Shirtless- Thor

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I got this idea after reading this tidbit on Pinterest from an interview with  Chris Hemsworth and director Taika Waititi:

I got this idea after reading this tidbit on Pinterest from an interview with  Chris Hemsworth and director Taika Waititi:

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Hilarity, maybe some fluff, and just Thor being shirtless (as the title explains).

"Well, I think that went better than expected," Clint smirks in pride as the team head back to the compound via the quinjet. "Yeah try telling that to Mr. Point Break over," Tony nods at Thor who upper torso was covered in dirt. "I was under the impression that the whole 'dirty bomb' didn't actually mean a bomb that exploded mud all over the place," Clint defends, "At least Thor here was able to stop it from spreading and covering us."

"It's going to take a good while to clean this off," Thor comments. "I can take care of that," you offer, a spare tunic in your hands, "I always keep spares in the quinjet for just this sort of situation." "Very well," Thor nods, proceeding to remove his armor and tunic. As he was doing so, you couldn't help but stare at his toned muscles and rock hard abs. It was almost as if he really was sculpted to look like a Norse god.
You were so preoccupied with gazing at Thor's six-pack you didn't hear him saying your name. "(Y/n)?" Thor calls a little louder finally grasping you away from your slightly untamed daydream, "Huh, what?" "I believe you were about to hand me the spare tunic?" he extends a hand. "Oh right," you quickly respond, handing the tunic over so Thor could put it on. "Sorry, it's been a long day, I guess I was spacing out from exhaustion," you quickly offer for an excuse. Thor nods and sits back down; some of the team however was not oblivious to the moment of infatuation you had for the shirtless blonde Asgardian. 

----------time skip: several weeks later---------

Ever since that fateful day, you've been secretly planning out every opportunity you could just to see Thor shirtless. Such schemes would range from your hiding his shirts to you "accidentally" spilling your drink all over his shirt and he'd have to take it off. Sure it may seem disconcerting, but hey even a few seconds of being able to gaze at his abs was worth it to you.  You took time to not do this everyday so as the blonde wouldn't suspect you were doing these things on purpose.

While Thor only seemed to view these events as pure coincidence, some on the team knew what you were really up to.

Case in point: this morning you had just finished preparing yourself a cup of coffee when Thor walked in. Planning your steps you pretend you were still somewhat tired and unfocused; you run into Thor which caused you to spill some of your coffee onto his shirt. "Oops," you feign remorse, "Sorry, Thor." "Ugh, (y/n), I swear, it feels you're becoming more and more clumsy everyday," Thor sighs, seemingly annoyed, "To paraphrase you mortals if I had a nickel for every time this happened, I'd be as rich as Stark." "Well, I don't know what to tell ya, buddy," you shrug, "It takes a while for me to become aware of my surroundings this early in the morning. Look, I think I might have something to remove the stain, why don't you remove your shirt and I'll go it."

Thor merely nods and proceeds to remove his shirt, and of course, you had to take this time to savor the moment. You leave though before you could linger too long and before the blonde could become suspicious.

As you were leaving the kitchen, while stealing a few quick glances while you were at it, you bumped into Loki. You noticed the way his arms were crossed, almost as if he was rather cross with you. "Good morning," you casually greet, still aware you were still in possession of Thor's stained shirt, "I sorta spilled coffee on Thor again." "Like you've been doing every other day for the last several weeks?" Loki raises an eyebrow. "Oh.." you say realizing you've been made, "I guess someone on the team was bound to figure it out eventually."
"I think everyone on the team, excluding my witless brother, figured it out since day one," Loki confirms. "What?" you feign disbelief, "There's no way..."
To prove it, Loki stops Natasha who was on her way to the kitchen, nodding that you had another stained shirt of Thor's again, "Oh, I see someone wanted an early start with the fan service today," Nat comments. "It's not fan service, Thor was walking into the kitchen, and I just happened to bump into him and spill my cup of coffee." "Like you've been doing every other day for the last several week?" Nat raises an eyebrow. "It's all been a pure coincidence," you offer for a poor excuse, which neither of the two accusers bought.

"Oh come on, like nobody else ever thought to do something like this before," you exasperate, "And what's so wrong about trying to take a peak at the goods every once in a while?" "It starts to become a problem when it becomes an obsession," Nat points out as she leaves. "It's not an obsession," you deny. "Denial," Loki coughs out. "it's not," you defend. "Oh come now, (y/n), it's no secret to anyone you are infatuated with my brother's looks," Loki points out. " is something to behold," you admit, "Those chiseled muscles, that six-pack, those pecks..." "You know you have a little bit of drool right there," Loki points to the corner of your mouth. "Okay, okay, fine," you wipe the corner of your mouth, "Maybe I do have a problem. But how else am I suppose to see Thor shirtless." "You could always ask," Loki suggests. "What, no that would be too weird," you shake your head. "Oh, I don't know," Loki contradicts, "There are times when I think he seems to actually enjoying your gazes." "What makes you say that?" you frown, only to feel another presence behind you, "He's standing right behind isn't he?" you close your eyes then turn around to see Thor, in his bare chested glory, staring in disbelief.

You nervously speak up, " much did you-" "The whole thing," Thor glares, crossing his arms, "You think this is funny, (y/n), scheming to stain my shirts and tunics just so you could stare at me like some piece of meat?" "I prefer to think of it as instant eye candy," you nervously smile; you knew you should be sorry for your deceit, but it was kinda hard to take the blonde Asgardian seriously right now with his chest exposed,  "Oh, I'm sorry, Thor, I couldn't help myself."

To be honest, Thor wanted to be mad at you, but it was hard to be when you were looking kinda cute; secretly Thor kinda had a crush on you, and you actually liking what you saw was in some twisted way rather flattering. "You..really like what you see?" he asks, slightly smirking. "Okay, I see where this is going," Loki quips before taking off, "I'll leave you two to talk alone."

"I do," you nod, blushing a little. "how about this?" Thor flexes his arms, and you had to contain yourself from swooning and/or drooling. You shake yourself outta that trance so you could speak, "So if I had actually asked, would you do this more often?" "Possibly," Thor nods, "Perhaps we can come to an arrangement." "We can discuss it over dinner," you suggest. "Very well," Thor happily accepts, "but seriously, (y/n), I'm more than just brawn, you know. I'm not a piece of meat."

You chuckle a little; feeling bold, you approach the Asgardian and lean almost as if you were gonna kiss him. Instead, even though Thor was kinda expecting the kiss, you lean near his ear and cheekily whisper, "Yes you are."

Only one more day till Infinity War comes out. Anyone else pumped?

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