Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV

Everyone at school was talking about what happened and how it was on tv. I kept working on the homework that I was given, but sometimes I had to ask papa for help. The more I did, the better I got at doing it. I was also catching up to papa and mama in school. "Everyone take your seats and stop talking." Ida said. I giggled at him, since he was the only one standing up. Someone pointed it out and he went to his seat, a little upset. Mina was talking to Tsu about who was going to teach class, but the door slid open, revealing Mr. Aizawa covered in bandages. "Morning class." He said.

"What are you doing here Mr. Aizawa?" Everyone asked. 

"I'm glad to see you're okay." Ida said.

"You call that okay?" Mama asked. I giggled at her question as I put my homework away. "My well being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over." Mr. Aizawa said. I heard kacchan, Mineta, and papa say something, but I was wondering what he meant. "The U.A. sport festival is about to start." Mr. Aizawa said. 

"Yes." Kirishima said. Everyone else was freaking out about how they were scared by what he said. I looked at papa a little confused. "Papa, what's a sport festival?" I asked.

"How about we just let Mr. Aizawa explain?" He said. I nodded. "Alright let's kick some ass." Kirishima said. 

"Hold up." Denki said.

"Is it really such a good idea to hold the sport festival so soon after a villain attack?" Jiro asked. 

"Apparently, this is a way for the administration to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. They're also beefing up security this year. This is an important event for all students at U.A. it's not something we can cancel just because of a few villains." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"Can we really not? It's just a sport festival." Mineta said.

"Do you not know how important this competition is?" Papa asked.

"Of course I do, I just don't want to get murdered." Mineta said.

"Aren't you in the wrong class then?" I asked. I heard Kacchan laugh about my question before Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat. "Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past it was over the olympic games, but then quirks started appearing. Now the olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone who cares about competition there's only one tournament that matters. The U.A. Sport Festival." Mr. Aizawa said. 

"That's right and top heroes everywhere will be watching. This is where we'll be scouted." Momo said.

"Sure unless you're dead." Mineta said.

"Are you sure you're in the right class Mineta? You're scared a lot." I said. I heard Kacchan laugh at my comment again. "She's right though. After graduating a lot of people join pro hero agencies as a sidekick." Denki said. 

"But some people end up as eternal sidekicks." Jiro said. She then points out how Denki is headed that way since he's dumb. "All of those are true points, going to a pro hero agency gives you experience and popularity. If you wanna go pro this event is the best thing to focus on. You've got one chance a year. Three chances in a life time. No asspiriing hero can miss this chance. That means you better not slack off on your training." Mr. Aizawa said. 

"Yes, sir." Everyone said.

"Class is dismissed." He said. After that we went on with our classes. The teachers were all impressed that I was starting to catch up to papa and the other in class. I kept working while everyone else started talking about the sport festival. "Everyone! I'm going to do my best!" Mama cheered. I looked at her and saw that she lookked like she was going to fight someone. Me, papa, mama, and Ida were walking to the lunchroom when papa asked why mama wanted to be a hero. "Well to cut to the chase. I want to make a lot of money, well that was the first idea at least. Now I've got to make this world a better place for someone special." Mama said looking at me. I smiled at her and hugged her. "Thank you mama." I said. 

"I know it sounds greedy, you two have such admirable motivations. I hope you don't think less of me now." Mama said. Ida and papa tried to tell her that she had a good goal, she told them about her family and how they wanted her to fulfil her own dream. "I'll become a pro and sign with a good agency and let my parents have an easy life." Mama said. Both Ida and papa gasped at her resolve and her goal. "That's beatiful and quite noble." Ida said clapping. Mama looked at him a little shocked before smiling. "Hahaha young Midoriya and young Y/n are here!" All Might cheered after appearing from around a corner. 

"Woah, All Might what are you doing here?" Papa asked.

"Lunch, wanna eat with me?" All Might asked.

"Sure." Papa said.

"I'll go with mama. I'll see you later papa." I said as me and mama headed to the lunchroom. Mama and Ida were talking about what papa and All Might were doing together. "All Might likes the courage that papa has plus their quirks are similar so they can trade information about their quirks and give tips and tricks about using them." I said. 

"It's a little surprising to hear you talking a little like Deku." Mama said looking at me. I giggled and looked at her. "Papa taught me how to study and you taught me how to smile." I said. She smiled at me and nodded before picking me up. We got our food and sat at the table we normally sit at. We talked about papa and All Might before they talked about me catching up to the class in homework and schooling. "Honestly it's surprising that a child like you can catch up to high schoolers, but in a world full of quirks and unique things something are just to be expected." Ida said. I nodded and finished my lunch before the bell rang and we headed back to class. After school me and papa went home and talked about the sport festival some more before we did homework. I suprised grandma by showing her my homework and how I had it completed.

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