Chapter 70

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Y/n's POV

After mama, Tsu, and Ryukyu broke through the ceiling, they looked around, seeing papa and I. I heard something moving before looking up seeing Mr Compress sliding down to the bottom where we were. "Uravity, look." Tsu said. Mama looked over to where Tsu was looking and saw Sir Nighteye. "Nighteye!" Mama shouted. 

"Please take care of him, mama." I said. Papa and I started running towards where Chisaki was standing with Eri. The floor beneath us shot up, forcing us to lose our balance. Eri was launched into the air similarly as a different spike attacked Mr Compress. "Chisaki!" Papa and I shouted. He used his quirk to lift himself into the air, easily getting out of our reach. "You filthy heroes screwed everything up!" Chisaki said. I growled and prepared myself to jump after him. "She's coming with us!" Papa said, jumping. Both of us started climbing towards the top where Chisaki was. I smelled Mirio's scent still lingering before I saw Mirio's cape on a rock that was flying past Chisaki. Eri reached out for the cape before a bright light came from her horn. I saw her grab Mirio's cape, holding it close to herself, looking down at us. I watched as she reached for us before jumping from the platform that Chisaki was on.

I changed to my small fox form and used papa as a springboard, launching myself higher, breaking apart the rocks that were falling towards us. "Eri!" Papa and I shouted, reaching for her. I smelled more blood looking back at papa and seeing his leg and arm bleeding badly. Papa launched me towards her as I changed back into my human form, wrapping her in a hug once I caught her. "We're here to save you. Just like I promised." I said. Papa caught us wrapping his arms around us. "Got you. We won't let you go." Papa said. We started falling back towards the ground before I heard something hit the ground above us. I heard papa gasp before changing back to my small fox form. "Give her back!" Chisaki demanded. Multiple sets of spikes came towards us which I started defending from while papa held onto Eri. "I'll handle this, just navigate us, papa." I said.

"Right." Papa said. I started smashing apart the spikes while papa managed to dodge some. Chisaki fell off the platform he was on falling towards us. "Trix! I need flames!" Papa shouted. I looked back and nodded taking the flames that I gave Eri before transferring them to papa. The lightning that was floating around his body erupted into green flames as I landed on Eri's back still ready to protect her. "Hold on Trix!" Papa shouted. I transformed back into myself and grabbed ahold of Eri's tattered clothes using my body as a shield from whatever may happen. Papa started spinning around smashing the spikes that came over direction into pieces. The pebbles and dust that were coming from the spikes were vaporized by the flames that were spreading as papa used his quirk. Eventually I heard what sounded like a sheer gust of wind before hearing everything crumbling around us. Papa managed to launch the three of us into the air and out of the underground base we were in. Papa was clearly thinking about something as we started falling towards the buildings and streets below. "Snap out of it Deku! We need you to focus!" I shouted. 

Papa snapped out of his thoughts before looking at me and giving me a smile. "Don't worry you two. We'll be just fine!" Papa said, as Eri looked at him. Papa landed on his legs sliding across the street breaking up the asphalt. He was panting and clearly out of breath. Papa set us down before I walked over and stood next to him. "Papa your injuries..." I pointed out.

"Yeah, I noticed that they were suddenly healed up. Is this your power at work?" Papa asked, looking at Eri. Eri looked like she was going to cry, but wasn't saying anything. As I looked at her I heard a grunt from papa and saw him holding his chest. "Papa? What's wrong?" I asked.

"It feels like my body is being pulled apart from the inside." Papa said. Eri took a couple steps back as she looked at us. "She has no control over it." Chisaki said. I looked over and saw him before the asphalt from the street became spikes and blocked out view of him. Papa grabbed me and Eri jumping away from the attack. "She may have activated her quirk in time, but she doesn't know how to turn it off. Isn't that right, Eri?" Chisaki said. He had a new massive body and in the mouth of the body was Chisaki's real body. "She has the power to rewind people. That's her secret. Use her right and you might be able to turn someone back into a monkey. If you continue to carry her like that you'll both be annihilated. Everyone who touches her in rewound into nothingness. Didn't I tell you that the girl was cursed?" Chisaki said. 

"That's not a curse, I think it's a blessing in disguise." I said. 

"I see, well either way the only way to stop her is to disassemble her or did you both want to be wiped out of existence?" Chisaki said. Papa put Eri on his back using Mirio's cape to tie her to him. "Okay, Eri, hold on. Trix I want you to stay in your small fox form and keep supplying me those flames of yours. They deal more damage when combined with my quirk." Papa said. I nodded and changed pressing myself next to Eri so I could touch papa and provide him the flames he needed to take Chisaki down. "It seems that your quirk to Y/n and myself is a blessing, Eri." Papa said. I looked up and saw a few tears forming in Eri's eyes. Papa activated his quirk again this time letting his power hit the ceiling. "Eri, Trix, lend me your powers." Papa said.

"Take him down papa. Give me a good thrashing for what he did to Eri." I said. 

"Neither of you realize the true value of her ability. Quirks get exponentially stronger when you develope them. I conducted countless experiements, I extracted Eri's power, and I distilled it into it's ultimate form. As a result it doesn't stop at just rewinding the flesh, it works on such a grander scale. It rewinds the species to a time before quirks ever existed. Can't you see? Eri represents change!" Chisaki said. I could hear the buildings around us break apart from Chisaki's quirk. I felt papa's speed increase to levels I hadn't seen before as he moved away from an attack. Papa kicked Chisaki into the air with a single kick. Papa was using the wind and shockwaves from his quirk to keep us in the air before I heard another grunt come from him. "Papa? Are you okay?" I asked, poking my head out to look at him. 

"I'm fine, Eri's quirk just picked up some more power." Papa said.

"Then push your power to the limits, if she rewinds more than what you can take you'll disappear. However, if you keep forcing her to heal your body as it breaks it'll counteract the quirk." I said. 

"That's what I'm doing, but it's getting harder to move." Papa said. I looked over at Chisaki before seeing him wake up before breaking the monsterous body he had down and making it even bigger. Papa started moving around at high speeds again as I tucked myself into a tight area while still giving him more flames. "If I can't save Eri. One small child who's relying on me and the other heroes to help her. Then how can I call myself a hero who saves everyone?" Papa said. He used his speed to push beyond his own body's limits and I could hear each bone breaking as he started punching Chisaki agian and again. "That's who Trix and I are going to be!" Papa shouted.

I heard the last punch land as a huge shockwave rocked the air and what sounded like a sonicboom happen. We landed on the ground again this time kicking up a ton of dust blocking our view of everyone. Papa was panting again out of breath once more after taking on Chisaki by himself.

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