Chapter 28

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Y/n's POV

The first match was Kirishima and Sato against Cementoss. It started with Sato and Kirishima rushing towards Cementoss before their quirks stopped being as effect. "Team Kirishima and Sato have failed." The announcement said. Recovery Girl headed out to help them while the second match was being set up. "So have you come up with a strategy for taking down mr. Aizawa?" Papa asked. I let out a sigh and shook my head. "Momo said that it would be okay if we didn't come up with a plan, but Shoto didn't want to either." I explained. 

"I see, but you have a plan, don't you?" Mama asked. 

"I've got some ideas, but I'd not sure how well they'll work out." I said. 

"I'm sure once your team actually starts fighting mr. Aizawa, you'll be able to capture him." Papa said. I nodded before hearing Recovery Girl come back into the room. We turned back to the monitor, seeing Tsu and Tokoyami ready for a fight. "Y/n, you fought against Ectoplasm. How did you win?" Papa asked.

"I didn't do much since he was only testing me, but being in my giant fox form allowed me to get a little speed and weight difference on him, allowing me to attack him easily." I said. Papa and mama nodded before we looked back at the screen seeing that Tokoyami and Tsu were doing great as a team, but they ended up being captured by the giant clone that Ectopalsm made. Dark Shadow was trying to attack from a distance before Tsu gave him something. When he started attacking again, Dark Shadow managed to get the cuffs around Ectoplasm's leg. "Who's up next?" I asked.

"It's Ida and Ojiro. They'll be fighting Power Loader." Papa said. The stage changed to one that favored Power Loader's quirk over Ida's and Ojiro's quirks. When the exam started, Power Loader dug into the ground. Ojiro and Ida talked about something before Ojiro threw a rock at the ground and a hole opened up. They talked for a few more seconds before Ojiro got onto Ida's back and started running towards the exit. As Ida was running towards the exit, the traps that Power Loader made were going off. As they got closer to the exit Power Loader tried to stop them by collasping the ground around Ida's feet. Ida ended up throwing Ojiro towards the exit Power loader jumped out of the ground trying to stop Ojiro before his mecha arm was knocked away by Ojiro's tail. He made it through the exit letting both of them pass. "I should get going since Me and my team are up next." I said. 

"Good luck out there." Mama said. 

"Do your best and be safe." Papa said. I smiled and them before giving a thumbs up. I headed to the urban area waiting for Momo and Shoto to show up. "I see you're as proactive as ever." Momo said, waking up to me. 

"Not as much as you though. I still only placed third in midterms." I said. 

"You both did better then me." Shoto said, showing up.

"Team, Y/n, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu vs Aizawa. Begin!" The announcement said. Shoto took the lead and had us running through the neighborhood before we stopped. "Yaoyorozu, I want you to start making items with your quirk." Shoto said. I looked up at her and saw that Momo wanted to say something. "Momo, did you have a plan?" I asked. Shoto stopped and looked back at us. "No, I'm not sure if my would work anyways." Momo said. 

"Either way I still think we should head to the exit." Shoto said. 

"I say we should still hear the plan that Momo came up with." I said.

"Alright, let's stay back and hear out the plan." Shoto said. Momo explained that her plan was to wait out mr. Aizawa since he was injuried during the USJ incident. "What do you want me to do?" Shoto asked. 

"I think it's best if we wear some type of cloak so mr. Aizawa can't use his quirk against us." I suggested.

"That's a great idea, but the best way to capture him is risky." Momo said. 

"What do you have in mind?" Shoto asked. 

"I'm thinking of making a material similar to his scarf, however when it's heated it goes back to it's original form." Momo explained. 

"That's perfect. Y/n I'd like if you took care of heating the material, and I act as a backup with my ice." Shoto said.

"I don't believe she has the heat that the material needs." Momo said. 

"I agree, given you quirk and that you can cover a bigger area then me, but being back up should be easy for me with my fox forms and the martial art skills I got during the internship." I said. 

"Alright, let's get going then." Shoto said. Momo and I nodded as she started making the cloaks and the scarf. Once everything was made we started making our way to the exit. "There you three are." Aizawa said. He attacked us, but Momo revealed herself and managed to launch the scarf she made at him. Aizawa jumped away from us, but Shoto's flames erupted out form underneath us stiffening the scarf that Momo made. I quickly transformed into my bigger fox form as Aizawa tried to get out of the trap. "Sorry mr. Aizawa." I said, knocking him back towards the scarf with my tail. 

Once he was all tied up it was announced that we passed our final. "Great job you three." Mr. Aizawa said. I smiled and nodded. "I'm impressed you three came up with such a plan." He said. 

"It's was Yaoyorzu's plan, And at first I wasn't willing to listened to it. Y/n convinced me to hear her out." Shoto said. 

"Good, if you think about why I paired you three up. You should see why Y/n was the key to winning for you." Aizawa said. Momo started crying before Shoto started asking her what was wrong. He recommended a pressure point while I just shook my head and helped her off the field. 

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