Nothing to Worry About- Bucky Barnes

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I'm not sure if I should issue a warning for this one. Here the reader is married to Bucky and is pregnant with his child and Bucky is worried about being a father.

It started off as a normal night when suddenly Bucky jolts up wide awake; another nightmare had plagued him from sleep. He sits up with sweat beading down his forehead, trying to catch his breath. Once he calms down he turns his head to see his wife seemingly deep in sleep; at least he didn't wake you. He pulls the covers off you slightly so he could put his hand on your baby bump; reassurance that you and the unborn child you carried were not hurt.

You and Bucky had been married for almost a year and a half and you were currently pregnant with yours and Bucky's baby. Although the two of you had talked about having kids, this one came as a happy accident as a result of a late night of dancing, dinner, and a pitcher of margaritas. When you found out three weeks later and broke the news to Bucky, he was filled with joy at the thought that he was going to be a father.

That was six months ago. Apparently the news of the pregnancy hadn't really sunk in for Bucky until the fifth month when you started to show as evident when his nightmares came back and were more frequent. Those nights, he would get worried that something horrible would happen to the baby: he might revert back to the Winter Soldier and hurt you, the baby, or both. He would worry about HYDRA kidnapping you or the baby either as hostages or for experiments. What worried him the most would be the day when the child was old enough to learn about Bucky's past; would he/she hate him if it came to that?

In the present, he placed his hand on your baby bump and rubbed it a little; knowing the baby was safe usually calmed him down after a nightmare. As he rubbed your bump he felt the baby kick. He didn't quite pay attention at first so the kick came as a surprise. This time he paid closer attention, keeping his hand where it was and sure enough the baby kicked again. He couldn't help but smile to that.

You stirred a little from sleep, feeling the baby kick inside you. You open your eyes to see your husband awake with his hand on your belly. "Sorry, doll, did I wake you?" he asks concerned, "No, that was the baby's doing" you reply, "Why are you awake? Did you have another nightmare again?" Bucky looked down sullenly unable to respond. You sigh and sit up. "Was it about the baby again?" you place your hand over his on your bump.

"Yeah," he pouts. "You know you have nothing to worry about, James," you say as you move your hand from his hand to his cheek, "You may not think it but I know you'll make an amazing father." "I just don't want anything to happen to this baby," he replies. "Nothing will happen to this baby," you boldly reassure him, "He or she will have you, me, and of course his/her amazing aunts and uncles. Uncles including your best friend and godfather Steve." "You keep saying that every time we have this conversation so confidently-"

"And I'll keep on saying it so confidently; even if I have drive it into that thick head of yours." You knock your hand on his head which makes him chuckle. "You'd probably enjoy doing that wouldn't you, Doll?" "You maybe" you reply "I'd only do it because I love you and I know this baby will love you too." You lay back down and open your arm up as an invitation for Bucky to cuddle into you and listen to your baby's soothing heartbeat. Bucky gladly accepts said invitation. You felt him begin to relax.

"What about when the day comes when this little one is old enough to learn about my past?" he asks. "What about it?" you reply. "What if he/she hates me because of it?" You laugh a little at that, "Bucky, if this kid ends up hating you it'll be because of something you do in the future not the past; especially when he/she hits the teenage years." Bucky laughs at that.  He snuggles closer to you.

"Do you want this baby to be a boy or a girl?" you ask before he could fully fall asleep. "Believe it or not I had my sights set on a little girl," he says, "a little princess to spoil and shower with presents. Someone to protect when she becomes interested in boys and someone to walk down the aisle on her wedding day."

 "She would definitely be daddy's little girl," you chuckle. Soon the two of you fall back to sleep.

Sure enough three months later you gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl and it was the happiest day of yours and Bucky's life.

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