Chapter 47

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Y/n's POV

"You should be laid up in bed recovering, but you want to save your friend, don't you?" Shoji asked. I looked over at Tokoyami as he was grunting in pain. "Tokoyami, no!" Papa shouted. I shrunk down to my smaller form and started moving around to get over to papa. They were talking about how they could get Tokoyami back to camp near a light so Dark Shadow would calm down. "Why don't we just do it here?" I asked.

"Y/n, I don't think your kitsune fire is enough." Papa said.

"No, but there's a brighter source of light ahead of us." I said.

"You're talking about Bakugo and Todoroki." Shoji said.

"Yup, from what I remember, they were ahead of you two. We can use my flames and size to get Dark Shadow's attention and lead them towards the others." I said.

"No, it's too dangerous for you." Papa said. 

"It's the best plan without anyone else getting hurt." I said. Papa was going to speak up again, but Shoji cut him off. "She's right. It's the safest." Shoji said.

"What about you making noise with your Dupli-arms?" Papa said.

"No, that'll put him in danger." I said. Papa sighed and just looked at me. "Fine, but light the fires away from yourself." Papa said. I nodded and shrunk back down before sneaking around Dark Shadow and lighting a small fire behind them. Dark Shadow screamed before turning around, swatting at the flame. I ran a little ways away, lighting more flames that led away from papa and Shoji. Dark Shadow was rampaging behind me as I started smelling Kacchan and Shoto's scents. I saw Shoto's ice and ran towards him. There was a villain in a weird outfit, but I stopped just short of the ice and let Dark Shadow take out the villain. Shoji shouted for Todoroki or Bakugo to give them some light. Bakugo and Shoto rushed past Tokoyami using their quirks to weaken Dark Shadow. After everything settled Tokoyami blamed himself for what happened while I just sat on the ground catching my breath. Papa explained the situation to everyone while Kacchan just looked at everyone confused.

"I'd be fine by myself." Kacchan shouted.

"We'll surround you as you walk." Shoto said.

"I don't need any of your protection damn it!" Kacchan shouted. We started walking back towards camp as Kacchan complained. I was walking behind Kacchan with Tokoyami behind me. 

Deku's POV

We were walking towards camp when we ran into Urarakaand Tsu fighting a blonde haired girl before she ran off. Uraraka wanted us to chase after the villain, but Tsu said that we shouldn't since Uraraka was hurt. "We can't stand here and talk." Shoji said. 

"I'm glad you didn't get injured too bad. Now come on join our group. We're protecting kacchan and making our way back to camp. We could use your help." I said. 

"If you're protecting Bakugo then shouldn't he be standing here with you guys?" Tsu asked.  I looked at her a little confused asking what she was talking about before looking behind us. When we looked back Kacchan and Tokoyami weren't behind us. I started panicking as I thought we were doing good and covered all of our bases. "Nice trick aye?" Someone said. I looked up to see a guy in a mask and trench coat standing in a tree. "I took the lad you're talking about with my magic. A talent like his would be squandered if he were cast as a hero. We'll provide him with a grander  stage where he can truly shine." The man said.

"Give him back." I demanded. 

"Give him back? What an odd thing to say. Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own person, don't be so arrogant." The man said.

"Wait Deku where's Y/n?" Uraraka asked. I looked at her before checking around us. "Ah yes the little fox girl. She might not make for a great villain. However, that quirk of her's is quite the quirk to find." The man said. I felt anger bubbly up inside me. "We'll stop you." I shouted, as I tried to move my body. It was almsot too painful for me to move at all. "Midoriya. We'll get her back, but you can't take any more injuries." Shoji said. Shoto used his ice to try and pin the masked man down. "Why the aggression? We meerly wish to show him that there are options besides the world of heroes he's drowning in. And I'm sure the young girl might eventually come to see things our way if Bakugo joins us. She trusts him right?" The man asked.

"No way, Y/n would never become a villain!" I shouted.

"it's important to choose a path that aligns with your core values." The man said.

"If you're monologuing because you think you've beaten us, you're mistaken." Shoto said.

"A bad habit of mine, I was an entertainer you know. Taking Tokoyami was a bit of improv on my part." The man said. I growled as I tried to move again to get all three of them back. "Moonfish, our dear blade tooth he may not look it but he's a death row villain who's last appeal was denied. When I saw the avain take him down so easily and violently. I decided that he should join our troop." The man said.

"You bastard you can't take them!" I shouted.

"Midoriya calm down." Shoji said. Shoto rushed forward and used his full ice powers to freeze over the area trying to catch the villain. "Apologies, but sleight of hand and escapeology are my specialties not combat. I'm not foolish enough to fight hero canidates from UA." The man said. He used a radio to contact the other villains before he ran off using the branches to stay above and in front of us. We continued chasing after the villain as he slowly got further and further away from us. "Damn it this guy's quick." Shoto said. 

"If only Ida was here." Uraraka said.

"Come on." Shoto said.

"We can't give up now, we have to cathc him. We have to get our friends and Y/n back!" I said. While we were running I came up with a quick plan that would allow us to catch up to him. I told them the plan and how we could catch them. We stopped for a second as Uraraka used her button up shirt and made splints out of it. We managed to catch him in the air as Uraraka released her pwoer on us. We came crashing into the ground with the man under us. 

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