she had my sister, so it was up to my dad to take care of the kids. He did a pretty good job of raising us while juggling work, then he suddenly up and disappeared one day." Rody said.

"You don't know what happened?" I asked. 

"Disappeared?" Dad asked.

"Do you know about that group called Humarise?" Rody asked.

"We do. They're a terrorist organization." Dad answered.

"We're after them since the first gas bomb went off killing people." I added.

"Yeah. After people in town found out that dad left to become a member, things got bad for my family. Our friends started ignoring us, we were kicked out of our school and out of our house, and I couldn't find anyone who'd hire me for honest work." Rody explained.

"I'm sorry, that's awful." Dad said. 

"Obviously resented my dad at first. But not so much anymore. I don't have time to think twice about him. Now, my little brother and sister are the most important things to me. I just want to create a decent future for those kiddos." Rody said, pulling out a pendant. He handed it to papa before he opened it. Inside was a picture of Rody and his younger siblings. "Aw! They're so cute." Papa said. 

"My little brother's stupid smart and my sister's totally adorable. First person to break her heart gets KO-d!" Rody bragged, looking at the picture with us. 

"Keep your eyes on the road!" Papa shouted. The sun was coming up over the mountain of Otheonas we continued driving towards the border.I eventually shifted into my small fox form and fell asleep listening to papa and Rody talk about which roads to take. Papa had to get out a couple times to heelp guide Rody across a stream before falling into the water. We tied papa's clothes to the back of the truck so they'd dry off while we drove before stopping at a gas station to buy some snacks for the trip. Every now and then papa'd get out to use his quirk to help move the truck, but we managed to stay on the roads without much trouble. I spent most of the time sleeping allowing my body to focus on healing from the arrow shot I took. We stopped along the way finding a place to hide both the truck and us for the night. "Dang, I can't get over how useful both of your quirks are." Rody said.

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