Chapter 63

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Y/n's POV

We were in homeroom class and mr Aizawa was telling us about the hero work-studies. Mr Aizawa said that they canceled the work studies. The whole class was silent for a second. "What!" The whole class shouted. I luckily covered my ears as I figured everyone would either cheer or be upset about mr Aizawa's answer. "Aww... But we already met about them." Kirishima said.

"I guess when you think about why we moved into the dorms it makes sense." Denki said.

"Haha!" Kacchan cheered, clearly happy that no one else was doing them. 

"But... Some people think we won't be able to raise strong heroes with that sort of protective out look. With that in mind the compromise is to be selective about participating agencies. So choose one with a proven track record." Mr Aizawa said. Everyone started talking about what they wanted to do during their work-studies while Kacchan got angry. I looked over at papa and saw him thinking about something. I got up and walked over before tugging on his pants. "Papa can you help me find a good agency to work for?" I asked. 

"Didn't Mirio from the big three say he could get you in contact with an agency he's a part of?" Papa asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know what agency that is." I said.

"Well let's go see if the teacher's can find him and you two can talk about it." Papa said. I nodded as he got up. Both of us walked to the teacher's office for papa to see All Might and for me to see if the teacher's could find Mirio so I could talk with him. "You want me to introduce you to Sir Nighteye for the work-study program?" All Might asked.

"Yes, since he's one of the few heroes who've worked directly under you he's the perfect fit!" Papa said, almost shouting. All Might shushed him while I giggled about papa clearly being excited to meet Sir Nighteye. "So... Sir Nighteye who could've put that idea in your head. Oh of course, you wanted to be proactive so you called Gran Torino, didn't you?" All Might said.

"Yes sir." Papa said, bowing to him.

"Well I refuse. Not saying that to punish you. I have three reasons, first I opposed work-studies in the meeting yesterday, second you need to work on your shoot style. You should master that before taking on work-studies. And third, Sir Nighteye, I just don't want to talk to the guy." All Might said. All the other teachers in the room brought up different points while All Might was explaining his reasons for not wanting to introduce papa to Sir Nighteye. Present Mic started making fun of All Might for his third reason. "All Might, Kacchan told me that I'm not allowed to lose since someone like you laid the groundwork for me. And think about it my quirk is so similar to your's that if I work with Sir Nighteye he'll know exactly how to help me improve it." Papa said. "Look I love your passion, but I can't introduce you. Emphasis on I." All Might said. Papa and I looked at All Might confused before All Might had someone call for Mirio to come talk with us. 

"Aw yeah. You are here." Mirio said, walking into the room. I looked around papa while we sat on the couch in the room where he was told to meet us. "Hey, you two are here too?" Mirio said.

"Um I don't really understand what's going on right now." Papa said.

"Right! I'm completely clueless too." Mirio said.

"Mirio I wanted to ask if you'd let me come meet the person you do your work-studies under." I said. 

"Y/n, let me finish. Both of you have met young Togata. He's currently doing his work-study at Nighteye's agency." All Might said.

"Woah." I said.

"That's so cool." Papa said. 

"Yup, I've been working alongside him for a full year now." Mirio said.

"Then you're guaranteed be his sidekick when you graduate." Papa said.

"So long as Sir doesn't mind, yeah." Mirio said.

"Alright I'm going to get straight to the point now. Tell me Togata, do you think these two young first years have what it takes to work alongside you at the agency?" All Might asked.

"I see now, you want me to take Midoriya and Y/n to him for an introduction." Mirio said, putting his arm around papa's shoulder.

"Yeah." All Might said.

"But why do you need to go through me? I always see him watching old videos of you in his spare time. He'd be real happy if you called him up yourself." Mirio said.

"I can't excactly face him right now, cause he was dead right. I ended up exactly where he said I'd be. So do you think young Midoriya and Y/n have what it takes?" All Might asked.

"Y/n I know for sure would be great, but Midoriya what hero do you want to be?" Mirio asked. Papa started explaining what kind of hero that he wants to be. But after a few seconds Mirio gives papa a thumbs up. After that we had to wait for the weekend to actually have a day off so we could go meet Sir Nighteye. On saturday I was getting some stuff ready to head to Sir Nighteye's agency and I decided to take the fox plushie that Momo made for me. I put it in my backpack before I heard a knock on my door. I grabbed my backpack and walked over opening it to see papa ready to leave. "Ready to go meet Sir Nighteye?" Papa asked. I nodded. He picked me up and started running with me on his shoulders. We easily made it to the train station where we saw Mirio waiting for us. After an hour long train ride we finally made it to Sir Nighteye's agency. 

"Well this is it Sir Nighteye's agency. Easy man take a breath try to loosen up. Not too loose though. Sir's actually a pretty strict guy." Mirio said.

"I was a little scared of his gaze when papa showed me him on TV." I said.

"Yeah, but here's a tip for both of you. All you really need to do when you meet him is make him laugh." Mirio said. Papa was super confused as Mirio and I walked to the door. "Wait what does that mean?" Papa asked. 

"It's exactly as it sounds like." Mirio said. We started making our way up the stairs that were in a spiral before Mirio showed us where Sir Nighteye's office was. As we got close to it I started hearing someone laughing before papa opened the door. Sir Nighteye was standing in front of someone in a machine which was apparently tickling her. "Sir I brought those two first years I told you about." Mirio said. Sir Nighteye turned towards us and I saw the same stare that I saw in the videos that papa showed me about Sir Nighteye. I hid behind papa as he looked at us before papa tried making Sir Nighteye laugh by doing his All Might impression. "What is this, boy? Are you ridiculing All Might?" Sir Nighteye asked.

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