The Waitress and the Intern- Thor

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My next one-shot is actually a cross over with 2 Broke Girls. What if Thor went to the Williamsburg diner one day and ran into Max, and he's convinced that's Darcy? There will be innuendo in this one.

"You sure this is the place we'll be meeting them?" Thor eyes the diner you and him were suppose to meet Jane and Darcy. "Well these are the directions Jane sent on the phone," you show the phone to Thor, "Funny, I always thought this place was some weird looking antique ship or something." "I don't believe I've ever been on this side of the city," Thor observes. You take a look around to see some suspicious people giving you dirty looks, "Yeah well maybe it was for the best," you quickly pull Thor into the diner.

Once inside, you and Thor are greeted by a blonde waitress in a yellow uniform, "Hi, welcome to the Williamsburg diner," she greets happily, "Where your lifespan just decreased by 50 years." Thor chuckled at that statement, "Seeing how I have at least 3,000 years left, I find your negative levity to be most amusing." "Yeah funny for you maybe," you retort, "Listen uh, Caroline," you read her name tag, "We're just gonna take a seat over there, and you think you can look keep a lookout? We're expecting two more people to show up." "Sure," Caroline replied sarcastically, "And while I'm doing that I'll also be sitting here waiting for all that money I had to magically show up so I can quit this dead end, wolf trap and get my life back." "You dark humor is even more so entertaining then Darcy's," Thor compliments as you and him sit at a booth.

"Hey, everybody!" you hear a rather obnoxious voice shout. Entering the establishment was a tall blonde woman, in a somewhat tight, blue dress and fur coat, and seemingly excessive make-up "boy it sure is good to be alive," she says with a Polish accent. "Hey, Earl," she says to the old cashier, "Who are those people sitting at my booth?" she points to you and Thor, looking over the menu. "I don't know but, ooh boy, the blonde one sure is buff," Earl replies, "I'd give anything to have a body like that again."

"Hey," the Polish lady walk right up to you and Thor. "are you our waitress this fine evening?" Thor asks. "Do I look like a waitress to you?" the woman asks somewhat offended. "If you were you'd be one sexy waitress," you hear a Russian accented man enter from the kitchen, "Like that time we role played back in the kitchen, you remember that Sophie?" "Oh yeah, best time ever, Oleg," Sophie replies sweetly, "Sex is so much sweeter covered in flour and sugar in all the right places." "I'm not exactly comfortable hearing this type of intimate talk," you slightly grimace. "Well if you two are interested perhaps we could make an arrangement if you catch my drift," Oleg wiggles his eyebrows at you. "What is the cook implying exactly?" Thor asks, genuinely confused. "I think that was an invitation to swing," you reply then glare at Oleg, "Listen honey, we're not a couple and even if we are..." you glare at Sophie, certain she was making eyes at Thor, "I'm not the sharing type." "Well," Sophie huffs, "like I would want to share with you either. I'm leaving now, but I better not see the two of you in my booth when I get back. Let's go Oleg." with that she takes Oleg and leads him to the bathroom. "This is the best thing you could do," he whispers to you and Thor, "Sex is better when she's angry." You shiver at the thought, "Ugh, and I thought Pietro was a pervert."  

"Excuse me, young man," Thor waves for a shorter man over to your table. "Yes, can I help you?" the man asks with a Korean accent. "We have been at this table for ten minutes now and no one has come to serve us." "Ah, of course, I'll get someone over here in just a second," the man replies.

------------------Back in the kitchen----------------

"Max, what are you doing?" Han asks in urgency as Max is busy making cupcakes, and quickly putting out a rolled up joint. "Getting cupcakes together for my business, what are you doing?" Max glares at Han. "There's a table in the diner that needs to be waited on, and you are no where to be seen." "Oh," Max shrugs, "So there's no rush then, good to know."

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