The Morning After- T'challa

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No additional warnings really come to mind for this. It may be sad around the middle part of this one-shot but rest assured the ending part will be a happy one.

Morning came to the nation of Wakanda and here you were waking up in bed with the man you loved and husband T'challa who was already awake. Though you were awake you didn't open your eyes; you wanted this peaceful moment to last, especially since T'challa was stroking your hair as you snuggled up next to him. You remembered last night being amazing and you also hoped said night of romance and love-making was successful in making a baby. 

You and T'challa had been married for almost a year and a half now and just a few months ago you and him had been trying for a baby; more specifically an heir to Wakanda. It wasn't your idea initially but with a little persuasion on T'challa's part you agreed. The two of you would go at it whenever night you could; which wasn't all the time since T'challa had to oversee the politics and programs that are associated with running a nation. So far nothing. Almost everyday you would take a pregnancy test or see the royal physician, but so far the test came back negative. You and T'challa both consulted various doctors but the there was nothing wrong with the two of you fertility wise. Nevertheless you were staring to lose hope. At first you weren't sure you wanted a child but just now, with the no success at conceiving, you realized just how much you personally wanted this.

 Yesterday right when the servants prepared dinner, your husband came back after working with the Avengers for a brief three-day mission, in his Black Panther uniform. Usually seeing him in that feline outfit was a turn-on, and this he knew; however, you weren't exactly in the mood this evening. Once T'challa changes into something more comfortable he sits down opposite side of the table and the two of you start eating. "So my dear," he begins, "I know it's been a few days, but perhaps tonight we can try again for a baby?" he flashes a smile with just the right amount of charm. You smile slightly but then look sullenly at your plate; normally you would go for it, but you didn't feel it right now. "Actually, T'challa, I uh.. I was thinking maybe we should take a break tonight." His smile fades and you get up from the table, "I think I'll just get ready for bed than."    

You step out of the dinning room and run a nice, relaxing, hot bath. Afterwards you put on your nightgown and walk into your shared bedroom. Inside you notice the room was dim illuminated with a couple of lit candles. Inside was T'challa sitting on the bed wearing silk pyjamas. "You really want to go through with this do you?" you ask, "I'm still not really in the mood but I'll lay there if you absolutely need it." T'challa chuckles at that statement and extends his arms towards you, an invitation to cuddle which you accept. As he holds he gently strokes your head, "My love, I hope you are not starting to lose hope are you?" You sigh and relax into his chest, "I don't know," you reply, "I just thought it would happen by now. We've been trying again and again and still nothing. Maybe I'm putting too much effort into it." He kisses the top of your head, "I thought you would have wanted to prolong the conception as long as possible." "Well maybe at first," you admit, "but it hasn't happened and it's been making me realize how much I want a baby; how much I really want to be a mother." "I know it will happen," T'challa reassures you, "and when that day comes I know you will make an excellent mother to the future king or queen of Wakanda."

You felt tears starting to well up at that statement. T'challa takes notices of this and pulls you in further to comfort you. "It will be okay," he says and he continues to comfort till you fall asleep. That night you had a really nice dream where you and T'challa were sitting in the Wakanda gardens, a baby in your arms. The three of you were one happy family. You bolt up from your dream state. When reality sets in you start to cry which wakes up T'challa. He starts to comfort you and in that moment of neediness you slowly pull him in for a kiss. He doesn't pull away and when you break the kiss he pulls you in for another one. The two of you keep at it with the kisses and before you knew it, clothes were shed and the two of you lay in bed making love throughout the night.

You woke up the next morning with a feeling of bliss. Once you open your eyes you see T'challa laying on his side, stroking your head. "Good morning, my love?" he greets. "Morning," you say back. "I take it you slept well after last night." he smiles. "Very much so," you smile back, "Thank you." Before he could get out of bed you climb up to him and peck his lips. "What was that for?" he asks, "You didn't like it?" you ask surprised. "It was a pleasant surprise but I still felt I needed to ask." "I guess because I love you and being with you last night made me feel like the luckiest woman in the world." T'challa kisses you back, "And you make me feel like the luckiest man," he than gets up to get dressed. "I'll have the servants prepare breakfast. We can eat together before I leave today." "Hmmm I would really love that." You get up to put on some clothes and follow T'challa to the dinning area.

---------------------------Three weeks later-----------------------------

You held the white stick in your hand and had to look twice just to make sure you read it right. Positive. You took the other two sticks and turn them around. All positive tests. You were somewhere between shock and amazement. You ran as fast as you could to find T'challa, white stick in hand. When you finally find your husband you fling yourself to him in a hug and immediately showed him the test. With that he spins you around and pulls you into a kiss, "I knew it would happen soon." You felt happy tears come out of your eyes. "It's really happening. I'm going to be a mother." "And like I said before, I know you will make an excellent mother." 

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