Fear Becomes Reality Part 2

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"Now what do we do?" Clint asks once everyone manages to come to after falling through the floors to escape Ultron and his lackeys.

"How did Ultron resurface in the first place?" Natasha gets straight to the point. "He must've found some way to go underground somewhere on the net," Bruce hypothesizes, "Found a place to gather back his strength. If that's the case, it would've have taken a long time give how much damage we caused him back in Sokovia." "That doesn't explain why I can't use my powers," you interject, making some of the other face you. "What do you mean you can't use your powers?" Wanda frowns a little. "I...I lost them," you admit, "I tried powering up to stop Ultron back there, but nothing happened. It's like someone or something completely drained them."

"We can figure that part out later," Tony responds, "Right now, we gotta stop Ultron. We need to find a way to get into the lab. That's where he was made, that's where we can find a way to stop him once and for all." "So what's the plan to get up there with the entire Iron Legion patrolling that floor?" Steve points out. "We better split up," Tony suggests, "it'll increase the chances of at least one of us getting to the lab."
"Whoa, whoa, hold up," Sam speaks up, "We can't split up. You saw the same movie I did hours ago right? Soon as we split up is when the monster starts to pick us off one-by-one; first one to get offed is usually either the dumb blonde or the token black guy."

"You know just because I'm blonde and not from around here doesn't make me dumb," Thor quips in. "Sam, this isn't a movie, this is real life, horrifying as it is right now," Natasha points out, "But I do agree that maybe we should stick together. There is strength in numbers and with the numbers Ultron is currently sporting, splitting up is the last thing we need to do right now." "I'm with Nat and Sam," you interject. "So am I," Steve agrees, and the others collectively agree as well. "Fine, fine, we'll stick together," Tony relents, "but we better move fast." He faces the ceiling where the vents were, "And I think I know how."


  "This is the fastest way to get to the lab?" you groan out as you and the team follow Tony crawling through the vents, which feels a lot more cramped when you have a whole lot more than two people roaming in there. "Okay so maybe it's not the fastest," Tony admits, "But it's the least likely way we'll get caught."

"If you're getting claustrophobic back there, we can stop and take a little break if you want," Rhodey offers you. "I'm not claustrophobic, I told you, I don't get scared," you deny. "You know, (y/n) it is okay to get be afraid," Nat offers as solace, "This is a very scary situation we're in right now, there's no shame in admitting to fear." "I am given to understand fear is a natural human trait," Vision adds, "it can also be a part that allows you to live." "I'm not scared," you repeat, annoyance laced in your voice, "Look, this isn't something we haven't done before, and we've faced a whole lot worse need I remind you."
There was screaming again, making the team stop in their tracks, "where is that scream coming from?" Sam asks, somewhat panicked. "You sure there isn't anybody else in this facility?" Steve inquires of Tony. "I thought there wasn't," Tony seemed unsure.

"Wait," you speak up, "Does anyone else hear that?" "You mean the scream from seconds ago?" Wanda frowns a little. "No, not that," you shake your head, "Listen closely."
At first it felt like nothing but eerie silence, but it became clear it was sound of wind channeling through the vents. The wind started to increase in power, becoming something akin to a hurricane or a tornado. "Didn't know the ventilation around here was this high quality," Clint jokes as you all try to find something to cling to stop from getting blown over, which is near impossible in the vents.

Inevitably, you and the team start sliding around the vent system as the wind continued to increase in velocity. "Stark, now would be a good time to come up with a way to get us out of here so we can stop getting tossed around like rag dolls," Natasha calls out. "I'm working on out," Tony calls back.
Tony uses on of his Iron Man armors and focuses a energy repulsion as they turn a sharp corner. The repulsion charge was enough to create a hole in the vents, allowing the team to jump through.

Just as they did, however some of the Ultron possessed Iron Legion showed up. The team fight them off before turning and running through the halls heading for the lab. More robots followed suit, seemingly out of nowhere. "We any closer to the lab yet?" Rhodey yells out. "Almost," Tony responds, "Just up ahead."

Tony manages to pry the doors open while everyone else fought off the bots, you stand behind seeing that you were still sans powers. "Everyone in!" Tony exclaims once the doors were open just enough to squeeze through. The team manages to get through, however, Clint was the last one to make it through, but before he could make it home free a robot hand grabs him by the leg. "Guys!" he calls out in a panic, "I'm about to go out like the robot version of the Walking Dead here!"

You grab hold of Clint and try to pull him back, but the robots on the other side joined in pulling Clint back. Natasha, Wanda, and Sam assist you in trying to rescue Clint. Thor and Vision use their powers to disintegrate the robots. It doesn't do much good as more robots take their place. Eventually, it becomes too much and the robots pull Clint from your grasp. The archer screams for help as he gets dragged away. "Clint!" you run after the robots and Clint as they disappear around the corner. By the time you make that turn, nothing was there; Clint was gone.


"Did you get him? What happened" Natasha asks once you make it back to the lab. "He's...he's gone," you inform them, starting to fight back tears, "They took Clint, and they just...disappeared. I should've held on tighter, I shouldn't have let go, and now he's gone. What do we do?" "Hey, hey, it's not your fault it could've happened to any of us," Steve tries to console. "What if they kill him?" you ask, "Will it be my fault then." "Don't be scared for Clint," Steve answers. "I'm not scared, I just feel down that I couldn't save Clint from that." "Knowing Ultron and his ego, he probably won't kill Hawkeye just yet, not till he captures all of us," Steve assures,  "We'll find him and stop Ultron before it comes to that." 

Tony and Bruce in the meantime were looking through the computers for any indication that Ultron was in there. "Any luck getting those computers running?" Steve asks of the two. "Nothing so far," Tony answers, "In fact...it looks like these haven't been touched since the blackout." "Is it possible Ultron could operating from another power source around here?" you suggest. "Not when the entire facility is in black out," Bruce responds. "This doesn't make any sense," Rhodey ponders, "How is it Ultron managed to manufacturer all those robots without any power to this place whatsoever?" "Maybe he had all of them built prior to," Steve suggests. "That's a whole lot of robots to go through without anyone noticing," Nat points out, "Even Ultron isn't that good." 

"Yeah," Tony nods absentmindedly, "It's almost like all those robots are being made out of...thin air." At once Tony faces the team, like he figured it out, "I got it. What we're experiencing doesn't make sense, none of it does. The Iron Legion coming out of nowhere, Ultron just showing up out of the blue after so long, and (y/n) not being able to use her powers. It all connects. None of this-"

Before he could finish his explanation, dozens of robot arms smash through the walls, one gags Tony and the rest drag him through the wall."


Stand by for Part 3.

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