Breaks Ups and Rebounds- Tony Stark

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This won't be my usual one-shots. For this, the reader is Tony's niece, she's around 20, and she can't stand these rebound women her uncle hooks up with to get over Pepper breaking up with him. One-shot takes place between Civil War and Homecoming.

Drama, swearing, maybe some innuendo, and a whole lot of anger being channeled from the author that needs to be released in a creative, non-destructive manner.

To nobodies surprise, you were the first one up this morning. Everyone else, your uncle Tony included, were probably sleeping off last night's party.

"Okay, let's see what the damage is today," you mutter to yourself as you enter the lounge. Sure enough, there were empty bottles everywhere. You sigh, somewhat exasperated, "Well better get started with the clean up."

You grab a couple bags, and start to pick up the bottles, both empty and partially full. Snoring from the couch suddenly caught your attention. Taking a quick look, you see Tony sprawled out on the couch with some strange woman, nearly full nude on both their parts. "Ohhh!" you exclaim, averting your gaze, making Tony jolt up slightly from the couch, "Huh, what?" he groggily mutters, holding his head from being hungover, "What happened?" he sees you covering your eyes, "What are you doing in my room?" "Take a look around and see where we are, uncle," you reply in annoyance.

It takes a few minutes, but Tony finally realized he was still in the lounge. After getting the lady he was with up, she gathered the rest of he clothes and left.

"You couldn't even make it to the bedroom this time? Really?" you lecture once the woman was gone, "Did you at least get her name this time?" "Uh, yeah sure," Tony nods, "Clarissa. No wait, that was two nights before. That one was uh...Susan...or was it Elaine." "Ugh," you face-palm, "Is this going to continue much longer? Cause I'm not sure how much more of this I can take, with the wild parties, empty bottles, and coming in here every morning to see parts of you a niece is never meant to see from their uncle." "Hey, it never bothered you before in the past," Tony points out as he heads to the kitchen to take something for his hangover, "Besides I never questioned any of the strange types you've brought home." 

Giving up, you head back to your room to change out of your pajamas.

It shouldn't bother you that much, but this was really something you should've gotten used to my now. Since Pepper broke up with Tony, you noticed your uncle has been undergoing some sort of downwards spiral. His parties and drinking became more frequent, and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't console Tony in any way. The worst of it were these one night rebounds he took to his bed at least every other night. Some of them, you didn't mind as much, but there were others who just really got under your skin.

--------Time Skip-------

"Thanks for letting me hang out here for awhile," you tell Rhodey at his place, sitting on the couch in front of the T.V. "Anytime," Rhodey assures, "I'd need a place to escape to too if I was in your shoes," he notices you had a rather annoyed look on your face as you stare at the blank screen, "I'm guessing things with Tony have gone downhill since he and Pepper decided to 'take a break from each other.'" "I don't think you really know the half of it," you tell him. "Hey, this is nothing new to me," Rhodey quips, "Tony mastered this lifestyle longer then you've been alive." "Heh, at least you don't have to wake up every morning, and head into the kitchen to see one of his hookup tramps in nothing but his shirts, eating eggs and bacon," you scoff, "'Hey, sweetie, how old are you?'" you say in a mock tone, "Old enough to know what you been doing with my uncle you bitch! Could at least have the decency to put a bra on!"

"At least those one night standers are older then you," Rhodey points out. "Yeah, I guess," you say, "He goes down that road, then we have a serious problem." You sigh before continuing, "I'm no stranger to this lifestyle of his, but it was never this bad. I'm starting to worry about Tony." "I know you are," Rhodey pats you on the shoulder, "I'm worried too, but there's not much we can do when the man doesn't even want help."

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