Meeting the Parents- Steve Rogers

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I've been thinking about doing another series of segments called "Meeting the Parents." For these segments, the reader is in an a relationship with one of the Avengers and said Avenger is introduced to the readers' parents. In some segments, there may be other relatives, along with the parents, involved including but not limited to brothers/sisters, grandparents, and/or cousins. I thought the best person to kick-start this would be Steve because....well I'm pretty sure it's obvious.

y/s/n: your sister's name 

It was another morning in the tower. You were the first one up and had decided to make breakfast for everyone living in the tower which included your boyfriend of three months, Steve Rogers. This morning you weren't just making breakfast out of the goodness of your heart like you usually did, you had to come up with as less an awkward way as possible to break the news to Steve that your parents were coming to visit.

One person you often talked to via Skype during your time in the Avengers was your younger sister. The two of you talk about pretty much everything and that included your relationship with Steve, which she was so excited that you were dating Captain America himself. So excited in fact she was almost about to shout to your parents the news but you stopped her. You weren't ashamed of Steve or anything like that, it was just that your parents tend to get a bit over excited and overthink things and you didn't want them to pressure you into anything too soon.

Two months into the relationship you got a call from your dad. "Hi, dad," you answer the phone. "hey, sweetie," he replies, "it's been a while." "Yeah a few months," you say back, "not much has really happen in that amount of time." "Oh really?" your dad asks skeptically, "does not much included being in a relationship with a certain man and you didn't bother to tell your old man about it?" "(y/s/n) told you didn't she?" you sigh. "Why didn't you say anything (y/n)?" your dad asks a little hurt. "I'm sorry, dad," you explain, "it's just he's a really great guy, and I mean a REALLY great guy in comparison with the last couple men I dated and you didn't approve and I didn't want you or mom to put any unnecessary pressure on me like marrying him. I mean I might marry him someday but I want to take my time before rushing into anything." "What makes you think your mother and I would do something like that?" your dad asks. "Well before the last two guys I dated, you did the same thing and we were barely a week into the relationship." "Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry. I didn't know" your dad replies, "You know your mother and I love you and we just want you to find someone that makes you happy." "I know, dad." "How about this?" he suggests, "Your mother and I were planning to visit you next month. Why don't you introduce us than and I promise we won't put any pressure on you no matter how great of a guy we think he is." "Well, I guess that could work." you respond.

  One month has passed and here you were getting breakfast together right when Steve walks into the kitchen. "Morning," you say to your boyfriend, "listen I got to tell you something before the day starts off." "Must be serious since you're not bothering to beat around the bush this early in the morning," Steve says as he serves his plate with eggs and toast. "Okay so here's the thing," you start as he eats, "my parents sort of found out about us and they're coming to visit today and they want to meet you." Steve stops halfway between biting into his toast. "You parents want to meet me? Wait they found out about us? You didn't tell them." "It's not what you think," you quickly explain, "it's just they tend to get a bit over excited and I wasn't sure how they would react if I was dating Captain America. But my dad promised they would tone it down with the excitement and I know they're gonna love you." "I don't know," Steve thinks on this, "I've never actually done this before; meeting the girl's parents. I wish I had more time to prepare." "You have nothing to worry about," you assure him, "Trust me, moment they first see you they'll welcome you to the family."

Later that day you and Steve drive to the airport to pick up your parents. While waiting Steve asks you, "So do your parents-" "Do they know I work with the Avengers?" you finish, "yes they do but I haven't told them the exact extent of how deeply I'm involved with the team." Steve gives you a stern look. "Hey, don't look at me like that, I just don't want them to worry. They made me promise to text them at least three times a day when I first moved to New York just to make sure I'm alive."

When you finally see your parents you walk over to them and give them both a hug. You than introduce them to Steve. "It's nice to meet both of you," Steve says as he shakes your father's hand. "So this is the man that captured my daughter's heart," your father says, "I have to say, I barely know much about you and I'm already impressed." "Well that is a rather generous thing of you to say, sir," Steve replies. "You do know that's Captain America your shaking hands with dad." you point out. Both your parents stand there in shock. "Your dating Captain America, sweetie?" your mother asks and pulls you aside, "Why didn't you say you were dating Captain America?" she whispers. "I didn't want you to embarrass me," you whisper back, "we wouldn't do that," you mother says back, "this is so exciting. To think you and him might someday-" "Mom, you and dad promised," you remind her. "I know you right, honey. Come on let's get going."    

Once your parents get their luggage, which Steve insisted he carry to the car, you and him drive them to the tower. There you make dinner and the four of you sit down to eat. After dinner your father pulls you aside. "So what do you think?" you ask. "Well I know I promised I won't add any unnecessary pressure but I just want to say I really think this one is a keeper. That's all I'll say and I'll leave it at that." "Thanks, dad." you smile and hug him, "I am really glad you like him."

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