Chapter 25

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Y/n's POV

When I woke up the next morning, mama was waiting on the edge of my bed. "There's something I need to tell you, sweetie." Mama said.

"What's wrong, mama?" I asked. 

"It's about Deku. I only heard about it a little bit ago. He's been in a fight and got hurt." Mama said. I started panicking before getting up and quickly getting ready for the day. "I need to go see papa." I said. Mama wrapped her arms around me before resting her head on top of mine. "He's okay. I heard about it from him." Mama said. 

"Can I still go see him?" I asked. I heard a sigh from mama before she turned me around to look at her. "Let's go ask Gunhead about it, but I'm not sure what he'll say." Mama said. We walked out of my room and headed over to Gunhead's office. I knocked on the door before opening it. "Mister Gunhead sir. Can I ask a question?" I asked.

"Of course." He answered. 

"Mama told me that papa's been in a fight and hurt himself. Is it okay for me to go see him?" I asked. Gunhead thought about it for a moment before looking at mama who just nodded. "I see. How about this? I'll mark down that you were here for the entire week. You've completed all the training I had planned and even a little extra. I'm sure as you grow, you'll adapt my gunhead style to match your own attacks." Gunhead said. I smiled before running over and hugging him. "Thank you." I said. He patted me on the head before giving me a piece of paper. "This should let you prove you were here for the entire internship." Gunhead said. I took the paper and bowed to him. "Thank you for everything." I said. 

"One more thing. Let's head to the station to send you off." Gunhead said.

"You don't have to." I said.

"I want to, now go get packed." Gunhead said. I nodded and rushed back to my room before quickly packing everything I needed. After I finished packing I headed out to the dojo area to leave before I saw all of Gunhead's sidekick standing near the door. "What's going on?" I asked. 

"They wanted to say goodbye." Mama said. I smiled before everyone started saying goodbye to me. After that Gunhead, mama, and I walked to the train station when we got to the station Gunhead walked over to a ticket machine and bought a ticket. "Who are you buying a ticket for?" I asked getting ready to buy one.

"Here, a ticket to Hosu. Go be with your dad." Gunhead said handing me the ticket.

"Why'd you buy one for me?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it, now go." Gunhead said. I felt tears welling up in my eyes before I hugged him again. "Thank you." I said. He patted me on the head before I let go of him and looked at mama. "You got everything?" She asked. I nodded before she knelt down and hugged me. "Say hi to Deku for me when you see him. I'll be sure to tell him you're on the way." Mama said. I nodded and wiped the tears from my face. I headed to the train waving to mama and Gunhead as I left on the train. It took a while but I made it to Hosu city before getting off the train. I started looking around trying to figure out how to get to the hospital. I started looking around before a couple police officers came over to me. "Hello there, if you don't mind me asking, but where are your parents?" One asked. 

"My papa is in the hospital here in Hosu." I said.

"Really? Well we can take you there if you'd like." The other cop suggested.

"You'd do that?" I asked.

"Yeah, come with us." The first officer said. They led me to a cop car before they let me climb into the backseat of the car. They drove to the hospital before I climbed out and thanked them for the ride. "Sorry but we need to make sure you get to your father." The cops said. I nodded before walking into the hospital. "Hello officers, how can I help you today?" A nurse asked. 

"This girl is looking for her father." The second officer explained. She looked down to see me. "What's your father's name sweetie?" The nurse asked.

"His name is Izuku Midoriya." I said.

"Wait your father is Izuku Midoriya?" The nurse asked. I nodded. "Is there something wrong with that?" The second officer asked. 

"Well Izuku Midoriya is only 15 years old." The nurse said.

"Yeah, he's not my real papa. He adopted me a while ago." I explained. The nurse took a second looking at the computer before looking at me. "It's true, well I'd be happy to lead you to his room." The nurse said. I nodded before turning and bowing to the officers. "Thank you for bringing me here." I said.

"It's not trouble, we're happy to help." The first officer said. After that the nurse led me down a few halls before stopping at a door. "Alright here we are." The nurse said before turning to leave.

"Thank you." I said waving as she left. I opened the door to see Shoto and Ida sitting on their beds. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" Ida asked. 

"I heard papa got hurt so I came to see him." I said. I heard a sigh from Ida before he looked away from me. "It's my fault that we got hurt." Ida said. I walked over to him setting my stuff down on one of the beds. "You went after Stain by yourself didn't you?" I asked. He didn't turn to face me before I gently hit him on the head. "What did I tell you before?" I asked.

"That my friends were there if I needed to talk." Ida said. 

"And what should you have done?" I asked.

"Talked with you, Mirdoriya, or Uraraka." Ida answered. I smiled before moving to look him in the eye. "I know how much it hurts to see the people you love leave." I said setting my hand on his shoulder. 

"Thank you for being there, even if I was on the wrong path." Ida said. 

"It's okay, you found your way back to the right one." I said. 

"Hey sweetie." Papa said. I turned and saw papa with a crutch walking into the room. I ran over and hugged him before feeling him pet my head. "I'm glad you're okay." I said. 

"Of course I am." Papa said. I looked up at him and smiled while he smiled down at me. Papa and Ida started talking about the injuries that Ida got from fighting. I sat down on the bed where I put my stuff down before going through it checking that I still had everything. "What's with this note?" Papa asked. I looked over and saw that he was holding the note that Gunhead gave me. "It's from Gunhead, it's to say that I complete my internship with him." I said. 

It's not just that, it says here that you've even completed all of Gunhead's training in his martial arts style." Papa said.

"What?" Ida asked. I turned to see papa showing the letter to Ida. "Yeah, since I'm so young and small he wanted to make sure I could protect myself from anyone with a weapon." I said. 

"That's amazing." Ida said. 

"Yeah, I sparred against some of the sidekicks that he had beating all of them too." I said. Everyone looked at me a little shocked before papa laughed. "That's not surprising." Papa said. After that I spent the day staying near papa to help him if he needed anything.

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