Chapter 40

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Deku's POV

I managed to shatter the pillars that were pinning me down before rushing over to Y/n. She was still breathing, but completely knocked out. "I'm sure you can't hear me, but stay here and stay safe." I whispered. I stood up and looked towards the door. "I'll bring them back." I said, before rushing after the villains. We were headed up to the roof when I made it up to the roof I had to lean againt the elevator door. "Stop! Give the professor back!" I shouted. 

"I wonder. Did you come to bring this man back  so he can pay for his crimes?" The leader asked.

"Of course not. I'm here to rescue him from the likes of you!" I answered. I charged towards him with Full Cowl activated. "Even though he's a criminal?" The leader asked. He launched another pillar of metal at me. It hit the ground before I ran up it and jumped towards him. "Just you watch. I'm going to save everyone." I said. He sent two more pillar at me which I managed to dodge. "It doesn't look like that to me." The leader said, launching three more pillars. 

"Shut up! This is what heroes do. They help people who are in trouble." I said.

"How exactly?" The leader asked, pulling his gun out and aiming and David Shield. I gasped and landed on the roof. "Save yourself, run away!" David said. 

"Jeez. Being a hero seems really inconvenient. I didn't even use much of my power, yet you're helpless." The leader said. He launched another pillar which I let hit me sliding back from that hit I saw more of his attacks coming towards me. I dodged a couple before getting pinned against on and hit on the other side by a different attack. I was held there for a second before I got up from below and launched into the air. " Doesn't sound like a smart way to live." The leader said. I landed on the ground as the helicopter was starting to take off. I stood up and activated Full Cowl and jumped from the heliplatform and grabbed onto the wheel. "Grab my hand!" I shouted, holding my hand out for David.

"Stop it. Let me go, Midoriya." David said. I started climbing into the helicopter. "Melissa is down there. Your daughter is waiting for you!" I said.

"I'll give you this. You act like a real hero. But you're an idiot, too." the leader said. He had his gun out and aimed it at me before David kicked the leader. The bullet hit the bracer that Melissa made kncoking me from the helicopter. I fell to the roof below and landed hard on my back. "Come back. You can't! Let him go! Don't take the professor! Damn it!" I shouted, sitting  up.

"Don't you dare lose that smile, alright young Mirdoriya?" All Might said. A gust of wind rushed past us before he stopped in the air. "It's fine now. Do you know why? Because I am here." All Might asked. I gasped and smiled seeing All Might in the air. "I'll have you return my friend to me, you villain." All Might said. He rushed towards the helicopter and punched a hole through it. The helicopter blew up in the air before All Might landed with David in his hands.

"Everything will be okay now." All Might said.

"We did it." I said, smiling just a bit.

"I'm so sorry. It's my fault." David said. Another pillar rushed past us and hit All Might and David. "All Might!" I shouted. The pipes from under the roof ripped out and grabbed the professor dragging him towards a growing pile of metal parts. "Professor!" I shouted. The professor was covered by some pies before the outside was covered with some metal plates that the villains grabbed with his quirk. "I heard Sam, All Might's quirk is failing him. He doesn't have the same unstoppable power he did years ago." The villain said. I looked at his head and saw the device that the professor was talking about. "He's using the professor's device." I said. All Might launched himself towards the villain, but was quickly stopped by a wall of metal. "Is that all you got?" The villain asked. He used his quirk to hit All Might with a few smaller pillar that came out of the wall that stopped All Might. A small flash of blue light passed through the top part of the building.

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