I Never Knew-Steve Rogers

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This was requested by  IshipWinterwitch

For this one, Steve had a relationship with the reader then leaves her, then fifteen years later, Steve discovers she has a daughter. I'm also trying my hand at making my stories a little more inclusive so be on the look out for that.


"I love you, Steve," you say as you and the Captain lay beneath the sheets after a late night tumble in the hay, "I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too," Steve says back, "I never thought I could love anyone else in this modern era. You proved me wrong." The two of you share a lingering kiss. Everything in this moment felt perfect, like nothing could possibly go wrong.

---------------End of Flashback------------

"I can't believe this diner is still around after all these years," Steve says as he, Bucky, and Sam walk in, "How come we haven't been here before?" 

"Well having to save the world three times a day kinda has a way of putting a damper on our casual outings," Sam jokes. "Yeah, that would do it," Steve deadpans, "Well less talk, let's get a seat, I'm starving." "Yeah, at this point I could eat a shark," Bucky agrees.

As the three Avengers sat down and looked over the menus, the waitress stops over and takes their drink orders.  During this time, several rowdy, young men had walked in and took their seats. When the waitress went up to take their orders, they didn't even hesitate to make inappropriate advances at her. When she walked away, one even went as far as to smack her behind.

This clear display of toxic masculinity did not go unnoticed by our heroes. When the waitress stepped outside to take a little break, those same men decide to follow her. Having some idea of where this was going, Steve, Sam, and Bucky stand up to follow as well.

The three Avengers snuck around the corner ready to jump those guys before they could touch the waitress, but before any of that could be done, someone else jumps up from out of nowhere and gets the jump on those men. It was a young teenage looking girl, who stopped those men in their tracks. "Think we should give her a hand?" Bucky asks. "Nah, I think she's got this," Same says with confidence.
It was true this girl could stand her ground. Her strength was unmatched, like it resembled Steve or Bucky's serum induced strength.

Before long, the toxic dude bros were fleeing with barely any of their dignity intact. At a loss for words, the three heroes step away from the corner they were skulking behind and approach this mysterious teenage hero.
"That was impressive," Steve states, getting the girl's attention. "Oh, uh thanks," she says shocked that the one and only Captain America was greeting her and complementing her prowess. And of course having Falcon and the Winter Soldier there to with the fight too was just as much a bonus, "You Captain America," she points, "And you guys...you're with the Avengers."

"You usually make a habit of getting the jump on raunchy boys and saving unsuspecting waitresses," Sam asks? "Only the ones who have a history of bad behavior," the girl points out, "These men work at this cooperate business somewhat or another and have been known for displaying...unsavory behavior. At least that's what my mom says. She's a journalist."

The three guys exchange looks, "How exactly did you get that super strength of yours, kid?" Bucky asks. "I was born with it I guess," the teen shrugs, "It was kinda something I discovered recently after I- never mind it's a story for another time." "Well," Steve offers, "If you're interested maybe we can help you to hone that strength of yours. Maybe work with us, something akin to an apprenticeship."

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