Chapter 59

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Y/n's POV

"Oh? I piqued your interest?" I asked. Gang Orca nodded and just looked at me. "Of course, your quirk is so unique that most of the heroes I know wish to know more about it." Gang Orca said.

"That's cool." I said, before spinning and whipping him with my tails. I sent him flying back before catching himself and coming to a stop on his feet. "Impressive. You knew I was trying to distract you by talking about your quirk." Gang Orca said. He got up before looking to his left as Shoto used his ice to attack. Gang Orca used his sonic wave to destroy the ice that Shoto was using to attack. While Shoto was attacking Ojiro, Mina, and Tokoyami helped papa evacuate everyone. Shoto froze the grunts of Gang Orca to the ground before I rushed over and started knocking them out with my tail whip. As I was taking them out, I felt a strong wind pick up around us. "I'm going to blow you evil doers away!" Yoarashi shouted. Yoarashi came flying in and hovered above us before sending a shockwave of wind shattering Shoto's ice and launching most of the gang back.

"A second villain attack, man they really pulled out all the stops for us, didn't they?" Yoarashi said. He looked at Shoto while Shoto looked at him. Something about the way they looked at each other kind of bugged me. "Of course you're here too." Yoarashi said. I continued running through the smaller gang members and easily took out a bunch, since most of them had been knocked off their feet. "Why don't you go help with the first aid station instead? Your quirk would be good for that. I'll take care of him." Shoto said. Yoarashi and Shoto both launched attacks at the same time. Both of their attacks stopped the other from hitting Gang Orca. I sighed, seeing the hate that each of them had for the other. They started arguing about which one got in the way of the others attack. While they were arguing, I ran through, still taking out all the smaller grunts from Gang Orca's gang. One of the grunts I missed knocking out shot Shoto with something. "Like my cement gun? Good luck trying to move when that hardens up." The grunt said. 

"This is outrageous. I can't believe you're arguing." Gang Orca said. The rest of the grunts shot towards Shoto, Yoarashi and I. They were still arguing about Shoto's dad and how he was cold-blooded. I dodged most of the cemet attacks from the grunts before targeting Gang Orca. "At least one of the heroes here knows what their jobs is." Gang Orca said, avoiding my attacks.

"Only one person here needs to be fought and that's you." I said, trying to tail whip him again. Gang Orca grabbed my tail before throwing me into the air and slamming me into the ground. I felt the heat from another attack from Shoto get closer before wind rushed past us. "Oh come on." I complained before whipping my tails again. After the second whip Gang Orca let go as I backed off. I noticed Shindo was about to be blasted by Shoto's attack and rushed towards him. Papa came rushing through and grabbed Shindo by his vest barely avoiding being hit by the flames himself. 

"Damn it! What are you two doing!" Papa shouted. I rushed over to where papa was flying abd managed to use my body to stop them from hitting the ground. "Thanks Y/n." Papa said, patting my side. 

"No problem. Now I'm off to keep fighting keep getting people out of here." I said, rushing back towards the fight. Something about what papa said finally got Shoto to think about what was going on before Gang Orca got close to him. Shoto snapped out of his thoughts in time to move away before. "No more games. First I'll stop the wind." Gang Orca said, shooting his sonic wave at Yoarashi. Yoarashi went to dodge, but got hit by one of the grunts. He screamed in pain as he hovered in the air as the grunts started cheering. Yoarashi started falling from the sky before I jumped up catching him with my body before landing and laying him on the ground. "Stay here while I go help Shoto." I said. I turned and saw Gang Orca holding Shoto before using his sonic wave on him. It clearly almost knocked him out as I rushed towards Gang Orca I saw some of his grunts rushing off towards the evacuation building. "How many grunts does he have?" I asked.

Papa and Shindo started attacking the grunts becoming to first line of defense for the evacuation building. I changed back to my human form and rushed over to Yoarashi. "Hey are you still up?" I asked. 

"Yeah, what do you need?" He asked. 

"Use your wind to make a small tornado around Gang Orca, when you do I'll use some fire to dry him out." I said.

"Dry him out?" He asked.

"Gang Orca is a whale out of water. He'd need to stop once his skin dries up." I said. Yoarashi nodded before he used his quirk. Once he did I used my small flames to add fire to the wind before Shoto used his flames to trap Gang Orca. "Great work. Keep it up." I said rushing into the fire tornado.

"What are you doing?" Yoarashi asked. 

"Don't worry about me." I said. I changed into my small fox form and rushed through the fire. When I got close enough I saw Gang Orca using a water bottle to keep himself hydrated. "A cyclone prison of wind and fire. Not bad, but an ordinary villain would give up. Would weep and beg your mercy. What would you do if your desperate trap was not enough? You must always be planning your next move." Gang Orca said.

"Don't worry. I already had an idea." I said. Gang Orca looked down and saw me before I quickly changed back to my human form. He tried to punch me, but I managed to divert his fist before hitting him. He started laughing before standing up. "You've got some nerve walking into the fires of this cyclone to confront me. Your punches don't have much strength behind them." Gang Orca said. We started fighting inside the cyclone with me diverting most of his punches and getting a few hits off. He started using his sonic wave forcing the wind and fire cyclone apart. "So what now?" He asked. 

"It's my turn!" I shouted, grabbing Gang Orca's arm and flipping him over myself. He hit the ground hard laying on his back before papa came and tried kicking his chest. Gang Orca blocked the attack looking at papa before a buzzer sounded. "Oh yeah, so at this time all of the H.U.C members that were deployed have been rescued from the disaster zone. It may seem anticlimatic, but with this the provisional licensing exam is offically been completed." Mera said.

"It's over?" Papa asked. 

"After we tally the scores we'll announce the results here in the arena. Anyone injured should go to the infirmary the rest of you are free to change your clothes and wait anywhere you'd like." Mera said. I let out a sigh before sitting down on the ground. "Sorry boss I guess we didn't do our job all that well, huh? And your restraining gear must've made it pretty hard to move." A grunt said.

"No, the gear wasn't the problem. That tower of flame and the attacks from this young hero were inspiring attacks. And with Midoriya's surprise counter once I had been weakened and thrown to the ground we might've had a hard time if the test continued, even lost." Gang Orca said, sitting up. He got up and looked down at me. "You've got quite the strength to throw someone like me so easily. Don't give up on being a hero Y/n, you've got what it takes." Gang Orca said. After that everyone changed except for me since my clothes were nice either way before we found an area where we could rest. After a while Mera had all of us gather around a screen before he displayed our results. He explained how we were graded. The screen turned on and the results were shown. I started looking for my name hoping that I passed.

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