Chapter 100

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A/n: Chapter 100 is finally here! Can you believe this story has gone on for 100 chapters? hopefully everyone's still enjoying it and having a good time when I update this story.

Y/n's POV

After we finished cleaning up, we sat back down at the dinner table with Fuyumi and Shoto. Fuyumi let me sit in her lap as I drank the tea that she made for us. "Another brother?" Papa asked.

"I figured you three were close. I thought you would've told them all about Toya." Fuyumi said, as she pet my head. Shoto sighed and looked at her. "It's not exactly something I can just bring up." Shoto said. Fuyumi's pets got slower than before, clearly sad about it. "Natsuo and Toya were close when we were growing up. They spent their days playing together. It happened soon after mom was hospitalized. Somehow, her condition got worse when she was admitted. It was to the point that Shoto couldn't go visit her. Things have gotten a lot better, especially after Shoto started visiting again. Our family's been making progress, except for Natsuo. He can't let go of his anger towards our dad. In his mind, our father killed Toya." Fuyumi explained.

"So that's why his face was all angsty." Kacchan said.

"I know he's still angry, but I think he's waiting to see Endeavor act like a father." I said, before taking a sip of my tea. Everyone looked at me, a little confused. "Think about it. He feels like a burden because his father didn't train him or even try reaching out to him. Natsuo still wants his dad, but until he sees Endeavor acting as a dad, he won't see him that way." I said.

"Maybe you're right. We'll just have to see. I'm sorry I dropped all of this one you." Fuyumi apologized.

"No, you're fine." Papa said. Endeavor slid open the door to the room. "Time for me to take you four back to school." Endeavor said. We nodded and got up, heading towards the door before papa and I thanked Fuyumi for the meal again. "Don't forget you said you'd give me that tofu recipe." Kacchan reminded.

"I will. I'm happy all of you could come and enjoy some food." Fuyumi said.

"Don't worry, I remind her and have her text it to me." Shoto said. 

"Fuyumi... thank you." Endeavor said. Fuyumi smiled at Endeavor before she grabbed papa's hand. "I couldn't be happier that you're Shoto's friend, Midoriya. Thank you." Fuyumi said, thanking papa.

"Oh hey, it's my pleasure." Papa said.

"Now you take care of them Y/n, I know how some teenage boys are." Fuyumi said, patting my head one last time. 

"No problem, just leave it to me." I said, as my tails waved behind me. We climbed into the car that Endeavor had us drive over to his house. We started our way back to the school before Endeavor spoke up. "I want to see you progress on a faster timetable. Look at shifting your schedules. In addition to working weekends, I want two days during the school week." Endeavor said.

"That's how it was for mama and the others." I said, looking up at papa as I sat in his lap. 

"At least that's what it was last time." Shoto added.

"And we've got to prepare for our finals. Hey Todoroki, can you help me with English?" Papa asked.

"Of course, but why not have Y/n help she's pretty much the top of the class." Shoto said. Papa went to answer before getting elbowed in the face by Kacchan. "So lame! Why doesn't the Number 1 hero have a bigger car?" Kacchan asked while shouting.

"Oh great! The brat's not happy with his free ride!" Untenmaru shouted back (A/n: this is seriously endeavor's driver's name. It's on the wiki for MHA which is kind of crazy if you ask me.). Kacchan was stunned that someone matched his shouting and just stared at Untenmaru. "Endeavor, since when did you hang out with ungrateful children like him?" Untenmaru asked.

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