The 45 Mile Endurance Race Part 1

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Yay! I have 1000 views so far. To celebrate, I'm going to write a two-part one-shot based on an episode from Fairy Tail. For this two-part event, the Avengers and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. take part in a annual foot race from Queens, New York all the way to Newark, New Jersey and back. (I checked Google maps, it's 22.6 miles going to and same going back again.) Fury and Coulson monitor the race and the person to finish last gets a punishment. Also for this one-shot the reader has wings to fly (Similar to Happy from Fairy Tail). There may be a few swear words here and there. Also for the heck of it I'll include Loki and Dr. Strange in this one too.

It was a bright sunny day in Queens as the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents gather at the starting line in preparation for one of the longest, grueling, and highly anticipated event of the year; the 45 mile endurance race. Since this was such a big event, people all over the city had gathered to watch; up front of the group was the reigning champion Pietro Maximoff, smirking with the knowledge that no one else can match his speed, and waving at the ladies on the side-lines who were dying to throw themselves at him. "I see Pietro is a fan favorite for this race," you, the newest recruit for the Avengers, point out. "Well he is the fastest one here," Wanda quips, "Everybody puts their money on Pietro every year." "Well, I sure hope they're prepared to lose their money," Tony boasts, "Cause, this year they'll be looking at a new champion." "Careful, that over inflated ego of yours doesn't slow you down before the race even begins, Stark," Loki warns as he stretches some. "Don't you worry about a thing, Reindeer Games," Tony assures, "I got me a secret weapon that's bound to get me first place."

You look to your right and see agents Fitz and Simmons doing some stretches. "I don't understand why we have to participate," Fitz groans, "We hardly work in the field as it is." "All available S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are required to do this every year, Fitz," Simmons explains, "We need to keep up with our physique and endurance."  You look to your left and notice Sam, Clint, and Scott guzzling down as much gatorade as they can. "Good stuff," Clint sighs, "Now I'm all ready to go." "How could you possibly down all 10 bottles in one sitting?" you asked surprised. "You can't possibly expect me to do this on an empty stomach now do you?" Clint asks back, "I need my fuel if I'm going to not finish last." "Yeesh, I never seen everyone all worked up over a simple event," you say to yourself. "That's because no one here wants to play the punishment game," Daisy tells you, "The one they had last year gave half the team nightmares." "I didn't sign up for a punishment game!" you exclaim. "Don't worry, (y/n)" Stephen Strange assures you, "As long as you don't finish last, you won't get punished."    

"Everyone listen up!" Fury's voice booms from the microphone, "As you all know, the main keys to accomplishing any mission are intelligence and endurance which is the reason I organized this annual race all these years ago as motivation for all agents to keep these traits in balance. To start off the race, I'll let Agent Coulson here take over." Fury hands the mic over to Phil, "Thank you, Director Fury. The rules of the race are very simple," Phil explains, "You all will race from the starting line all the way to a checkpoint in Newark, New Jersey. There at the checkpoint we set up some stone tablets which you are to collect one and bring it all the way back here to complete the race. You cannot forfeit the race under any circumstances at any time. Since it is every man and woman for themselves, you will be using your skills against each other for this race."

"One more thing," Fury chides in, "After careful consideration we have a new restriction in place this year. After numerous complaints from last year, the use of weapons, gadgets, or any sort of genetic or mystical enhancement that allows flight is forbidden." That made you and some of the other team members groan. "Any other powers or weapons are allowed," Fury continues. "Ah shit," Tony grumbles, "guess I'm gonna have to make some adjustments to my secret weapon." "Fury is really going all out this year," Natasha comments. "And remember," Fury announces, "Whoever comes in last, will have to face the most horrific punishment I've come up with this year." You could have sworn you saw a slight evil smirk on Fury's face as he said those words. "I knew Fury is a badass, but I never expected him to be sadistic," you mutter. "Yeah we're all pretty sure he only throws this event for the punishment game," Sam comments. "Oh, quit complaining you two, it's embarrassing," Bucky grumbles, "If the one who finishes last gets punished than don't come in last." "You may have a point there, James," Natasha quips, "however, I believe when it comes to a race, you best give it your all." "I don't suppose the Hulk will be participating in this race?" you turn to Bruce. "Sadly no," Bruce replies, "After what happened last year I think it's best the other guy sits this one out." "I don't think I want to know what happened," you comment.

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