Chapter 113

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Y/n's POV

Almost three weeks have passed since papa left the school and from what I was hearing when the class thought I wasn't around was that they were going to go out and get papa and bring him back. They were having some troubles coming up with ideas for why papa should come back, but most of them brought up that it was for his protection and for my mental health. I was overhearing everyone talking in the main room in the middle of the night since I had woken up to a nightmare of mama telling me that papa had died. Everyone was coming up with a piece of the plan of how they'd capture papa before bringing him back to the dorms. The elevator dinged as it arrived at the ground floor before I heard everyone getting up from the main room of our dorm. The elevator doors opened and there was Eri standing in the elevator looking worried before she smiled when she saw me. "Eri? Y/n? What are you two doing down here? You should both be in bed getting rest." Mama said, coming over to us. Eri came over and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet. "Sorry, miss Uraraka. I woke up and Y/n was gone, so I went looking for her and that's when I found her here." Eri explained. Mama sighed before nodding and pulling me close. "That's okay. Now you two get back to bed. The rest of us have a few more things to talk about, then I'll be right up to keep you company, sweetie." Mama said, kissing my forehead.

"Okay." I whispered. Eri guided me to the elevator before the two of us headed up to our shared room. "Y/n... You had a nightmare, didn't you?" Eri asked. I didn't answer as the elevator reached our floor. "You don't have to tell me, but you should tell miss Uraraka about it. Talking with mister Aizawa, you and mister deku helped me get over some of my nightmares." Eri explained.

"But what if the nightmare was something really scary?" I asked.

"I've had super scary nightmares, too. That man that hurt me still haunts me sometimes. Some of my nightmares come from him, but you taught me to face my fears and because of you I have fewer nightmares." Eri said, opening the door to our room. I looked at her, a little stunned, before she looked back at me. "Did I really teach you to not fear, Overhaul?" I asked.

"You, mister Deku and LeMillion, but you're the one that stays with me all the time. Maybe think of the person who taught you not to fear villains." Eri answered. The two of us laid down on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed since it was time for us to sleep. "Papa's the one who taught me not to fear villains, but..." I started.

"He's not here. What about miss Uraraka? Didn't she teach you not to fear villains too?" Eri asked. I nodded. "Ready to try to sleep again? Miss Uraraka said she'd be up here soon." Eri asked. I nodded again before a yawn escaped my mouth as I looked at her. "While miss Uraraka isn't here, I'll do my best to protect you." Eri said. My eyes slowly closed as I looked at Eri for one last time before falling asleep.

Uraraka's POV

After talking with the rest of the class and settling on the plan to bring Deku back to UA, I headed upstairs to Y/n and Eri's room. I quietly opened the door, making sure not to let too much light into the room to wake either of them up. As I stepped into the room, I saw Y/n and Eri fast asleep next to each other on the bottom bunk. "That's good, they're both finally asleep. Maybe I'm safe to sleep in my bed tonight." I thought to myself. As I continued to thinking about it I saw Y/n starting to stir a little in her sleep. "Another nightmare already? Deku you left at the worst time for Y/n. She's so scared without you here." I thought, gently sitting on the edge of the bed. I started petting Y/n's head helping her calm down some while I stayed there next to her. There was a gentle knock on the door. I got up and walked over opening the door and seeing Momo standing outside the room. "Can I talk with you for a minute?" Momo asked. I nodded stepping out of the room and shutting the door behind me. "What's up?" I asked.

"We're almost ready to head out. I know you haven't told Y/n we were leaving tonight, but I came to offer a small solution." Momo said, holding her hand out. I looked at her hand seeing a small recorder and speaker. "Since we were leaving me and the other girls started talking about ways for Y/n to keep feeling safe even if we leave for the night and next day. That's when we thought of giving this to you to record your voice and talk to her while she's asleep so she'll keep feeling safe here." Momo explained. I nodded and thanked her for the recorder before heading downstairs to my room. I spent the next hour or so recording my voice and humming a few lullabys before softly singing some so Y/n could listen to them while she slept. After I finished recording most of the lullabys I knew along with talking to Y/n and encouraging her, I returned to her room and setup the recorder and speaker before hitting play. I made sure that the lullaby's played first while the voice recording of myself would play later. Once everything was setup I walked over and kissed Y/n's head again before leaving the room. "Sleep well sweetie, I'll make sure to bring Deku back for you." I promised, shutting her bedroom door. I headed downstairs where the others were gathered ready to head out to start of capture plan of Deku. "The kid doing okay?" Bakugo asked.

"She's doing the best she can be for now, but once we get Deku back here I just know she'll be back to her happy self soon enough. Also thank you everyone for helping me get through to her even if deku isn't here." I answered. Everyone smiled and looked at me.

"It just wouldn't be the same without our class's little fox being around." Kirishima said.

"I agree, she's become quite the personality for our class." Mina added.

"If she can smile again, then the whole campus will start smiling." Koda added. I smiled as everyone was excited to get Y/n back to her normal self before Deku left to protect us. "Let's go get Deku back." I said. Everyone nodded before we left the dorm heading to the last location that Deku was spotted in.

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