The Both of Us- Bucky Barnes (w/ Natasha Romanoff)

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This one-shot is heavily based on an episode from Steven Universe. The reader has history with both Bucky and Natasha in the Red Room. The reader had feelings for Nat, like how Pearl had feelings for Rose, but Nat chose Bucky over her. Now that she's gone, after the events from Endgame, the reader has a hard time moving on.

Angst and major feels. Enjoy.

"Wow, I never realized how good this show really is," Wanda says in awe as her and Clint sit in Clint's  house with the kids, who were catching up big time on the shows they missed, which included one beloved cartoon with fights, humor, and gem love. "You never seen this cartoon before?" the archer frown a little. "I tried," Wanda explains, "but it was heavily censored back in Sokovia. I don't understand why, though, it's not like the characters are doing anything indecent." "Well I only got into it cause the kids love it," Clint shrugs, "but I was hooked after the first several episodes. I liked to draw comparisons to the characters to our own team sometimes." "Really? And which one would I be?" Wanda asks curiously.

Before Clint could answer, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs got their attention. You trudge to the fridge and grab a carton of orange juice. Clint went to check on you; judging by the dark spots under your eyes, it didn't look like you had much sleep last night. "Morning," he greets, trying to make things a little bit lively, "Hey," you greet back, sounding depressed as you pour yourself a glass. "I have some waffles leftover from breakfast with syrup and whipped cream, and we're all in the den watching cartoons if you're up to it." "I'll think about it," you smile a little, trying to hide the pain that was blooming inside you.

It had actually been the first time you left the guests bedroom in days. The universe may have been saved from the clutches of Thanos and his army, but it came at such a heavy price. Lives were sacrificed to bring back the billions of lives that were lost to the snap, which included someone near and dear to your heart. Clint understood your sadness; he was there after all when Natasha chose to cut the line and fall to her death in order to gain the soul stone. He also knew about how deeply in love you were with Nat, although that same love was never quite reciprocated, as she had chosen to give that love to someone else.

From the couch in the den, Clint saw you had taken your breakfast and walk back to your room. "It was worth a shot," he tells Wanda. "I'm surprised she decided to come out," Wanda admits, "She hasn't been the same since..." "Doesn't she realize we all miss her?" Clint wonders out loud. "It was different for her," Wanda points out, "Didn't you say something about the two of them having history?" "I guess so," Clint agrees, "We all have our own ways of grieving; (y/n) is doing it differently from the rest of us."

There was a sudden knock on the door. "Who could be out here in the middle of nowhere at this time of the day?" Clint grumbles, reluctantly getting up to answer the door. "Oh, hey, kid," Clint's tone changes when he recognized the person on the other side was Peter, "What brings you out here on a Sunday. Wait, how did you know where I even lived?" "Mr. Stark kept tabs after he came here that one time," Peter tells him. "Ah, dammit Stark," Clint mutters, "What part of keep it off the grid didn't he understand?" "I think it was just in case of an emergency like the last time," Peter shrugs, "Anyway, I wanted to give you this."

The teen hero hands Clint an envelope. The archer opens it up to reveal a check. When he saw the figure, he pretty much fainted. The thud was loud enough to grab Wanda's attention. "What happened? Are we under attack?" Wanda heads for the front door, only to see Peter looking confused, and Clint lying on the ground with a check in hand. "Clint, are you okay?" Wanda asks, shaking the archer awake. "Huh? Oh yeah, peachy," Clint nods weakly, "It's just...that is a lot of zeros." "What is he talking about." "The check he got from Mr. Stark," Peter answers, "Or Mrs. Stark I should say; apparently Tony left each of the Avengers, and associates a great sum of money in his will. I showed mine to Aunt May, and she pretty much had the same reaction. Here, this one's for you," he hands another envelope to Wanda, who opens it. "Oh my," she says, "That's....Stark really had been holding back on us." She also faints.

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