Chapter 44

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Y/n's POV

On the third day of camp, mr Aizawa was explaining what we were doing here and why we were here before papa asked about if the other hero teachers would be here. Mr Aizawa explained that All Might and the other teachers from the hero course wouldn't be here since they were trying to keep the camp a secret. I was training with Tiger while everyone else was doing exercises he assigned to them. "Give it your all Trix!" Tiger said. I nodded and tried hitting him again. He easily dodged before trying to hit me. I blocked his attack being set back a little bit. "You're already improving." Tiger said. 

"Thanks." I said, wiping some sweat from my forehead.

"Go get some water, kid." Tiger said. I nodded and headed over to a tree where I set my water bottle down. After drinking some water, I walked up to Tiger again. "I'm ready to go again." I said. Pixie-bob started meowing about something before I got hit and sent into a tree. "You need to learn to brace for unexpected attacks." Tiger said. I nodded and got up. "More importantly, tonight's gonna be fun! We're pitting classes against each other in a test of courage. I know you've been training hard today and later you'll get to play hard. How's that for a reward?" Pixie-bob shouted.

"Sounds exciting." I said. Everyone else kind of complained about how it just sounded like more training. Pixie-bob told us not to slack off, so I started sparring with Tiger again and spent the day building muscle by sparring with him. Once the evening rolled around, we started cooking our food again and mama was shocked that Kacchan knew how to use a knife so well. "What do you mean, it's weird? How can you people be so damn bad at everything?" He asked. Everyone was chatting while each took care of a different job. Since I had improved my quirk, I was able to light all the fires at once, making cooking easier on everyone. Papa and Shoto were talking about how papa asked mr Aizawa about All Might showing up to camp. They talked about Kota and how papa needed All Might to improve Kota's perspective on heroes. 

Shoto told papa that he shouldn't be poking his nose into situations since he tends to cut to the heart of peoples problems. I giggled as I walked up to them. "He's right you know papa." I said.

"What? Y/n, do you really agree with that?" I asked.

"I sure do, now papa what do you remember about me getting my second tail?" I asked. 

"I've told you about it before." Papa said. 

"I know, but I kind of want another one." I said, holding my tails in front of me. Papa sighed and patted me on the head. "I know, you've mentioned it a bunch since we got back from I-island." Papa said. I sighed and went to start my other task for the night. I was in charge of helping serve everyone.  Once everyone was served I looked around for Kota since I didn't see him out here for dinner. Once the sun set the Pussy Cats gathered us up and explained the game that we were going to play. "Hey Pixie-bob, where's Kota?" I asked. 

"I don't know he snuck off again and I still don't know where he goes. The game is going to start though, don't you want to play?" Pixie-bob asked.

"I'm not sure. I want to see if I can go find him." I said.

"Hey Tiger, is she ready?" Pixie-bob asked. 

"She's stronger then before and I'd say she'll be fine by herself." Tiger said. 

"Alright. If you want to go find Kota go ahead, but it's dark out here so be safe." Pixie-bob said.

"I always am." I said. I headed up to Kota's hiding place while everyone started doing the activity that the Pussy Cats had planned. Walking up to Kota's hiding spot I found him looking out over the forest again. "Hey." I said, walking up to him. He jumped a little before looking at me. "What are you doing up here?" He asked. 

"I thought it'd be fun to talk with you some more." I said.

"Fine, I guess you can stay here." Kota said.

"Thanks, but I was going to stay whether you let me to or not." I said, sitting on the edge of the cliff again. Kota sat down next to me and just stared out over the forest. "Why did you want to talk with me?" Kota asked.

"Well you're around my age and that means we can talk about things we have in common." I said.

"We don't have that much in common though." Kota said.

"Yeah, you're right. But I wanted to see what you thought about my quirk at least." I said, looking at him. Kota looked at me for a second before looking away. "I think you have a great quirk, but I still hate the fact that you're trying to be a hero." Kota said. I nodded and looked at him. "That's fine, but I'm happy you at least like my quirk." I said, smiling at him. He nodded before looking at me again. We continued talking about how my quirk worked since he was a little curious about it. After a little bit of talking a smell in the air hit my nose and concerned me. "There's smoke in the air." I said, standing up. I looked around the forest before seeing smoke raising from some of the trees near camp. "Kota we should go." I said.

"What? Why?" He asked. 

"Something's happening near camp and we should head back to be safe." I said, pulling out my phone. I went to call papa, but something made the ground under us rumble. "Aww leaving so soon?" Someone said. Something felt wrong about the voice and I quickly stood in front of Kota and grit my teeth. "Who's there!" I shouted. A man stepped out from the cave wearing a cloak and a strange mask. "I came up here looking for a good vantage point and I find one on our list and one not on our list." The man said. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Hey kid, I like the hat. Would you be willing to trade it for this lame mask of mine?" The man asked. 

U.A. High's Little KitsuneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin