Chapter 107

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A/n: So this chapter is way longer than most of my other ones, but I figured it would be best to just finish the movie instead of leaving it on a cliffhanger. So that's what I did! Personally this is one of my favorite movies that I had watched, plus I managed to see this one in theaters.

Y/n's POV

Papa looks a little disappointed at first before seeing something. He got up and grabbed the case looking at the bottom of it. I looked up and saw something coming out from the bottom of the case. "What's the matter, Midoriya?" Shoto asked. 

"There's a compartment." Papa said. We moved away from the crash site of the helicopter, finding a giant boulder. Papa had the case and got the compartment open before he pulled something out that looked weird. "What is this? Dow does it work?" Papa asked, examining the weird thing. Shoto and papa tried to help since it had moving parts in it. Kacchan asked for it before saying he'd blow it up before pap scolded him for saying that since it might be important. Rody was looking at the object, clearly curious about it, but I could see he was trying to remember something. Rody walked over before grabbing it. "Deku, can I see that for a second?" Rody asked. 

"You know how to solve it?" Shoto asked. Rody sat down on the ground before looking at the object. "I did a puzzle like this before when I was a kid." Rody explained. He was starting to solve it with ease while we watched him work on it. After a minute or so, he finished it and was turning it to open it. "Aw, yeah. I think I got it." Rody said. As he opened it, a couple of small things fell out. One was a weird-looking chip while the other was a micro SD card. Papa held up the weird-looking chip. "I'm not sure what this is." Papa said. 

"We need to figure out what's stored on this card." Shoto said, looking at the SD card.

"There is a town at the foot of the mountain. We can investigate there." I mentioned.

"Sounds perfect." Shoto said.

"How'd you know about the town?" Papa asked. 

"I looked at the map when we stopped and saw it." I answered. Papa nodded and patted my head. We all quickly made our way down to the town to start our investigation into what was stored on the Micro SD card. We made it to a hotel in the country of Klayd and got on one of the computers that the hotel had out for guests to use. Papa got the SD card to open, but it was filled with just files. "Where do we even start?" Papa asked.

"Move it. When's the most recent timestamp?" Kacchan asked. He found the most recently used file before opening it. "It's this video file." Kacchan said, opening the file. The audio file started playing talking about how there were some scientists were kidnapped by humarise before talking how they were forced to make the bombs. Alan Klay went on to explain that the first bomb was a ploy to gather the heroes. He went on to talk about a man named Eddie Soul who made the key that would disable the bombs at Humarise's base which he included. He then begged for the heroes to save the world. Papa garbbed the key and looked at it before there was a scream from someone. Everyone left the room before we turned to the TV. Someone was reporting on something about Humarise before talking about the bombs that had been placed around the world. They then showed where the bombs were placed on a map before Rody walked up to the TV. "No, it can't be. That circle's in Otheon! My house is inside of it." Rody said.

"Oh no." Papa said. 

"We should send this to HQ and have them order the ehroes to retreat before it's too late." Shoto said.

"We can't do that." Kacchan said. 

"Kacchan's right." I agreed.

"The heroes are out there looking for the Trigger Bombs. Even if they're the actual targets of the terrorist attack. Even if they know this is a trap. As long there are people who need help, the pros will never leave them and run away. That's what makes them heroes. Humarise counted on this when they came up with their plan." Papa said. 

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