Chapter 17 The Battles

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A/n: Please know that I do need to change the story a little bit, so please don't judge me if it's not like the anime.

Y/n's POV

After the cavalry battle, Ms. Midnight gather everyone around the screen that showed the games that we were playing. "After a long and hard fought battle, it's time to rest." Ms. Midnight announced. Everyone cheered before we headed out of the stadium. "Great job sweetie!" Mama said. I smiled, hugged her before we headed to the cafeteria. "I'm quite impressed as well Y/n. Using your quirk along with the capabilities of Bakugo and his team made it quite impressive to watch." Ida said. 

"Thank you, but Kacchan was a little upset that we almost lost." I said.

"That's just normal for him." Mama said. I nodded in agreement. When we got to the cafeteria, it was packed with everyone from the sports festival. Papa eventually caught up with us and grabbed lunch before Mineta and Denki came over to us. "Hey girls, we heard about something that you might want to know about." Mineta said. We looked at him, a little confused, before he told us about the cheerleaders. "Mineta, Denki. You better not be dragging Y/n into one of your schemes." Papa said. Denki and Mineta looked at each other before looking back at everyone else other than me. "I never heard about the cheer battle, but I can make uniforms using my quirk." Momo said. 

"I want to be in the cheer battle, too." I said. Everyone looked at each other before looking at me. "I think I can change the uniform if we want to." Momo said. I nodded. "Alright, let's head to the locker room after lunch." She said. Everyone nodded as we headed to the tables to eat our lunches. After we ate, we headed to the locker room, where Momo made cheerleader uniforms like the ones we saw in the lunchroom. "Alright now that I have ours made, just one more for Y/n." Momo said. 

"Don't forget its needs to be kid friendly." Mama said. Momo nodded before making me a cheerleader uniform. I put on the uniform which fit me perfectly while mama tied my hair into F/H/S (Favorite hair style). "Alright girls, let's get out there and get ready for the battle." Momo said. Everyone cheered as we headed out to the field. When we got out to the field, Present Mic was announcing the next events which were side events. "What are you wearing?" Papa asked running over to me. 

"I wanted to be in the cheer battle that Mineta told us about. Momo made me a uniform just for me so I could join team." I explained. Papa angerily looked over and Mineta and Denki. "You tricked us?" Momo asked. The two guys just turned and looked away from us. "I can't believe I always fall for your perverted schemes." Momo said. 

"Mama what does 'perverted' mean?" I asked looking over at her. 

"That's a word you don't need to know about." Mama said. 

"I think we should just roll with it for now since we have to uniforms and everything." Hakagure said. I nodded in agreement. As Present Mic brought up a one on one tournament bracket. "The top 16 people from the cavalry battle will be fighting one on one tournament. The 16 winners have a choice of sitting out or participating in the side events." He said. Ojiro and a few people said that they wanted to withdraw from the tournament because they didn't remember making it through the cavalry battle. After Ms. Midnight allowed them to withdraw the side events started which allowed me, mama, and the other girls to cheer for our class. The cheering battle didn't happen, but we still had fun cheering for our class. The first match up was papa and a person named Shinso. As the side events were starting to slow down mama led me back to the locker room and helped me change back into my track uniform. We rushed to the stands nearby and sat down next to Ida so we could watch papa fight. "So Y/n, who are you fighting against in the one on one fights?" Ida asked. I thought about the bracket and remembered who I was fighting. "I'm against Ibara Shiozaki." I said. 

"That's an interesting match up considering that her quick seems to work with her hair." Ida said. I nodded while watching as papa walked out on the arena. The cheering from everyone started to hurt my ears which I covered to help deal with it. I watched as papa started to run towards the person, but stopped a few feet from him. "What's going on? Papa just stopped." I said uncovering my ears. Ida and mama were standing up watching what was going on, but papa turned around and started walking out of the field. "What's Midoriya doing?" Ida asked. I watched as papa was getting closer to the edge of the arena. I walked down to the edge of the stands and tried to look over them. "Here, cheer him on." Someone said lifting me up. I looked behind me to see Ojiro holding me up. "Papa! Stop!" I yelled. A blast of wind rushed passed us, Ojiro did his best to keep me safe while I kept my eyes on the fight. "Papa's going to win." I said. Everyone looked down to see papa standing on the edge of the arena staring at the entrace. He turned to look at Shinso who was shocked by what papa did. "That's almost killed me." Ojiro sighed. 

"You can set me down." I said. 

"Don't you want to see the rest of the fight?" He asked. I shook my head walking up to mama. "Shinso is out of bounds, Izuku Midoriya wins!" Ms. Midnight announced. I smiled and sat down on mama's lap. "Did you want to go check on your dad?" Mama asked. I shook my head and waited for the second match to start. After a few minutes papa came up to the stands to join us.  "You did great papa." I said. 

"Thank you sweetie." Papa said sitting down. I hopped out of mama's lap and into papa's wanting some headpats from him. He sighed and started patting my head before the second match started. When the second match started it was Sero versus Shoto. Sero tied up Shoto, but he ended up being frozen by Shoto who made a giant ice glacier.

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