Chapter 21

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A/n: Hey so next chapter is going to be hero names. I don't currently have any ideas for one, so comment the ones that you have.

Y/n's POV

We were waiting for the next match between Kacchan and Shoto to start while mama let me sit in her lap. "Who do you think is going to win, Deku?" Mama asked. Papa started muttering about Kacchan and Shoto and how one or the other could win, depending on how hard they fought. "I think Shoto could win, but Kacchan has more control over his powers, so he's going to win." I said. Everyone looked at me a little confused before mama turned me to look at her. "You're being like Deku more and more." Mama said. 

"Being like papa is a bad thing?" I asked, looking at her, confused. 

"I think it's more about the habits you're picking up Y/n." Ojiro said. Everyone chuckled while papa's face went red while I was still looking around confused. "I love you sweetie, please never change." Mama said. I slowly nodded and turned back to the field as Kacchan and Shoto walked out onto the field. Their match quickly started with Shoto firing off a giant ice attack like he did against Sero. The ice covered Kacchan before we heard explosions that sounded muffled. Eventually, Kacchan shattered the top layer of ice from Shoto's attack before mentioning that Shoto was terrible about aiming. They charged towards each other with Shoto reaching his right arm out while Kacchan launched himself over him, grabbing his head and left shoulder before landing and throwing him. "That was awesome." Mama said. Shoto used his ice to make a barrier to stop himself from flying out of the ring. He started surfing the ice, aiming towards Kacchan. Kacchan jumped up and went to attack Shoto, but Shoto grabbed Kacchan's arm with his left arm. 

"Use your left side! Do it Shoto!" Someone shouted. I watched and waited for him to use his flames, but they never came. Shoto ended up throwing Kacchan away from him, Kacchan quickly landed and looked at Shoto with a weird smile on his face. Mr. Aizawa explained how Kacchan was timing his explosions to avoid Shoto's attacks. Kacchan began yelling at Shoto about fighting him with the same power that he used against papa. Kacchan was charging towards Shoto as he was just standing there. "Come on Todoroki! Don't give up! Do your best!" Papa shouted standing up. Kacchan looked up at papa before he turned back to Shoto and blasted himself into the air. The ice that had started to form on Shoto was melting away before his left arm was covered in flames. Kacchan used his explosions to make himself start spinning as Shoto raised his left arm to attack with his flames. After a second Shoto stopped using his fire before Kacchan's hand hit the ice wall that Shoto made to stop the blast. 

The huge explosion shattered all the ice in front of Shoto before he flew back and hit the ice from his first attack. Present Mic and and mr. Aizawa started commentating about how Kacchan was attacking. As the dust cleared Kacchan was laying on the ground looking at where Shoto landed. Shoto was laying on the ice out cold and out  of bounds. Kacchan got up and slowly walked towards Shoto complaing about how he didn't use his flames. Midnight used her quirk to put Kacchan to sleep before anouncing him the victor. Papa looked shocked that Kacchan won. Everyone cheered that Kacchan was the winner before the events came to a close. The last thing we had to do was the awards ceremony. Everyone gathered on the field as the four of us who made it to the top three were raising up on a platform from underneath the field. Kacchan was going crazy in his restraints as we were lifted up to the field. Everyone looked at Kaccahn a little concerned about him thrashing in his cuffs. "He's acting like a feral animal." Tokoyami said.

I nodded in agreement before Midnight talked about me and Tokoyami were sharing the third place. I looked at papa and saw that he looked worried about something. "Now to present the winners their awards is the top hero." Midnight said. I heard All Might laughing before looking up to see him standing at the top of the stadium. Everyone cheered as All Might jumped off the stadium's roof. All Might was saying something as he jumped and was landing, but Midnight interrupted him saying that he was the number one hero. The whole stadium went quiet as I tried to hold back my laughter. All Might looked at Midnight a little upset as she looked like she was apologizing. "Now that you're here All Might, how about you start the presentation?" Midnight asked. Me and Tokoyami stood up straight ready to get our medals. "Congreatulations Young Tokoyami, young Y/n. You both showed great strength and strategy." All Might said placing the medal around our necks. All Might hugged us and talked about needing more training. I looked at my medal before looking at papa and smiling at him.

He smiled and gave me a thumbs up before Kacchan started shouting at All Might. I looked over and saw Kacchan trying not to take the medal, but All Might managed to get the ribbon in his mouth. All Might thanked everyone for their hardwork, but everyone else cheered plus ultra. All Might tried making it up and explaining why he said what he said. After everything was finished we met back in our classroom. "Nice work, you have two days off to recuperate. Some of the pros that watched the festival might want to recruit some of you, so we'll look over the draft fourms and update you when you get back. Go home get some rest, because we'll have lots of training to do after you get back." Aizawa said. I went home with papa for the first day and grandma was happy that I placed third in the festival. She had made us breakfast and even let me eat some of the candy that she had bought for me a while ago. 

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