Chapter 61

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Y/n's POV

That day we attended a ceremony where principal Nezu and a couple other teachers talked about what happened with papa and Kacchan last night before we went on with our day. After the ceremony, mr Aizawa talked to us about training and the work studies that we could do. He went into a little detail about it. Once he explained it a bit, Present Mic came into the classroom for English. After school, we headed back to the dorms where papa and Kacchan were still cleaning up. Mineta and Sero were making fun of small areas that papa and Kacchan didn't clean. Papa let everyone know that if they put their trash out in the halls, he'd take them. No one really listened to him and talked about classes. "Hi papa, did you need some help with those trash bags?" I asked, looking at him. 

"No, this is the punishment for me. I can't have you help." Papa said. I nodded and headed over to the counter. "Sweetie, I know of a way you can help deku without interfering with his punishment." Mama said, walking up to me.

"How?" I asked.

"You take your own trash out while he goes out to the dumpster." Mama suggested. I nodded and rushed to my room to gather all my trash before following papa out to the dumpsters. Papa was a little annoyed that I came with her to help take care of my trash. While we were walking, a person's face appeared on the wall. Papa freaked out as the person started talking to us. After a second, the person disappeared before appearing on the ground. He mentioned that he just came to see what the fuss over papa was about. After three days papa was finally back to school and it was funny watching papa apologize to everyone before mr Aizawa appeared behind him telling us to get to our seats. When he got to our seats, mr Aizawa said that we would cover the work studies that we might do. He invited a few students into the room to explain the work studies. One of the people who walked in was the guy whose face was coming out of the wall a few days ago. 

Everyone was excited to meet the Big Three and started talking about how cool they were. "Get to it, introduce yourselves briefly. Let's start with Amajiki." Mr Aizawa said. Amajiki looked at us and everyone seemed to flinch at how he was staring us down at first. "It's no good, you two go. I just can't. Even if I try to imagine them as potatoes I can see their human bodies. I know that they're still people, no words are coming out, my mind's blank and my mouth is dry." Amajiki said. I did my best to hold back my laughter as I thought about how everyone would look if they had potato heads and human bodies. After a few more seconds of holding back my laughter I started laughing out loud before everyone looked at me. "Is something wrong Y/n?" Mr Aizawa asked.

"No... Just thinking of everyone having a potato head is funny." I said, trying to calm down. The guy with blonde hair started laughing with me. "You're right, that's a good one!" He said, laughing along. Amajiki complained about wanting to go home while everyone, but me and the blonde haired guy looked at him. "Come on Amajiki. You need to have the heart of a lion, not a kitten. You know even though you're human. This is our kitten Amajiki, and I'm Nejire Hado. I'm supposed to talk about work studies. You first years have a really exciting time ahead of you." Nejire said. She stopped for a second before walking over to Shoji and asking about his mask. She started looking at everyone before looking at me. "You're so adorable!" She said, rushing over and hugging me. I tried pushing her off of me before escaping her grasp in my small fox form running over to papa's lap. "There's so much I wanna know about all of you. Let's have a Q and A." Nejire said. Everyone enjoyed her personality at first, but some were a little concerned about why she was asking about their personal things. "This is completely irrational." Mr Aizawa said.

I peeked over the top of papa's desk hoping that she wasn't close enough to catch me in my small fox form. "Oh there's no need for you to worry Easerhead. I'm up next and I'll get the audience refocused. The furture's going to be..." The blonde hair guy started. He held his had up to his ear and waited for our response. He started laughing again since no one answered him before I heard a couple people talking about how strange they all were. "Okay, so it looks like you guys have no idea what's going on." He said. Eventually he said he wanted all of us to fight him all at once. Everyone was shocked to hear that and looked at him like he was crazy. Mr Aizawa didn't disagree with the guy's strategy while Nejire and Amajiki just stood off to the side. Amajiki was starting to sound super depressing while Miro was stretching. I walked up to papa and tugged on his hand. "Papa I think I remember how Miro's quirk works." I said.

"We haven't seen it yet." Papa said.

"You and me did though. While we were watching the sport festival recording grandma saved for us." I said. Papa thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. "Sorry I don't know exactly how it works though." Papa said. I sighed and stretched myself ready to fight. "His quirk must let things pass through him, but how?" I thought to myself. Nejire was talking about a person quitting the hero course while touching Mina's horns before Tokoyami and Kirishima got cocky and bragged about fighting pros and villains. Miro nodded. "Heard, but you're going to have to show me that's the truth. Now who's going to start this party?" Miro asked. Kirishima wanted to start us off, but papa stepped up and said he'd go first. "View this as a learning experience, it's a good opportunity for you." Mr Aizawa said. 

"Oh the problem child. Yes this is perfect. I've heard you've got plenty of fire in ya." Miro said. Papa stretched a little before activating his quirk. Everyone got ready to fight before papa rushed forward. As papa rushed towards Miro I noticed that Miro's clothes seemed to pass right through him. Someone quickly covered my eyes before I heard a scream from Jiro. "Miro... there's a child present." Nejire said. I looked up and saw Nejire standing behind me covering my eyes with her hands. "Sorry, someone so young shouldn't see that." She said. I nodded before she moved her hands and I looked back at Miro. Everyone was attacking him and their attacks passed right through him. Miro disappeared after three peopole attacked at once causing a small dust cloud. Once the dust settled Miro popped up behind us and started taking out the long distance fighters. Kirishima complained about Miro's quirk being really good. "You're wrong. Miro's quirk isn't what you should be jealous of. You should be envying his skills. That's what sets him apart first years." Amajiki said. He went one to explain what Miro did and how he trained as much as he could. 

Miro easily took out all the long range attackers leaving just the close quaters combat group. Miro turned his attention to us as he got ready to take on us. Papa started strategizing about how to take Miro on as Miro rushed towards us. As he got closer to us he slipped into the ground disappearing from sight. I turned around and saw him appear behind papa. Papa went to attack him, but was easily knocked out by Miro. Miro started quickly moving around easily taking everyone out before I was the alst one standing. "Let me guess afraid of hurting me?" I asked.

"Not really, but something always felt off when I was going to attack you, so I didn't." Miro said.

"Wanna try fighting me now?" I asked, getting ready to face him. She smiled and nodded getting ready to fight himself. He rushed towards me disappearing into the floor again. I didn't move before feeling something behind me. I moved with barely enough time to avoid being hit. I reached up and managed to grab his hand before throwing him. He passed through the ground before I lost my grip. His fist came back up and I barely blocked it with one hand. "Wow, you're the first to last through two attacks of mine." Miro said.

"It isn't easy. You're really good at this." I said. Miro nodded before disappearing again. We exchanged blows a few more times before Miro won our fight. "That was an amazing fight. If you need a place to do your work studies, let me know." Miro said. I nodded before we spent some time talking about Miro's quirk and how it actually worked. After that we finished our classes for the day and headed to the dorms. Kacchan asked for all of our trash which everyone gave while he complained about them hording it for a while before looking at me. "You got any trash?" He asked, looking upset.

"Nope, I took my trash out a couple days ago so I'm good." I said. He nodded and headed out with the trash. I turned in early heading to bed once I got to my room.

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