The Chase- T'challa

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I saw the teaser trailer for the new Black Panther movie and I have to say, I'm pretty pumped. One particular scene from the trailer got me thinking about the chase scene from Civil War which is the inspiration for writing this one-shot. Also the reader here has extra sensory powers that are similar to those of a canine.

You could feel the adrenaline coursing through every vein in your body as you run through the jungle, the Black Panther surely hot on your tail. You run past trees and jump through bushes until you found yourself at the edge of a cliff that was dangling over a waterfall.
A quick whiff of the air and you knew the Black Panther was close at hand. Even so you were very reluctant to jump. Your only other option would be to stand and fight.

Growing up as a social outcast in South Africa, due to your canine like extra sensory abilities and elongated fangs, stealing and fighting  to survive practically became a way of life for you; your closest friends were the African wild dogs that roamed the area and, in some way, helped you hone your canine senses. As you got older, your skills became known around the continent; people would hire you for various thieving jobs from something simple as food to officials documents and occasionally advanced technology. Your most recent job was requested by Ulysses Klaue who tasked you with stealing a rather important Wakandan artifact; you had been to Wakanda a few times when Klaue hired you to steal and smuggle vibranium out of that mysterious country.  This time it was different; this particular artifact must be really sacred to the Wakandans otherwise the feline king himself wouldn't be in pursuit along with the Dora Milaje.  You had been able to escape the Dora Milaje, but the Black Panther was going to be a little bit more difficult to evade.

In the present you turned and stood your ground right as King T'challa jumped from out of nowhere. There he stood in his vibranium enforced suit, claws at the ready. "You have taken something that does not belong to you," he spoke, "It would be in your best interest if you return it to me." you had considered using the dog whistle in your pocket, but it seemed unlikely your wild canine friends would be able to assist you in this area. "Bring it on," you say with confidence, "It wouldn't be the first time I fought someone because I took what's not mine." You bare your fangs to let him know you mean business. "It would not be wise to pick a fight with me," T'challa points out. "I've taken down cats bigger then you," you threaten. "Last chance," T'challa speaks with a stern voice, "I won't ask a second time."

Rather then heed his words, you continue your stand off. Then you and T'challa charge each other simultaneously. You used your fangs, he used his claws. It was difficult for you to get any bites in due to his vibranium suit; it was also that moment you did realize you may have made a big mistake. As you stood over the cliff once more, the Dora Milaje arrived as reinforcements. Outnumbered and pretty much at a disadvantage, there was only one thing you could do. "Just so you know, I've always been more of a dog person then a cat person," you joked right before you took the plunge into the waterfall. 

You manage to survive the "leap of faith" as you wearily crawled out from the river you were floating from. You took a whiff of the air, and knew for sure no one was after you at this very moment. Lucky for you, you had been able to hold onto your dog whistle, which was all you needed to call in some canine reinforcements. Sure enough, a pack of African wild dogs came to your aid and carried you all the way to wherever port Klaue was holed up in.

Once you made it to port you found Klaue and handed him the artifact. "This piece of Wakanda will cost a fortune on the black market," he said proudly. You smiled before taking a sudden whiff of the air, "Uh oh," you say, "he's heading this way." "You led them straight to us," Klaue accused. "No I didn't," you defend, "It wasn't intentional. I swear I didn't mean for this to happen." He suddenly pointed his gun at you, "by the time they find you, I'll be long gone with the artifact." "You can't do this," you say angrily, "Think about all the things I did for you. We have something good going and now you just shoot me without even blinking?" "Rest assure I'll think fondly of you every once in a while after this day."
Before he could pull the trigger, you punch the pistol away from him, "if this is how you treat your partners, then maybe you don't deserve what is rightfully mine," you bare your fangs, snatching the artifact away, "maybe I'll keep this for myself." Klaue's lackeys then came up and pointed their guns at you. "You're not going anywhere," he sneered, "Now hand over the artifact like a good little thief." You stood there, unwillingly to relent. You were still outnumbered though so you held out the artifact towards him reluctantly. Just as Klaue was about to take it from you, a familiar set of claws swipes Klaue's hands away from it. It came as a shock, but you figured you were so preoccupied you didn't sense the Black Panther was nearby.

You took advantage of this moment to take out some of Klaue's men, sinking your fangs both into metal and skin. The Black Panther took out the men that went after him with ease. More came out of one of Klaue's ships as reinforcements; but you had backup of your own. Using the dog whistle, you called your wild, canine friends to assist. Defeat seemed close in hand, so Klaue and his remaining men retreated from the port.

"I'm sorry he got away," you said to T'challa once the battle was over. "No need to worry," T'challa assured, "If the man is as foolish and insane as he looks, he will return." You hesitantly held the artifact to the Wakandan king, "I believe this belongs to you," you said shyly. T'challa took his mask off to reveal his face, "So the thief has a change of heart," the king raises an eyebrow. "Only when that bastard of an employer double crosses me and tries to kill me," you glare towards where Klaue escaped, "I didn't intend to take things this far. I only do this sort of thing to survive; it's the only way I know how to live." "What if there was another way to live," T'challa suggested. "Why would you help me?" you frown, "I sneak into your country and steal something sacred, why would do anything for me?" "You did return the artifact, that is a start," T'challa smiles, "One thing I learned in the short time I became king is that people can change; they can live different lives from the ones they knew before. If you come with me, I promise you can start a new life." "Would that new life include you in it?" you ask somewhat hopeful. "If that's what you want," T'challa replies, extending a hand, "The choice is yours."

One of the African wild dogs came up to you, and nudged your side. "I think I'll take you up on your offer," you answer, scratching behind the dog's ear, and taking his hand in your free hand. "But I'm still a dog person. So don't expect me to surround myself with a bunch of felines right away." That made T'challa chuckle.

After heading back to Wakanda, you and T'challa got into a private jet and flew across the Atlantic. "So where exactly are we going?" you ask. "New York," T'challa answered, "the start of your new life among new friends."

A little side note, I saw Wonder Woman the other day. It definitely exceeded expectations.

Avenger's One-shots and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora