Chapter 54

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Y/n's POV

Grandma gave papa and I permission to move into the dorms on UA's campus. I found out that papa had packed my things while I slept that day in his bed. We were standing outside the dorms with mr Aizawa. I was holding tightly onto papa's hand worried about being taken from him again. "Considering everything that's happened I'm glad we could bring Class 1-A back together." Mr Aizawa said. 

"So we all got the go ahead to move onto campus." Sero said. Everyone complained and talked about what happened with their parents and how the teachers came back. "Now then I'll explaine how the dorm assignments work shortly, first of all we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you were supposed to get during the training camp." Mr Aizawa said. Everyone remembered that we were there for that to happen. "This is important so listen well. Kirishima, Yaoyorozum, Todoroki, Mirdoiya, Ida. You five are the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue Bakugo that night. Based on your reactions I'm assuming the rest of you were aware of their plans. I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this if it weren't for All Might's retirement from the hero scene I would expell everyone here except Bakugo, Jiro, Y/n and Hagakure. The five of you who went of course, but also the remaining twelve who didn't stop them. You betrayed our trust even if it was to keep your friends from getting in trouble. In order to regain our confidence you'll need to obey every rule to the letter and live as model students. That's all. Now look alive, enjoy you're new home." Mr Aizawa said. He walked off after that with everyone looking a little depressed. Bakugo dragged Kaminari away from the group and towards the bushes in front of our dorm.

Electricty went off before Kaminari came back out acting like an idiot. I was standing there still holding papa's hand before someone touched my shoulder making me jump. I changed into my giant fox again ready to fight. "Oh I'm sorry sweetie." Mama said. I looked at her before seeing everyone else's looks of concern on their faces. Mama walked over and gently brushed her hand over my snout. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry." She said. I changed back feeling everyone staring at me. "How about we go find your room?" Mama suggested. I shook my head and rushed back over to papa grabbing his hand again. We walked inside and mr Aizawa started explaining the dorm layout to everyone. Mr Aizawa put my room next to mama's on the 4th floor once I knew where my room was I headed there and started unpacking things before I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it seeing mama standing there. "Hey, so Deku told me about what's been going on with you. Can I come in?" Mama asked. I nodded and let her in. She walked in and smiled when she saw a picture of the three of us on my desk. 

"How are you feeling?" Mama asked looking at me. I rushed towards her and hugged her as I started crying into her leg. "It was so scary mama." I sobbed. She sat down and hugged me before gently rubbing my back. "It's okay, I'm here now." Mama said. I continued crying and talking to her about All For One, him killing my parents, the dreams I was having, how scared I was to leave papa's side for very long. She just sat there and listened to me while rubbing my back. When I eventually stopped crying I looked up at her seeing tears falling down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry. I promise you that Deku only thought about saving both of you. More so you over Bakugo. He was willing to be seen as a villain just to save his little fox." Mama said, wiping my last few tears away. I smiled before hugging her as tight as I could. Mama looked at me before making a goofy face. I giggled and smiled at her. "There's that lovely smile of yours." Mama said.

"Thank you mama, but is it okay if I need some help sleeping that I walk to your room?" I asked.

"Of course, until you feel safe again you can always come see me." Mama said. I nodded. "Now let's finish unpacking your room." Mama said. I smiled before we turned on some music and started unpacking my things. We unpacked all my stuff before moving on to mama's room and unpacked her stuff. When we finished the sun had set and everyone was sitting in the common area. I found a spot on the couch by papa before noticing some gift bags on the table. "Papa what's with the gift bags?" I asked.

"Well I'm not sure." Papa said. 

"Y/n, we wanted to do something for you." Momo said. I looked over at her confused. "The five of us who went to save Bakugo and you saw how you were acting towards the villain All Might took on. After that I got together with the rest of the class and we each got you a gift to hopefully help ease your stress." Momo said. 

"Did you guys really do that?" Papa asked. Everyone nodded while I looked at papa. "We had to leave you and Uraraka out of the plan just so Y/n wouldn't know." Mina said. Papa and mama were shocked while I looked at the gifts. "You guys didn't have to do that." Mama said.

"We wanted to. It wouldn't be the same if Y/n wouldn't be her happy smiling self." Momo said. I got up and grabbed one of the gift bags on the table. I pulled a F/c fox plush out  of the bag before hugging it tightly. "I used my quirk to make that, so it should be the best plush you'll ever have." Momo said. I went through and opened each gift getting something nice from everyone. 

Jiro gave me homemade coupons to learn to play an instrument.

Aoyama gave me a picture of himself.

Tsu gave me a frog shaped alarm clock.

Ida gave me a backpack and a notebook. 

Kirishima gave me a code to a workout playlist on my phone.

Denki gave me a videogame. 

Tokoyami gave me a journal.

Mina gave me a coupon for dance lessons from her.

Ojiro offered to teach me some more martial arts.

Sato offered to teach me how to bake.

Shoji gave me some coloring books and colored pencils.

Sero gave me a hairpin that had a bow on it.

Hagakure gave me a homemade coupon to have a spa day with her.

Koda had a big box which I opened seeing a pet fox. He told me he'd keep it in his room, but I could play with it anytime I wanted.

Todoroki offered to taking me shopping and have his dad pay for it.

The last one I opened was a gift from Mineta which papa took and checked before handing it to me. I pulled out a nice dress which matched the bow that Sero had gotten me. I thanked them all as Kota let me play with the fox. He talked with the fox telling it I was it's owner and a few other things like going potty outside. It just nodded and snuggled close to me. Later as I was heading to my room Kacchan was standing outside and looked at me. "I heard the commotion. If you want to learn how to cook I'd be willing to teach you." Kacchan said.

"I'd be happy to learn to cook from you." I said. He patted my head before heading off to his room. 

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