Chapter 82

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Y/n's POV

I got ready to make a sprint for it and get out of the villain's range of attacks, but as he turned to face us, I heard a groan of pain. I looked back and saw the villain on the ground crouched before a woman with red hair came over the hill and knelt down next to the villain. "Nine! Deep breaths." She said. 

"I need the boy." Nine ordered. 

"Understood." The woman said. I growled and covered Mahoro and Katsuma with my tails to protect them in any way I could. The woman's hair took on a weird look that reminded me of a blade of some sort. "It'd be wise not to struggle." She said. Once she said that an enormous flock of crows appeared before I took off running as Shoji ran over and grabbed papa and kacchan. Once we were out of range of them, I heard a flare go off before the exhaustion I was holding off with adrenaline started getting to me. "Y/n, do you need to stop?" Mama asked, running next to me. 

"I can't. I've got to make sure that Katsuma and Mahoro are safe." I said, pushing myself to keep running for a minute. We made it to the power plant on the island before I collapsed in front of the door. "Y/n!" Mama shouted. I looked at her and smiled before I felt Mahoro and Katsuma crawl off of me with help from someone. "Alright sweetie, you've protected them. Now change back so you can rest." Mama said. I nodded and changed back to my human form before looking down and seeing the wounds I bandaged covered in blood. "Is she okay?" Katsuma asked. I looked over at Shoji, who had helped Katsuma and Mahoro off my back before trying to cover the blood-soaked bandage. "Don't worry, I'm fine." I said. Katsuma and Mahoro just stared at me, clearly not believing my lie. "We'll get her patched up and ready to go with those villains a second time." Mama said. I took a couple steps forward before catching myself in mama's arms. "Come on, time to get you all patched up." Mama said, using her quirk to make me float. 

Once we were inside, I ended up passing out from exhaustion and the loss of blood. 

Uraraka's POV

Bakugo, Deku and Y/n were all passed out from their injuries which the doctors from the clinic were treating them for, but none of them were waking up. After preparing enough food for all the villagers who weren't injuried I made some to take to everyone dealing with the injured. "I brought food. How are deku, Bakugo and Y/n doing?" I asked, entering the room.

"They haven't regained consciousness." Todoroki said.

"Not yet. The doctor's from the clinic can't heal them." Shoji said. I walked back and knelt down with the tray of food in my hands. "That's for all your hard work." I said, looking at the doctors.

"I apologize, our powers have helped us clsoe their wounds, but I'm afraid that's all we've managed. We can't do anything about their broken bones." The male doctor said.

"They need to be taken to the hospital on the main island." The female doctor said. I let out a quiet sigh and looked over at Y/n, hoping she'd wake up soon. "Can I try something?" A voice asked. We turned and looked at the doorway seeing Katsuma and Mahoro standing there. "He might be able to help. His quirk is cell activation. We're not really sure if it can be used to heal injuries though." Mahoro explained. 

"They were hurt because of us, I can't just let them suffer like this. Please!" Katsuma begged. 

"I'd appreciate your help little Katsu." The male doctor said. Katsuma walked over to Y/n and Kakugo before using his quirk. Soon enough most of the other injured were taking down to where we set up sleeping quarters for the villagers while Katsuma worked on the three. Y/n's wounds had fulled healed, but she still hadn't woken up yet. The rest of our class gathered in one of the storage rooms to have a meeting. "Here's the rest of the current situation. Communications are down and the electrical grid is destroyed. We can't call for help." Ida siad.

"I made a drone ealier, it'll send an SOS message once it's close to the mainland. The flight however, is at least six hours. Plus even after someone finds it, the heroes will need time to assemble and travel to us." Momo said.

"In the mean time, I doubt the villains will just sit down and wait." Ojiro said.

"Right now our top priority is to protect the people of the island. If that means fighting the villains so be it." Ida said.

"Yeha, but how?" Sato asked.

"The one guy beat up Midoriya and Bakugo so much that they almost didn't survive." Mineta complained.

"Four of us took on the beast and that wasn't enough." Todoroki said.

"And our numbers are dropping. Yaomomo and Kaminari both used up a lot fo their quirks already." Jiro mentioned.

"We know there are at least three villains left, but there could be more." Tsu said.

"If they attack us together we probably don't stand a chance." Kirishima said. 

"it would help if we knew what the villains were after." Ida said. I hummed in agreement. "Then we could come up with a plan." I said. 

Y/n's POV

I woke up in a room with papa and Kacchan laying on the floor before sitting up and checking my injuries which seemed to be fully healed before I heard talking. I got up and made my way to where everyone was talking. The last thing I heard was wanting to come up with a plan after figuring out what the villains wanted. I walked up to the door and leaned against it to rest a little. "They're after Katsuma's quirk." I said. Everyone looked over at me and saw Katsuma, Mahoro and me standing there. "Y/n!" Everyone cheered. Mama rushed over and hugged me before letting me out of her hug and looking at me. "What do you mean?" Mama asked. 

"It's exactly what it sounds like." I said.

"So it's power theft." Tokoyami said. 

"He has the same quick as all for one." Tsu pointed out.

"Okay, at least we know why they're here." Mama said. 

"We can just like take the boy and run away." Mina suggested. 

"That's not going to work." I said.

"I agree with Y/n. It's not going to be that easy, these guys are serious. What if they start making threats? They could end up killing somebody if we don't hand him over." Shoto said.

"What are we supposed to do?" Mineta asked.

"We protect both. The villagers and Katsuma." I said. 

"You should just hand me over to the villains." Katsuma said.

"What?" Mama asked, looking at him.

"He said he wouldn't kill me, and it's fine if I end up losing my quirk as lone as it means everyone on the island is safe." Katsuma said.

"No, we can't do that." Papa said. I looked back and smiled seeing papa walking past me into the room. "Deku." Mama said. I left his hand graze my head in a small headpat which I smiled about. "Midoriya! You're okay." Ida said. 

"Yeah, and it's all thanks to Katsuma's power. You can activate cells, it's speeds up regeneration and enhances physical preformance. Thanks to your quirk I recovered super quickly, it's an amazing ability Katsuma. I'm so grateful." Papa said. 

"You really mean it?" Katsuma asked.

"Of course we do. You helped me recover too." I said, smiling at him.

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