Chapter 90

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A/n: Realized as I was writing this chapter that I accidentally added a sentence I shouldn't have. When this is uploaded, I'm hoping to have that fixed.

Y/n's POV

The first fight was going fast. Each team had already captured at least one person, Class A had Tsuburaba while Class B Kirishima and Koda. Vlad King was talking proudly about his students, how they trained, and studied and did everything to prepare for this joint training. Monoma was cheering Vlad King on about the commentary that he was doing. "Stop with the biased commentary." Mina said, suddenly holding a sign. Papa and I were watching the fight intently, trying to figure out how each person was fighting with their quirks. "This is awesome. Class B is doing great, combining their quirks together to fight together." Papa said.

"Yeah, but our class needs to work on some coordination with each other. Plus, we need to know more about Class B's quirks." I said.

"Y/n please stop copying Deku." Mama said. I looked at her a little confused before she pointed at papa who was scribbling notes down. "Oh, but isn't it a good thing to know about quirks and things like coordination with teammates?" I asked.

"To a certain extent, sure, but sometimes you shouldn't copy him." Mama said. I looked at papa before nodding in agreement with mama. "Let's just keep watching for now." Mama said. The fight continued with the others making a new plan to go about fighting. Mama scooted me closer to her as we watched. "Mama? Why'd you scoot me closer to you?" I asked, looking up at her. 

"I just wanted to make sure you're staying warm. Sorry, guess it's just me being concerned about you." Mama said. I giggled and nodded, snuggling up to her. Mama smiled as we saw Tsu and Kaminari rushing towards the three remaining Class B students. Shishida said that there were two Tsu's rushing towards them. I was a little confused before remembering that Tsu could use the mucus like stuff from her body to put her scent on others. "I see what they're doing. She's masking their scents." I said.

"What do you mean?" Mama asked.

"Shh, I don't want to reveal it." I said. Mama nodded before we saw the plan go into action. They targeted Shiozaki first, taking her out with Denki's electricity. Shishida had one of Denki's target disks on his pocket which, after taking out Shiozaki, the electricity traveled towards Shishida. Before the electricity could hit Shishida, Rin shot off the target disk with his quirk. Shishida and Rin started attacking Tsu and Denki, but Tsu was too fast for Rin to hit with the scales from his quirk. Denki and Shishida were fighting, but neither of them were landing the finishing blows. Eventually Tsu grabbed Rin and used her tongue to fling him towards Shishida. Rin and Shishida hit their heads together, knocking both of them out. The first fight was finished with Class A's team winning by capturing everyone on Class B's team. Papa closed his notebook and smiled, knowing that Shinso was giving it his all. Vlad King announced that Class A was the winners even though he clearly was upset about the out of the fight. "Man, I wish we could just get to the last fight already." I said. 

"I know, sweetie, but we need to wait for our turn. How about working on homework, or maybe play a game on your phone." Mama suggested. I sighed leaning against her still bored as the first group returned to the waiting area. Everyone mentioned how they should improve with their quirks while Vlad King scolded his students for not winning. The second group was called up to begin the next match. As the second fight started I ended up soning out and only caught some of the action that was happening. The second match ended up in a loss for our class going 0-4 for Class A vs Class B. After the second match we were forced to take a break since the mushrooms that Komori's quirk left behind were going to last for about two hours. My attention was finally drawn back to what we were doing because Monoma was started going on about how much better class B was. He was knocked out by Kendo before I heard someone walking up behind us. I looked back and saw All Might walking up. "I am here. Without startling you." All Might whispered. I giggled since normally All Might's louder because of who he was before losing All for One. He asked to talk with papa while we waited for the third match to begin. "So Y/n, what's All Might and your dad talking about now?" Mina asked.

"Papa made me promise not to talk about what's going on." I said. 

"From what I know, All Might has been helping train Deku outside of class." Mama said.

"Oooo~ shocker, shocker. Couse you got the deets on midoriya." Mina said. 

"What? No I just heard it that's all from somebody else probably." Mama said, accidentally using her quirk on Mina. Mina started floating away before I changed into my giant fox form and caught her before she could fly away. "Thanks Y/n." Mina said, as mama released her quirk and Mina gently landed on my back. Vlad announced that the third match was two blocks from where the last one was held the teams were Shoto, Ojiro, Shoji, and Ida vs. Tsunotori, Honenuki, Kaibara and Tetsutetsu. Papa and mama talked about the balance of our class's team while Mineta pointed out that it was a win for us before Mina mentioned that we shouldn't count on it. I agreed with Mina since while our team was balanced it doesn't ensure a victory. The match started and Shoto used his ice to attack. Shoto managed to trap the other team with the ice before Honenuki used his quirk to soften a bunch of areas around where Class B's team was standing. Papa continued to analyze what was going on in the match while it progressed. Shoto was taken out with a simple headbutt for now while Shoji was pinned by Tsunotori's Horn Cannon quirk. Ida broke free of where he was trapped whiel the others fought their fights. Everyone was having difficulties taking on the other teams. The buzzer from the time limit went off and the fight ended in a draw. After that the fourth match was up next which was going to be interesting since Kacchan was going to be in it.

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