Chapter 75

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Y/n's POV

"Alright Y/n, we need to make a great joke for when everyone sees Eri." Mirio said. 

"That's a good idea, but I don't think it'll work. Papa's good at paying attention to those around him." I said, walking next to Eri. She was nervous and walking close to me before I grabbed her hand since it was a little crowded. "Trix, is it really okay for me to be here with you?" Eri asked.

"Of course, I'd do anything to get you to stay here." I said, smiling at her. She took a second before nodding as we headed towards the dorms. "Quick Y/n, Eri, let's hide and surprise everyone with Eri." Mirio said. Eri and I hid with Mirio behind a brush in front of my dorm. "Alright no one's noticed us, now it's time to get them with a gag that will really crack them up." Mirio said, peeking around the bush. I just sighed and looked at Mirio's back shrugging since I figured papa would see him since they were practicing dancing outside for our concert. "Oh hey Togata!" Papa yelled. I giggled as Mirio looked back disappointed before having Eri step out and him sticking his butt through the bush. "Hey guys I brought a peach for ya." Mirio said. I started laughing as Mirio just stood there crouching with his butt through the bush. We eventually stepped out from behind the bush and looked at everyone. 

Everyone was super happy to see Eri before Tsu and mama complimented the red dress that she was wearing. "Midoriya, I finally got permission from the principal for Eri to come here. In order to avoid any extra stress we're letting Eri explore the campus before the festival." Mr Aizawa said. I walked up and stood next to mr Aizawa. "Did the principal say anything about my idea?" I asked.

"I did mention the idea to him. He believes that it's a good idea, but the issue is you taking classes and having her around other students." Mr Aizawa said.

"I understand." I said, a little disappointed.

"I didn't say the principal said no to her staying. He's just worried about the students that would be around her." Mr Aizawa said.

"So even if I'm using my giant fox form to protect others it wouldn't be okay?" I asked.

"No, that'd be fine. Here's the deal, for one week we'll let her stay in your room. However, if there are any signs of her quirk activating again she'll be to be close to me or at the very least you." Mr Aizawa said. I smiled and looked at him. "I'll do my best to keep her and others safe." I said, bowing to him. After that everyone start introducing themselves to Eri, but she stepped over to me and grabbed my hand. "Sorry you guys she's a little shy." Mirio said, looking at everyone. Mina decided that it was time for us to have a break which allowed papa to come with us on a tour of the campus for Eri. We started walking around the campus showing Eri everything we could think of. "Hey it's Togata." A student said, coming out of a class room. Another student came out with the other and looked at us. "Don't tell me your time away from school is because you have a kid." The other student said. Mirio just smiled while Eri stuck a little closer to me. The first student handed us a flyer for a lecture that a teacher was giving. After that we headed outside and started looking around at all the things that everyone was setting up.

"Everyone's super busy even though the festival is a month away." Papa said.

"Yeah, you've always gotta try to do better then last year's. It's pretty hard to do something plus ultra." Mirio said. As we were walking a giant paper machee looking dragon head appeared in front of us making Eri jump a little and hold my hand tighter. "Sorry. Hey it's Midoriya and Y/n from class A." Tetsutetsu said, peeking around the dragon head.

"Why am I not surprised. You're walking around with nothing to do while we're all hustling around." Monoma said. 

"Are you two okay?" Papa asked. 

"I'm okay." I said.

"I thought it was the dragon from before." Eri said. Papa was confused before thinking about the heroes that came with us to the raid. "Oh you're talking about Ryuku." Papa said. Monoma was talking about our festival preformance that was coming up while he talked about class B's preformance. As he explained it we just stared at him in shock before he started laughing and his classmate knocked him out. Papa had me and Eri turn around as they were knocking him out before the classmate mentioned that Kendo wasn't around to keep him in line. We went and visited Nejire who was preparing for a beauty pageant before heading to the support course and seeing all their items. Hatsume had another one of her babies set up before it started smoking and caught fire. Papa rushed us out of there and we headed to the lunchroom. Eri and I got a drink and sat between papa and Mirio who were asking her about what she thought about UA.

"I uh not sure. But I can see how hard everyone is working on the festival and I do wanna know how it turns out." Eri said.

Principal Nezu spoke up and started talking about how he was happy that everyone was trying to put on a good thing for their classmates. Ms Midnight mentioned that the police didn't see it the same way as the principal before Principal Nezu walked out. Ms Midnight told us about the deal that they had with the police and how if any kind of alarm went off the entire festival would be called off. We were a little shocked but our break was ending and we had to head back. Mr Aizawa told Eri about the possibility of her staying in my room which she was excited for but we had to wait another week before it could happen.

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