Chapter 57

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Y/n's POV

After I passed, the targets on my body lit up a light blue before I was told to head to the Ante Room. I changed back to my human form and started walking towards the Ante room. On my way there, I heard Mera announce that someone else passed with 120 eliminations. I made it to the Ante room and got my targets removed before the guy I helped bandage his head walked through the doors. "Hey! You were the first to pass. That's amazing!" Yoarashi said. 

"Thanks, honestly. I didn't do much." I said. 

"Being the first to pass in an exam like this is quite the feat." Yoarashi said. I nodded and looked over at the monitors that were reporting on what was going on with the exam. People were slowly being eliminated, and other students were joining us in the anteroom. I was the only one from my class that had passed so far and it was a little awkward since I had no one to talk to. I saw a table that had drinks and a few snacks on it before walking over and grabbing some food for myself. The time for passing was flying by and Shoto passed before anyone else. I walked over to the doors and waited for him to show up. When he walked through the doors, he saw me waiting for him. "Hey." He said.

"How were your fights?" I asked.

"Tough, ten people ganged up on me and all of them knew my strengths and weaknesses." Shoto said.

"Yeah, I was lucky. I found two people alone and tagged both of them with some ease." I said.

"That's great, shows your improvement from where you started." Shoto said. I nodded as we headed to a couple of open seats. The people taking the targets off were busy with everyone else, so Shoto was waiting for his turn while I waited for everyone else from our class to join us. Not too long after Shoto came in, Momo, Tsu, Shoji, and Jiro came in. We all started talking about our experiences with the exam and how difficult some fights were. "How do you think Uraraka and your dad are doing?" Jiro asked.

"Good, Papa's probably coming up with some crazy strategy to take out all of the people targeting him and mama." I said. 

"You really think so?" Shoto asked.

"Of course he is. That's how papa fights." I said. Eventually 76 of the one hundred people who could pass passed and I was getting a little anxious about papa not passing. After the announcement of 76 people it quickly changed to 79. I stood near the doors waiting for papa and the others. I heard someone walking towards the door before Kacchan walked in. "Great work out there kid." Kacchan said, walking away from me. I nodded and looked out the door seeing mama and papa heading towards the anteroom. "Mama! Papa!" I shouted, rushing over to them. I jumped at papa who caught me and hugged me. "You did amazing sweetie." Papa said. I buried my face in his stomach taking deep breaths enjoying his scent. "It's alright, let's go take these targets off us and we can rest for a bit." Papa said. I nodded and let go of him before grabbing his hand. We headed inside and I showed him where the key was to take off the targets. Once his targets were off we headed over to the others and papa grabbed some small snacks for us before sitting down near everyone.

I enjoyed the snacks that papa grabbed for us while he talked with everyone else about who needed to pass. Mama came and sat next to us, she held her arms out towards me which I took and was moved to her lap. "You were amazing out there, taking two people out before anyone else." Mama said.

"It wasn't really that tough, but I felt lonely without you or papa being here." I said.

"Little scared?" Mama whispered. I nodded just enough for her to see. "I'm sorry about that. It was tough out there." Mama said. 

"It's okay. I managed to be brave while you and papa were gone." I said. Mama smiled at me before kissing my forehead. "That's great." Mama said. After a little bit it was announced that the final people had passed the exam. Mama stood up and activated her quirk on me. "Everyone in our class passed!" Mama cheered, throwing me up. She released her quirk before papa caught me. "Woah there, let's stay a little calm." Papa said. 

"Sorry." Mama apologized. Mera was annoucing that the 100 of us who passed needed to see something on the monitors. We all looked up at it and watched as multiple explosions went off making the buildings come down along with different parts of the test area. Mera went on to explain that the next part of the exam was recusing. Everyone was a little shocked to see the exam area collaspe. We started talking about the next part and how we needed to save bystanders from the areas that were collasped and trapping them. Mera wanted us to treat the exam like a reall disaster scene and how they had a company come in to play the bystanders. Mera continued explaining things before I heard papa and Ida talking about what was going on and how it was like Kamino Ward. After that we had some time to prepare and I gathered a few things from the first aid kit I had put together in case of emergencies. "Do you really think they're going to test us on treating the bystanders?" Ida asked.

"It couldn't hurt being prepared for it." I said. Ida thought about it for a moment before looking at me. "Y/n you're a genius! Having supplies for a first aid kit for treating wounded." Ida said. I smiled and nodded as I felt my hand start shaking a little. After I finished preparing my supplies I stepped away from everyone and took a couple deep breaths to calm down some. "Sweetie? You doing alright?" Papa asked. I looked and him and nodded. "Yeah, just a little anxious." I said, looking away from him.

"Will you be okay with this part?" Papa asked.

"Yeah, I know I can." I said.

"Do you need a hug?" Papa asked. I nodded as he hugged me. I breathed in his scent which helped me calm down a lot. "Ready?" Papa asked. I nodded looking at him with a determined face.

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