What's a Captain Without His Shield?- Sam Wilson

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I'm long overdue for a Sam one-shot but I thought about this after thinking about Sam being the next Captain America.
Don't get me wrong, I have been wanting to see Sam take up the shield, but I was kinda hoping the films would go about it chronologically and have Bucky take the mantle first. But in hindsight it kinda makes sense that Sam takes it up seeing that Steve is an old man now, and that's kinda the premise of how Sam became Captain America in the comics.

Anyway I was thinking what if Sam starts his job as Captain America and on the first day he misplaces the shield. He then freaks out and begins to suspect someone may have taken it on purpose to make him look bad (Bucky being the prime suspect of course).

Some language here and there in this one.

"So what do you think?" Sam asks you as he holds up the shield, that which for the longest tine was America's symbol of hope and the weapon that had been most associated with the one and only Steve Rogers aka Captain America. Now that Steve was an old man, as a result of staying in time after putting the infinity stones back where they belong and living his own life, it was time for someone else to take the mantle.

"I think it suits you," you say in response to Sam's question. In truth, for Sam, this really was a high honor that Steve had considered him fit to become the next Captain America. "You know, I'm kinda surprised Old Cap would even think of me to take this," Sam honestly admits. "Why would you say that?" you ask. "Well, I always figured if someone else would take up the shield it would be Barnes," Sam explains, "He was Steve's best friend first, they did fight side by side in World War 2. Even before becoming the Winter Solider, he was a hero in his own right as one of the Howling Commandos. Being Captain America's childhood friend alone though, would've probably made his super hero resume better than mine."

"Hey, don't sell yourself short, Wilson," you lightly scold, "You're a hero in your own right too as the Falcon. A seasoned army veteran, a superhero and Avenger, and someone who's also fought alongside Captain America against HYDRA among other things. And don't forget, you just helped save the universe not too long ago." "Huh, I guess I did do all those things," Sam smirks a little, feeling a sense of pride that he is indeed a well established superhero in his own right too. "If none of that is enough merit for you to be the next Captain America, I don't know what is," you continue, "So trust me when I say, you have more than earned this new position,  Captain Wilson." "Well sense you put it that way, Captain Wilson does have a nice ring to it," Sam admits, "Alright, I'm on board now more than ever."

"Yay!" you giddly say before pulling Sam into a hug, "You're gonna do great things as the new Cap, Sammy, I just know it." "Thanks, (y/n), that means a lot coming from you," Sam smiles, "However," he looks at the shield, "I am going to need a new costume to go with it. I don't think any of Steve's old ones are going to fit me so well...especially the one that didn't exactly do justice for his ass."

You laugh at that last part, "I'll place in some design models to Hill or Fury, I'm sure they can think of something. It'll have to be done overnight seeing that your official announcement to the public is tomorrow." "Oh yeah I forgot about that," Sam realizes, "No pressure than huh?" "Hey, you'll do just fine," you assure, "It may take some time for some people to adjust, but you'll do great." "Right, cause God forbid to some people that the next Cap have darker skin," Sam jokes. "Eh, haters gonna hate, what can you do?" you shrug, "Only thing that matters is Steve and all our other friends know you're the right man for the job." 

-----------The Next Day-------------------

It was early in the morning when Sam had woken up, and he was practically on edge with his nerves. It was bad enough that he didn't much sleep last night, but the order you placed for his new costume hadn't arrived yet, and now he was wondering what he was going to do for a backup. He could probably attempt to hem one of Steve's old costumes and hope he can get it to fit him, or maybe just wear what he wore as Falcon and carry the shield with him, hoping that people would buy that it's just a temporary look either way.

Avenger's One-shots and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora