Chapter 48

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Deku's POV

"Give Kacchan, Tokoyami and Y/n back to us." I said, as we pinned the masked man to the ground. I heard some other voices before the man under us disappeared as blue flames shot past us burning us. One of the other villains that we landed next to attacked Shoto while I dodged what seemed like a syringe with a hose attached to it as I flew past me. The blonde-haired girl from before rushed me and knocked me to the ground. She put her foot on my chest before pulling out a knife and raising it above her head. "I think you'd be so much cuter if you bled some more." Shee said, bringing the knife down towards me. Shoji hit her off of me as I sat up and looked at her. She kept talking about cutting people. "Midoriya, Todoroki, we're done. He gave away his best trick. I'm not sure what your quirk is, but it has to do with those little marbles you stashed in your pocket. So I'm guessing these are Tokoyami, Bakugo and Y/n." Shoji said, holding up the three marbles we saw before. 

"You rescued them." I said. 

"Haha, color me impressed. Just as I would expect from someone with so many hands. How splendid." The man said. We took off running away from the villains as Shoto used is ice to block their path to us. I looked up to see a Nomu coming out from the forest before we took a left to avoid it. As we did a black gate appeared in front of us as the warp villain appeared in front of us. "It's been five minutes since the signal. Let's go, Dabi." He said. He opened gates around the villains to help them escape. Toga said goodbye to me as I heard the fire villain say that they weren't leaving without the kids. "Don't worry, they were so proud of themselves for routing through my pocket that I thought I'd let them gloat. Allow me to explain a basic tenant of magic. If I'm flaunting something shiny, it's because there's something else I don't want you to see." The man said, taking off his mask. 

He stuck out his tongue showing us three marbles that he had hidden. The villain snapped his fingers as the marbles Shoji was holding vanished and turned into ice chunks. "Is that my ice?" Todoroki asked. 

"That's right during the freezing attack I prepared dummies and slipped them into my right pocket. 

"Damn it." I said, rushing towards the villain. 

"A little misdirection forgive me. I sure do adore a twist ending." He said.

"You can't do this!" I shouted. 

"One last bow then the curtains fall." The man said, bowing towards us. A laser beam came out of nowhere and hit the man's mask off. I recognized it as Aoyama's quirk as the villain spit out the marbles. We rushed to grab them, but a shooting pain in my arms made me stumble and fall to the ground. Shoji grabbed one while Todoroki reached for the other two. Dabi grabbed them before Todoroki could before demanding that the man release them so they could confirm they had them. "That laser ruined my finale." The man said, snapping his fingers. Tokoyami appeared from the marble that Shoji grabbed while the other two revealed Y/n and Kacchan. I quickly stood up seeing them as Dabi grabbed Kacchan's throat and Y/n's hair. "Checkmate." Dabi said, fading into the gate. 

"Y/n! Kacchan! No!" I screamed running towards them. I could see the pain on Y/n's face as she was pulled throught the gate by her hair. "Stay back... Deku." Kacchan said. I hit the ground as the gate disappeared in front of me. I sat there looking where they just were before crying out for Y/n. I just sat there screaming for them to bring Y/n back. I ended up passing out because of the pain in my arms. 

While I was out I dreamed of Y/n and the happy times we had before she faded into darkness leaving an empty whole where she was. "What's going on? Y/n? Where'd you go?" I asked looking around for her. 

Y/n's POV

I woke up in a room filled with adults before I recognized one. "It seems the little fox is awake." He said, looking at me.

"Shigaraki." I growled. The TV was on and it was talking about the attack on the camo caused by shigaraki and his friends. "I'm so grateful to the media for all of this free publicity." He said, as the other villains looked at me. My hands and feet were tied up while I saw a blonde girl just staring at me. "Isn't it nice? Katsuki Bakugo, and Y/n Midoriya." Shigaraki asked. The blonde haired girl freaked out when she heard my name before rushing over to me and asking about papa. I didn't answer her at all wanting to prove I was tough. She pulled out a knife and starte rambling about how cute I'd be if I had some blood on me. I flinched hearing about blood before someone spoke up. "Leave the kid alone!" Kacchan shouted. I looked over and saw him sitting in a chair tied up as well. The girl looked at him before backing off with the knife.

Deku's POV

When I woke up again I saw a sliced apple on a plate from my mom. I thought about how she told me she couldn't handle surprises anymore. The door to the room I was in opened as I saw Kaminari. "Hey you're awake." He said. Most of the class came into the room and started talking about what was going on with the news and the school. Before I asked if the whole class came. Ida informed me of what happened with everyone. "Though it's just us I wish the whole class could be here." Ida said. As he said that I thought of Y/n who'd be on the bed looking at me and asking me to get better so we could become heroes. "I couldn't do it." I said. Everyone looked at me stunned before Shoji spoke up. "You did the best you could. Everyone here did." Shoji said.

"That's not what he means." Uraraka said, looking at the ground. Everyone went quiet as I started silently crying. "I couldn't protect her. Now she's kidnapped by some villains." I said. All I ended up thinking about was her and Kacchan being kidnapped and how I couldn't save them. As I laid there thinking about how Y/n'd be trying to cheer me up and begging me to train with her, Kirishima spoke up. "Alright let's go get them back." Kirishima said. He explained what happened yesterday again his plan to try and get Y/n and Kacchan back from the villains. 

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